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Chapter 310 The magic height is one zhang

The Northern Army's infiltration was eventually discovered by the enemy.

Mordred immediately activated his Noble Phantasm [clarent blood arthur] and destroyed a Confederate warship with one blow. Without stopping, he stepped forward and rushed towards the nearby Confederate warship.

Warship ship.

It's best if she can be captured and used. There are shipyards in the north that can build warships. Even though they have been unable to build ships recently due to harassment by the southern army, it will be natural and complete for her who once mastered the use of all means of transportation due to the Holy Grail War to learn how to use them.

no problem.

There is no need to use the warship for combat on the spot, you only need to capture it and start it and drive away. Warships that operate with magic are sometimes so easy to operate. Other aspects can be left to the professionals under your command to study.

If it doesn't work, just destroy it as much as possible. Unfortunately, the Noble Phantasm cannot be fired many times in a row, especially now when it is far away from Momonga and the amount of magic gained is not high, otherwise why bother?

Unexpectedly, the ship she just stepped on also turned into light particles and dissipated!

On the other side, the same situation happened to the ships attacked by the Northern Army troops.

Everyone just fell from a height of eight meters in the air!

Mordred flipped in the air and landed gracefully on one knee.

There were some magic casters in the team on the other side, and they each performed their duties and cast a few magics as a buffer. Although most of them landed awkwardly, some even stacked up on top of each other. Fortunately, in order to move as quickly and stealthily as possible at the beginning, they did not wear heavy clothing.

The metal armor has little kinetic energy when it hits the ground, so it looks like your life is safe.

"Hey, is this phenomenon a reverse summoning? I have never heard that such a large battleship can be reverse summoned. What are the intelligence officers doing? Get up all of them and prepare to fight!"

Mordred roared and raised the royal sword in his hand.

She never thought about retreating. Among the people she brought this time were three "Nine Colors" and more than ten experts in the heroic field or close to the heroic field in the army. The rest were at least equivalent to platinum level combat power, which could be

It is said that they brought a considerable proportion of the elite of the Northern Army.

There are only baggage troops left here, and there are no high-fire battleships. Under the premise that the city defenses cannot function at this distance, even if Mordred does not fight with all his strength and does not seek to occupy this place, he will kill all the enemy troops and destroy supplies.

It can still be done.

The war is not only about strength, but also about logistics. Destroying the supplies here is enough to deal a big blow to the Confederate army. Especially there are many expensive artillery shells here that cannot be intercepted by low-level magic.

Originally, there was no such plan due to the existence of the battleship. It was originally planned to destroy as much damage as possible when given the opportunity, but now it does not prevent Mordred from adapting to the situation and turning it into the main combat purpose.

Suddenly, a large number of searchlights lit up on the towers of the city wall, and magical light shone from everywhere and enveloped them.

Immediately afterwards, with explosions and smoke like cannons coming from three places on the city wall, a large wave of cannonballs that looked like they could be held with one hand fell towards them.

"Cut." Mordred swung out a streak of red thunder with his sword, smashing all the cannonballs aimed at her.

"Hmph, you dare to use magic cannonballs in front of me." Through the feeling of destroying the cannonballs, Mordred felt contempt in his heart.

Her magic resistance is no longer private information, and the shells that activate magic to cause damage after hitting the target have no ability to explode. If intercepted and destroyed, they will have no lethality at all.

Her eyes fell on the guy who was shooting at her.

"What is that, new equipment? But the things to do have not changed."

What she didn't know was that if Ainz saw that look here, he might yell something like "Sir, times have changed?!" or "Mecha girl?!" or "You're on the wrong set!"

The masters of the Northern Army on the other side didn't know what they were facing, so they were unwilling to be outdone and showed their abilities.

Martial arts and magic that were advanced enough for mortals were unleashed, ready to break through the city wall immediately after blocking a wave of enemy volleys.

The city wall is eight meters high, but it is not difficult for Mordred to use it specially and intensively.

But what happened was counterproductive. The impact of the shells shattered their defensive martial arts and magic. The high heat, shock waves and flying shrapnel caused most of them to die instantly!

It’s not that their actual ability to deal with shelling is weak. It’s hard not to detect powerful heavy artillery that can destroy them instantly. Experts will never face that kind of terrible shelling head-on, and the effort required to defend the artillery array

The energy and ingredients are also absolutely high. After all, cannons cannot be used in close combat. There are various concealment methods in this world. If the enemy elite breaks into the "special operations", it will be difficult to resist. This is not far from the range, and can be controlled by soldiers, livestock, and vehicles.

Pulled field guns are different. They are expensive and should not be used as consumables.

However, in their eyes, what was fired was really just a small shell that was no different from a small field artillery shell!

Although the "Nine Colors" magic caster Weiski was accelerated out of the explosion range by another "Nine Colors" warrior Fransc using seven levels of martial arts at the critical moment, his defensive magic was shattered and he was still hit by flying rubble.

and other fragments were shot all over him in blood.

Wisky discovered the clues. It was difficult to maintain consciousness for much longer. At worst, he would lose blood and fall into a coma. He shouted: "Franck! That, I'm afraid that is... a hand-held magic cannon made according to the size of a giant."

, it is already huge. After being transformed into a magic prop... it is given to us humans as equipment, and it is shrunk to fit the human body shape... It is made! The power will not change due to shrinkage!"

No wonder Mordred didn't notice it. She didn't understand magic at all. The difference in the feeling of breaking through those cannonballs was actually not much. Because of the ability of "resisting magic", in her eyes, there was not much difference between those things no matter how powerful they were.

Then another wave of artillery shells came. Although Fransc quickly retreated with Wisky in his arms to avoid the explosion, he was forced to use him as a shield from the physical level and was suddenly scattered by countless iron projectiles from the explosion.

It turned into a hornet's nest.

"If this continues...we will all be...finished! I will...buy...time, leave me alone!" Wisky, who had been fatally injured and understood that this time was really doomed, said with difficulty.

Fransc let go of Wisky with heartache. He was no longer a "burden". As the fastest warrior in this mission, he activated two magic props that applied buffs on his body, while dodging all the incoming shells.

He also used defensive martial arts to deflect the less powerful projectiles, and ran towards Mordred, who was still facing the cannonballs as they rushed up the city wall.

He must report this information to Mordred, and I'm afraid she is the safest around her.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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