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Chapter 321 The Power of Devouring

Fundirete said to Melphis: "Isn't it natural to worry? You are Miko. When you hear the voice of God at this time, there must be decisive news, right? Can you tell me about it?"

"Nothing bad happened. If there is any problem, it is that the Saint's unconfirmed attack almost hit Master Crounpis. But please rest assured, it is only to this extent, Crounpis.

The adults will not make any calculations or give cruel punishments." Melphis said.

As for what Crounpis was doing there, there is no comment on that. When recorded, it could only be written that she was cooperating with the saint to subdue the devil. Everyone knew this.

"Merriface, do you think that demon is useful to Rampads? If so, I would like to apply for the demon to be handed over to me."

"That demon didn't have much effect on Master Crounpis. In fact, the demon made Crounpis laugh and cry. Dealing with it personally felt like a slap in the face for his past actions. But, you shouldn't be filial.

"How about Fluder Paradine and Luna Cherud, who have also been of great help to your growth?" Melphis asked.

She thought that Fundirete must want to get rid of the demon. The relationship between Fundirette and Ashley was basically known to the temple's senior officials and the goblin priests, so Ashley was asked to "influence" the demon and use her natural powers to

Everyone is also well aware of the nature of his abilities and what he will do to succeed. As the archbishop, Fundirete will take the overall situation into consideration and not openly oppose it, which does not mean that she will not settle accounts later.

"Don't worry. As a bishop, I will never go against any divine will, and as a human being, I will never be ungrateful. Please stay tuned, God and teacher." Fundirete put her hands on her chest to show her confidence, smiling.

He said, eyes narrowed to a slit.


After the fifth watch——

The wall of fire surrounding Owentar has disappeared, and the demons and undead who have lost their restraints and reinforcements have begun to spread riots.

Before that, the Imperial Army hastened to surround the Imperial Capital, resisting and destroying the disorderly army spreading outward.

Based on the Saint's information, the Air Force also sent a force and experienced adventurers to the area where citizen survivors were held in the city, ordering them to guard that area to protect the citizens.

The roar of artillery, the explosion of cannonballs and the light of magic explosions illuminated the sky in the east that was gradually turning white.

But this has nothing to do with Crounpis who teased the cross-dressing devil not long ago.

She no longer had a role to play in the forcibly extended final battle of the "Hundred Years Aftershock". She had originally planned to go check on Yugali's situation and confirm some experimental records to see if there was any improvement in her development.

After getting some help, he started to officially discuss the matter of Shiro Otohime, but now he was invited by Miko Hime and Saint to watch a show.

"It's almost dawn, and you actually asked me to watch the 'secret meeting in the forest' between the devil dressed as a woman and the new archbishop? How dare you waste my time? If there is nothing interesting, are you ready to be punished? Isn't it the only one?

Is it like playing in the wild and wrestling?"

Crownpis cast [perfect unknowable] on herself, Merriface and Ashley, and sat more than ten meters away from the devil and Fundirete to watch.

Fundirete was in a state where the "Dream Summoning" relied on the power of Crounpisi. She leaned against the tree and made very intimate movements with the devil dressed as a woman.

This made Crounpisi's eyelids and the corners of his mouth twitch. Fundilete's current state was like that of Crounpisi's clone.

"Originally I thought he was just a scalper, but it looks like he might be true."

Crownpiss was talking to herself, and glanced at Merriface and Ashley, who were standing on the left and right, and found that Merriface looked envious and jealous, while Ashley was obviously uneasy.


"What are you thinking about, you two? One of you hopes that I will give you some rewards, and the other hopes that I will help you if you are in trouble when you become a bishop, right?" Crounpis patted the two of them on the head unceremoniously.

Merriface: "It's true, Mr. Crownpiss, I'm just a little jealous that I came so late and was closer to Mr. Crownpiss than anyone else because I was obviously the first... Hmm

, I don’t deny that I want it, I’m just thinking about it. If I have the opportunity to get such a reward, I will find a way to use my performance to win it.”

Ashley: "I'm really ashamed. I've experienced the devil's tricks. I feel uneasy when I think of Lady Fundilete actually doing it for me..."

Crownpis touched the heads of the two of them and said with a smile: "Meili, just try your best, it all depends on my mood. As for Ashley, just take a good look with your eyes, eh

, their actions became more intense, and they began to fight in the wild..."

Crownpis's words seemed to suggest that she was driving, but in fact, what started to happen before her eyes was exactly what she said - there was no ambiguity in the literal meaning.

In this wild place, Fundilete took advantage of the fact that the devil had been stunned by flirting and was about to do business, and when her defenses were at a minimum, she brazenly launched her proud technique!

The level of Fundirete in the "Dream Summoning" state is as high as level 116, while the demon is only level 90. Suppressing the demon is a matter of course.

Although it has nothing to do with Karma, the demon that originally became so powerful by devouring Crownpith and its forces and the power of Ainz's summoned units was instead defeated by Fundire, who had learned to seize the power of devouring demons.

Too much to eat.

But this scene was not friendly. The experienced Crounpiss and Melphis could watch it indifferently, while Ashley covered her eyes with her hands and secretly observed Fundirete through the gaps between her widely opened fingers.

A scene where the entire demon body is directly inhaled with the body.

Finally, the devil's women's clothing and wig fell to the ground. Fundilete was silent for a moment, turned around, held her face, and said in a tone very similar to the devil: "Wow, this body is really good."

"Hmph, you devil really don't let me be bored. Not only do you like women's clothing, but you also don't let go of women's bodies?" Crounpis smiled, jumped up, and swept towards Fendi Lei with a roundhouse kick.

His head.


Ashley screamed and blasted a seventh-level magic towards the location where the demon had been sucked in.

"Wait for me--"

Before Fundilete, who was frantically trying to stay elegant and dodge the unexpected attack, could finish speaking, a snake-scorpion sword flew towards the ground and bound one of her feet.

When Merriface pulled her, she was forced to do a big split and almost fell down.

This chapter has been completed!
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