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Chapter 8 The Moderate Clown

Seeing that Katori, who had been bought and sold before, was trying to change the subject, Crowenpis said quickly: "I just hope that you will usually stand outside the door to deal with ordinary visitors, and be available when called for errands."

"Is she the maid?"

"So that's it."

"Recently, Caijin's workshop has created a lot of high-end experimental equipment. Some of the best products are much better than mature mass-produced weapons. I will say hello, without affecting the selection of Rimuru and the ghosts.

You are free to choose a weapon." Crownpiss added.

"Thank you very much, Lord Crownpiss." x 2

Crounpis looked at their backs as they thanked and left, and said to herself: "Well, although this level is not very noticeable in this world, I hope it can attract the attention of other visitors from other worlds. The probability is not high.

It would be nice to have a chance to win over ‘companions’.”

"Has Master actually thought of this? I thought Master was just doing it for pleasure. It seems that I am also a little superficial." Ultima admired her.

In her mind, Cronpis said that the so-called "fighting for companions" was just nonsense. In fact, she simply wanted to see the costumes prepared by these monsters for her from an external perspective. She really just wanted to be happy.

"Huh, next, Ultima, you can continue to your original job. Have you ever been responsible for the training of monsters?" Cronpis asked.

"Lao Bai is usually responsible for this. There are not many monsters participating in the training, and they don't need my help. The current monster team with goblins as the main combat force is not worthy of my training. The ghosts often use it with me.

Practice by sparring." After Ultima answered, she immediately took the initiative to ask for instructions, "Master, do you need anything? If you want a specific object to become stronger, I can immediately arrange hell-level training; if you want to quickly

If you want to expand your combat power, there is no need to specially cultivate weak monsters, I can offer you my purple followers immediately."

"Okay, let me give you a try first... No, show me your training ability. These two will trouble you first, remember to introduce them to others."

Crownpis clapped her hands and threw out the two weakest fairies in her current creation and summoning units - Fabritis and Ivonia.


Gavilu and his followers were cursing.

They were envoys sent by the Lizardman tribe to "gather" the monsters and prepare to fight against the Pig-headed Emperor. However, they were defeated by a Hob Goblin named Gobta in that town.

"That guy attacked by surprise!"

"A despicable guy like that is not worth keeping as a companion!"

"In this case, it might be a good thing to part ways with them."



Gavilu's subordinates were loyal and tried to comfort Gavilu through one nostril.

Then a group of lizards burst out laughing.

Taking advantage of Gavilu's improved mood, another subordinate said: "By the way, I think it's really puzzling for Gaviru-sama to be the warrior commander... No, no... don't be angry! I mean, compared to the warrior commander, Gaviru

Sir Avelu is more suitable to be a leader! Sir Avelu is indeed very strong, but he is also old and it’s time to retire. Now is the era of the young and energetic Gavilu!”

The other lizardmen all agreed.

"But..." Gavilu hesitated a little.

The leader Avelu is Gavilu's father. He still respects his father very much and has always worked hard to achieve results to gain his father's approval.

Even if he had no awareness that his stinky personality was detrimental to his development because of the followers around him, he could not change his respect and love for his father.

"Let's go back first." He said.

Although he was defeated in a monster town, he still gathered thousands of monsters under his command. Before, because the lizardmen were weak compared to the pig-headed army, his father was timid in combat command. Now he must be waiting for him.

After that, he can counterattack in one fell swoop, defeat the Pig-Headed Emperor, and prove his abilities to his father. It is only natural that he should abdicate his father's throne to take care of his old age.

However, on the way back, a man casually talked to him, minding his own business.

"My name is Laplace, and I am the vice-president of the 'Mediocre Clown' in the House of Everything. This time I am working for Lord Carmude, and I want to help Mr. Gavilu."

He has a funny accent, wears an asymmetrical smiley mask, and his clothes are vulgar, a brightly colored and exaggerated clown costume.

If Clownpiss dressed up in a clown costume to make himself cute and conspicuous, Laplace deliberately showed off his ugliness to make ordinary things look noble.

Even though it was so suspicious, because the other party reported the name of the person who gave Gaviru the name, they treated Laplace with respect.

"I have some bad news to tell you. Averu is not waiting for you to go back. Instead, it has formed an alliance with the town you just went to. It plans to abandon the lizard people's wetlands and wait for reinforcements. You will also come to remonstrate.

Those retainers were locked up."


"How to treat our companions like this!"

"It seems that the leader is really old and confused."

"Lord Gaviru, now is the time to resist!"

The people and words should have been very suspicious, but this wave of lizardmen were already in the middle of their anger, and following their original thoughts of rebellion, their heads were basically shut down.

But he wasn't lying, and the mastermind behind the invasion of him and the Pig-Headed Emperor was naturally wearing a pair of pants. Since they sent demons to name many monsters, they certainly found out that there seemed to be competitors, but it didn't matter.

, as long as the overall intensity of the war is increased and the number of monsters participating in the war is increased, changes in many of the variables can indirectly increase the probability of achieving the conditions for the Demon King's awakening. It doesn't matter who names it. The intelligence and news given are also true, but they differ depending on the timing.

There will be quite a different effect.

Under the instigation of his subordinates, Gavilu finally decided to overthrow his father, take over the army and take the initiative to fight.

"Oh, it's really ugly that a stupid creature on the ground wants to fly into the sky."

Gavilu and others were shocked.

"Pi...Mr. Picosi!" Of course he knew the winged blond girl who suddenly appeared. She was the one who gave his father his name.

But he stretched out his paws doubtfully: "Is this...really?"

Originally, Picoxi's breast size shouldn't be this big. Could it be that she is in the lactation period?

There is also the possibility of fakes - in this case, someone pretending to be Picosi.


"Bang!" Gaviru, who had confirmed the truth, was instantly hit on the chin by Picosi's rising dragon punch. He immediately spiraled into the sky, plummeted down, and was stuck upside down in the ground.

Picosi clapped his hands in disgust to shake off the non-existent dirt, and looked at Laplace.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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