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Chapter 94 Ghost of a Million Elves

In response to Crounpisi's plea, Rimuru activated his space magic and brought Crounpisi to the Elf God's Domain.

Ramiris didn't seem to be at home, and there were some house-keeping fairies who liked to play pranks greeting them.

Crownpis proposed to find the most unstable place in space and hoped to lead the way.

Rimuru knew this. It was Ramiris's "treasure house". Occasionally, "trash" from other planes fell over, and sometimes people who were killed and missing in other worlds appeared in different ways.

In many cases, plug-ins are still not available.

Ramiris has properly arranged all the good people among them. Although their personalities are not very good, they are still kind-hearted.

The things here are also helpful to Rimuru. Including the manufacture of cameras, the Demon Country has some products designed and manufactured that imitate the modern society of past life. It is here that samples are taken and analyzed.

Rimuru saw that Crounpis seemed to be using some kind of detection ability, so he ran straight to a corner of the "Treasure Mountain" and started rummaging around.

The reason why we are not sure is that the analysis of [Raphael, the King of Wisdom] has been blocked.

"I found it, this should be usable." Crounpisi dug out a simple box with a charm on it.

The explanation of [Raphael, the King of Wisdom] is——

"Information. Those are the offerings in the shrine. The amount of magic is zero and the material value is zero."

"Look, the words on it are the mascot of Osaka. According to legend, the evil spirit's right hand was chopped off by Watanabe with his famous sword 'Onikiri'." Kraunpisi pointed to the words on the box.

Rimuru: "Does this have something to do with my Taijutsu training? You won't say that the owner of this hand is very good at fighting, so he asked me to swallow it and analyze it, right?"

Rimuru continued to let [Raphael, the King of Wisdom] appraise it.

"Tell me. This is the right hand of a mummified monkey."


Seeing that Rimuru was speechless, Cronpis knew that he had understood what it was, so she said: "Rimuru, did the country in your previous life believe that all things have spirits? Sometimes, gods and demons are

It exists because humans believe in its existence. Does Rimuru know about faith-based magic?"

"Are you talking about the kind of magic that you have to pray to God to use?"

"That's right. Let's not talk about whether God exists. If it is a religion specifically established to win people's hearts, where did the power of God come from?"

"So, I can learn Noh music with this analysis, right?" Rimuru picked up a Noh music mask and said sarcastically.

"It's not impossible if you want me to use this demonstration. Noh music happens to be related to ghosts, so it goes well with the 'Oni's Hands'." Crownpis took the Noh music mask and continued, "Of course these handicrafts themselves are

Function and symbolism are not the key points, skip it. In short, I will use the method of "I think, therefore I am" to give a demonstration. Later, Rimuru, you can use it as a reference to easily create a Taijutsu style that suits you best. This

Take it."

Rimuru took the book thrown by Cronpis and found that it was a comic from his memory. The protagonist is a magician of the Taijutsu style. Should he be allowed to imitate Veldora's Taijutsu learning method? But with that monkey

What does it have to do with hands?

Crownpis said to the little elf who was looking after the house: "I want to redeem the reward from last time."

She had agreed to get the reward with Ramiris in advance. Rimuru also got to know the goblins, and the goblins took them to the séance site.

Rimuru has been here once. In the vast and empty space, a light path about one meter wide extends from there, stretching for twenty meters. There is a circular platform with a diameter of five meters at the front end of the road.

"If you want to call the elemental spirits, just stand on the round foot platform and pray anything. The result depends on your face." Rimuru decisively stole the goblin's line. Most of the goblins who love to tease people are not very reliable.


"You don't need to say anything." Crounpisi stood up with a leap and said, "Even if the other party doesn't accept it, you can force it into submission, right?"

Crounpis just stretched out his hand, and countless light points struck like a blizzard and were sucked into Crounpisi's hand.

She was quite dissatisfied: "Unexpectedly, there is not even a higher-level elemental elf. I thought I couldn't justify my reputation without calling out a few elf kings. Well, it saves me the trouble of having to train him if we can't reach an agreement."


“We don’t need to work hard to create an atmosphere!”

"Even if they are all the lowest level elves, this amount is too abnormal!"

The goblins were stunned and some of them ran away in a hurry. It seemed that Rimuru might have gone to report a message to Ramiris.

"Report. The total amount of existence is 7381938."

Just as Rimuru was shocked by the amount, Crownpis made the next move. She transformed the more than seven million lowest-level elemental spirits into energy clumps on the spot, and the clumps rushed towards the right hand and the energy face.

The monkey arms of the mummy became human-like, as fluid as jade, and began to grow and extend upwards. A head wearing the mask appeared behind the face, with long pink hair hanging down, and a neck appeared under the chin...

Soon the two were connected and continued to expand and gradually turned into a complete human form.

A burst of colorful light flashed, and the originally cloudy eyes under the humanoid mask became clear. The elf's power tool now transformed into a rather ordinary-looking princess-sleeved shirt and knee-length skirt. Attached to the legs and feet were black over-the-knee boots with integrated shoes and socks.


Rimuru had done something similar with the skill [Mutant], but felt that this one was obviously more advanced, so he immediately asked [Raphael, the King of Wisdom] to analyze it.

But it was blocked again.

Crownpiss glared at him and lectured: "You know? There are ultimate abilities with similar attributes that can be resisted based on strength. If you do this, the party being detected will notice that you have this ability."

If you are too confident in your own skills, you may be satisfied with the false information deliberately revealed by the other party. Fortunately, we are not enemies. We should avoid doing this kind of brainless approach in the future.

For good."

Rimuru felt that this was a lesson. Fortunately, Crounpis was not an enemy.

"Who is this?" Rimuru turned his attention back to the humanoid figure that relied on the "Oni Hand" and the Noh Face. He estimated that this person's figure was slightly smaller than Shizuo's.

"If these two sacred relics are correct, they must be the ghosts of Rashomon."

"But this is probably a beautiful girl, right?"

"Isn't the setting of Rashomon no Oni a young and beautiful woman?" Crounpis took off the mask and found that she was indeed a beautiful girl.

Rimuru smiled awkwardly: "Hey, hey, hey... I'm not very good at this kind of niche knowledge."

This chapter has been completed!
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