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Chapter 92 Milim's Best Weapon

"[Omniscient King Remiel]!"

While calling out skills, Crounpisi drew out an A-level dagger from the "King's Treasure House" and activated [Advanced Equipment Strengthening 10] to attach [torchlight hecate] again to resist.

"Zheng! Boom! Clang!"

The moment the overflowing magic element exploded, Crounpith raised his lightsaber upwards, swinging the sword wave that would have cut open his own city into the air. Even so, the aftermath also blew down several "paper buildings" on the edge.


The dagger in Clunpisi's hand also had cracks and distortions visible to the naked eye.

"That sword... was born together with the creation of the world. Not to mention its simple cutting power and ability, its personality is equal to the world itself, isn't it? The survival of living beings depends on the world, and the world is higher than the belief of living beings. No wonder [

The Hell Realm will be split open by violence." Clawnpisi said secretly.

Crownpis defended herself with a physical Noble Phantasm with one hand, and constantly waved her lightsaber with the other hand to contain Milim's movements to reduce the frequency of her opponent's attacks.

The two sides flew back and forth in the air, and the shock wave erupted from each collision would blow away some of the "paper mache" houses of Crounpiss below.

Fortunately, the consumption amount is within Crounpisi's calculations.

"The analysis of [King of Omniscient Remiel] is completed." Crownpis threw away the dagger that was about to become scrap metal, and stretched out a copycat "Imagine Killer" towards Milim's sword that was attacking again.


Crownpis's copycat "imagine breaker" can use reverse interference and disassembly to break all "superpowers" that she fully understands. If the intelligence of [Omniscient King Remiel]

The output can keep up with the combat speed, and it can be used as a genuine "imagine breaker".

Milim suddenly gave up her plan to duel with Crounpis with swords. She missed Crounpisi's hand and gave a feint blow, then used the reaction force of the magic power of Crounpisi's lightsaber to bounce upward and fly high into the sky.


"What did you want to do just now?" Milim, who relied on [Dragon Eye] to see through the true nature of Croun's silk lightsaber, said loudly, "How long ago did it take for my hand to go numb?"

"The last time my hands were numb was a long time ago, but I'm not numb now." Crounpis smiled back, even though her hands were actually numb, "What are you going to do? My building will only fall down."

How many seats have there been, but you are almost out of them, right?"

"Of course - I'll repay you with my ultimate move!"

The dragon's pupils widened, its wings spread wildly, and Milim roared loudly: "[Dragon Star Explosive Flame Tyrant]!"

A faint beautiful light emitted from the mouth, just like a huge beam of light from the stars.

Crounpis also raised the "torch": "[torchlight hecate] - Hell Trio [evil abyss]!"

If the three jet-black pillars are superimposed, they can scatter Milim's [Dragon Star Explosive Flame] or even push it back, but this is meaningless.

The scattered energy and explosion were enough to instantly turn the "paper" cities on both sides to ashes. They clearly had the advantage in points, but the result was a tie. Can this Crounpiss endure it?

The two jet-black pillars spiraled around each other and tightened along the outside of the starry light of [Dragon Star Explosive Flame Ba] to prevent its energy from spreading. In the "eye of the wind" of the jet-black spiral, the last jet-black pillar eroded the starry sky.

Light, erasing its dazzling light.

Milim knew that it was terrifying, so she did not resist, but flew to the side at high speed to hide.

Crounpisi turned the "torch", intending to make the pillar of darkness that had not been exhausted directly sweep through Milim's "paper" city.

The "paper" city that was originally dilapidated due to a large number of meteorite fragments was now blown away like confetti on the floor being swept by a broom!

Before the sweep reached the end, Milim used her explosive power to reach the side of Crounpisi, almost roared into her ear, and launched the second [Dragon Star Explosive Flame] close to her face!

Crounpis didn't intend to hide. This move was highly destructive but could not break through the [Hell Realm]. The foreseeable eye found that the bomb hit her and caused a big explosion many times larger than a nuclear explosion, transforming the surrounding area.

It became a basin, and it immediately leaned back as a conditioned reflex, avoiding the starlight pillar that had not yet spread its power.

Milim's blow was directed at Crounpith. Although Crounpith's "paper" city was also affected by the aftermath, the damage was only less than one-third. If she hadn't dodged just now, she would probably have been injured by now.

Lost the game.

It was also because of Crounpisi's step back that the blow that could seal the victory was lifted to the sky.

"I can't tell you are really smart, but -"

Crounpisi raised her hand, caught Milim's punch that gathered a huge amount of magic energy and turned it into a high-heat punch, and absorbed all the energy contained in it.

"Ola Ola Ola......"

Milim punched repeatedly, and this time the battlefield was on the Crounpis side. It seemed that she planned to use the aftermath of the attack to blow down the two "paper mache" buildings that Crounpis needed to protect.

It's just that this time I happened to encounter an opponent who could absorb energy, so it didn't work.

Milim, who had no results for a while, changed her moves again, gathering star-like light in her hands.

Predicting Milim's intention to use other wide-area spread attack skills, Crownpis kicked the wrist of Milim's starlight-gathering hand, deflecting it upward and backward.

Before she could make her next move, all she could see before her eyes was the scene of her legs being caught in the splits - in various poses!

No matter what posture Crounpis took next, she couldn't escape, that is - this was a trap set by Milim to capture her! Or was it something Milim came up with as soon as her previous move failed?

"Ha!" Milim showed a successful smile as expected. With a twist of her wrist, she grabbed the leg of Crounpis and swung it downwards, preparing to use Crounpis as a weapon to destroy the "paper mache"


At this moment, Crounpisi activated the [Dimensional Force Field] to protect his "paper" city buildings.

Her head was hit hard on a rooftop. The rooftop and the building were intact, but her body hitting her own defensive field also made her feel quite choked. However, the [Hell Realm] and Crounpith

The passive skill of [Magic Attack Invalidation], a simple skill plus physical collision, shook the [Dimensional Force Field]!

Crounpis was annoyed for a while, but before she could get up, her head was held down by Milim, whose speed increased again. She pushed down hard, and her head was used as a building demolition artifact to directly penetrate the [Dimensional Force Field]

protected building.

"Wahahahahaha! It's my turn!"

Milim laughed loudly and continued to press Crounpis's head and run wildly through the buildings, smashing through the "paper" buildings that were protected by the [dimensional force field] and were indestructible!

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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