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Chapter 286 Qianhezi is dead

"...Ugh." Qianhezi hesitated for a few seconds, but decided to go for it, "Forget it, just treat it as the conditions of the era I was born in."

After that, whether it is the toilet or dining, we can summarize it in a few words with "near misses".

For some reason, Chizuruko, who had been in the toilet for nearly half an hour, came back with her body bent as if she had shied away, and cursed in her belly with a tongue-tied voice that "the toilet is a devil's cave"; Crounpis complained about Xiao

The taste of the meals recommended by En is still up to standard, but there is too much sugar and oil, which is not friendly to Chizuru and the lip worms in the throat.

In fact, there are several kinds of synthetic food that are friendly to all races, are directly molded by magic, and are very cheap. But it is said that the taste is strange——

In fact, it has a pure condiment taste. The magic synthetic food is not delicious, so it relies entirely on condiments for seasoning. It is very popular with some people who can only eat whole grains on weekdays.

There are similar things in the area of ​​​​Clawnpisi's influence, but the taste is much worse than here, and it is not as nutritious as the special food specially prepared for Chizuru during the examination, so it can only be used as emergency food. Maybe this can be used

Get a recipe and take it back to have a look.

Chizuru wanted to give it a try, but she stopped when she saw those dishes on another table.

In Crounpisi's eyes, that thing was quite different from what she understood. Eating it had the effect of allowing magic power to flow in the body. It was harmless to ordinary creatures, and might make them more energetic in a short period of time, but it could affect their abilities.

For the reader Chizuru, eating it must be like using magic to directly rupture a blood vessel.

Crownpis didn't want to eat the part that Chizuru and Chizuru couldn't eat - they just ignored Sean's "Operation Disc" appearance of putting everything in his pocket.

After finishing the meal, Crownpis took out a bottle of white wine and a bottle of ale from the large pile of wine packed by the clerk, and asked Sean to drink a few glasses together until Chizuru's waist recovered, otherwise it would be difficult to let her go.

She continued riding.

After Chizuru finished recovering, they left the Golden Mai Hotel. Chizuru was somewhat interested in the snow-white unicorn. She saw that although the cub was smaller than a horse, it was as tall as a bicycle. She wanted to ride on it and try, but was unhappy.

The unicorn poked its buttocks with its horn. Judging from the red-stained sharp horn, it looked like it was painful.

Crownpiss asked: "Isn't it true that a pure girl can ride a unicorn?"

"No," Sean waved his hands speechlessly and explained very seriously, "I think the unicorn you are talking about is not the same kind as this one. In addition to having one more horn than the same horse, its skin is more beautiful, smooth and strong.

Some have greater strength, but have no other advantages. Their speed and endurance are weaker than horses. If you want to use it as a pack horse, it is more suitable for short-distance, high-heavy tasks."

"That's it, you know, you're losing money." Crownpiss picked up Chizuruko, whose waist and buttocks were injured one after another, and decided, "Okay, let's go to the next place."

Chiheko whispered softly: "Lilith, I..."

Crownpis jumped twice: "Ah, it doesn't matter, you are very light."

Chizuruko: "Please stop shaking, please..."

Sean: "In that case, do guests need to rent a bus?"

Crownpiss shook his head: "No, no need. The buses here are much worse than those over there. Although it is okay to use rubber rings in the wheels to absorb shock, I really hope they can add shock absorbers to the suspension.

Load it up. The horse is temporarily counter-summoned, so please help lead the unicorn."

Sean: "I understand. Could you please introduce me to the buses you know?"

Crownpiss: "That's no problem."

After that, we walked and chatted, and visited a few stores and service facilities that we thought were worthy of inspection.

Crownpis was quite satisfied with the way Sean was sometimes surprised by things that were commonplace in the area from the Northwest Continent to Titania.

After that, Sean offered to go to the amusement park. For ordinary people, it seems that they can't truly understand the greatness of Ainz Ooal Gown without a trip to the main city.

Crownpis just rolled her eyes at this. Since she had attended Ainz Ooal Gown's wedding, and it was a place that boasted a reputation as an entertainment venue, she had certainly been there.

To be honest, she felt that there was nothing special about it except that the materials and facilities mainly used things from this world. It felt no different from a theme park with themes from different worlds.

Although she also understands that this is probably new enough for people in this world.

"Lilith, can I go take a look?" Chizuruko, who was still on Crounpisi's back, asked.

Crounpis shook the ear that had been touched by her mouth just now, and thought to herself: "Speaking of which, she was born in the middle of the twentieth century in the forbidden world. She developed superpowers and was frozen until the twenty-first century before thawing and waking up.

I have been in Anbu all my life, so it is natural for me to be unfamiliar with this."

"Well, let's just look at the difference between when that guy is doing something special to support the scene, and what it is like in normal times." Crownpiss said to Sean, "But the rest is probably like that, it's still a zoo.

Theaters and acrobatic troupes have the most practical significance for Ainz Ooal Gown to promote majesty, so go there. Anyway, Chizuru's waist and hips are not strong enough now, so it is not convenient for her to play there."



As soon as they entered the zoo gate of the amusement park, they heard the roar of a dragon in the distance, which startled Chizuru. Thanks to the fact that Crounpis was still carrying her, she didn't fall down.

"Wow, it's really a little different from last time." Crounpis said as she looked at the extra giant figures from a distance.

Chizuru: "Then...is that the dragon in Western Fantasy?"

Although there are various monsters and monsters in the park, as well as other animals that are either beautiful or strange in appearance, the size of those dragons is quite large compared to other species.

"Western Fantasy?" Sean didn't understand this proper term, but it didn't stop him from guiding him. "There are other powerful monsters in this park, including dragons, but some of them are not accessible to ordinary people. Even if they have cages and

Seals, sometimes their coercion is enough to have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of ordinary people. Look, there is also a warning sign over there saying "Watch from fifty meters away", but these new dragons can get close.

Watching from a distance. I heard from the garden that it is completely under the absolute control of that adult. Even if there is no seal or cage like now, it is very safe to get close."

Crounpis felt that she had never seen those dragons before, but those dragon heads felt a little familiar to her.

When they got closer, and after Sean began to explain the signs in a lively manner, she suddenly realized——

self devourer!

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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