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Chapter 132 The False Monster Princess

In order to save the "beautiful monster princess" who barely escaped, Youmu immediately took action, picked her up like a princess, and ran in the opposite direction of the battlefield.

Suddenly, a silent bolt of lightning struck him.

"Uh-huh!" Youmu was injured and rolled to the ground. The "beautiful monster princess" fell and rolled a few times. When she tried to get up, a staff pressed her head down.

"[Mental destruction]."

A magic tried to penetrate the "beautiful monster princess", but was blocked by a thin barrier.

"Don't... think that you will... succeed easily." "Beautiful Monster Princess" forced out her voice with great difficulty.

[Mental Destruction] has been silently increased in output.

"Ah!" the "beautiful monster princess" screamed, and a blue halo flew out of her body and flew rapidly towards the east.

Then, she became silent.

Larsen, the instigator, looked up and felt that it didn't look like a soul, nor did it look like something made of magic. But that side was in the direction of the Demon Kingdom, and at least it had the function of reporting. He tried to fire a light with the fastest speed.

Magic destroys it.

The slender beam hit accurately, but did not cause any damage to the blue halo, and quickly disappeared into the horizon.

"Could it be the Astral Nether Body? What a headache." He couldn't help it. Originally, the Astral Nether Body was a thing that had to rely on the spirit to exist, but there are indeed some races in the world who can survive with only the Astral Nether Body, and they usually don't have any power.

, but it helps that even if you are resurrected in a completely unfamiliar body, you still have a chance to regain your original power.

It just so happened that he didn't have any technique that could destroy the Star Nether Body from a long distance.

"Even if that's the case, it won't pose a threat in a short time. I can deal with it then."

He looked at Youmu again and thought: "It's only this little injury. It's really a good armor. But it's really right to keep an eye on it and continue to confirm the situation here."

Although I don’t know what the proportion of real and false content is between “Beautiful Monster Princess” and “The Legend of Heroic Yomu”, Larson wondered if the former would give priority to rendezvous with Yomu if he escaped. It would be great if he was seriously injured.

I was lucky to have guessed correctly, and now my plan is moving in the best direction.

But Youmu couldn't be killed on the spot. He was now a well-known hero in the motherland. Just dying in the conspiracy against the "beautiful monster princess" would damage the reputation of the motherland. At least he couldn't die in the script of the current scene.

.Anyway, he is a civilian who can be killed at any time, and does not pose a threat.

He cast illusion magic on Youmu to obscure everything that had just happened, then activated [Movement] and left directly with the "beautiful monster princess".

[Movement Point] is a magic that prepares a special tangible recording point and performs teleportation at a fixed point. It is faster to activate and consumes less than ordinary space magic. It can also penetrate the barrier that hinders magic to a certain extent over the longest distance.

He returned directly to his temporary stronghold. He was surrounded by his trusted confidants, friends and nobles.

"You actually caught him? As expected of Lord Larsen." Someone praised.

"Is it okay? It won't fail, right?" someone asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, this isn't the first time. Just in case I break her spirit too, it's a pity that I was very interested in the skills she showed before but couldn't... Well, safety comes first."

So, Larson activated the great secret technique [Possessed Reincarnation].

The effect is the same as the name. The most suitable comparison with similar techniques that have already appeared is Orochimaru's [Bumbushi Reincarnation].


However, the special effects are mediocre in appearance, there is no light, and there is no [Undead Reincarnation] where a big white phosphorous snake burrows into the subject's body through its mouth.

Larsen's body lost all vitality, and he was supported by his subordinates. He took off his equipment and put it into a container that was ready to be sealed and stored for a long time.

The "beautiful monster princess" immediately "awakened" and sat up.

"Oh oh oh~ My body is so light, it's good, not bad." Larsen, who became the "beautiful monster princess", walked around in circles to adapt to her body refreshed.

"Hey, it's so inconsistent for you to use an old man's tone and actions like this." Someone joked.

Every time you change your body, something embarrassing happens when you first get up, but it is necessary. If there are not many people with enough credibility to bear witness, it will be troublesome to prove your identity later.

Larsen asked: "The mission sent by the Demon Country and the advance team we sent to the Demon Country have been successfully separated, and they have both arrived."

His plan required him to stay in person all the time, so he had little understanding of the implementation of the domestic plan.

"It went very smoothly. The advance team has arrived, and our country has temporarily stabilized Her Excellency Ultima through normal negotiations."

"Okay, it's time for me to use my 'new identity' to say hello to her."


Ghost Village——

Due to the invasion of the Pig Head Clan, this place was almost destroyed.

But as a place where ghosts have lived for generations, the ghosts who have integrated into the Demon Kingdom will not completely bury this place in history.

About ten days ago, they sent Shion back to the Demon Kingdom, who was causing trouble at work. They felt that it would be more reassuring for her to have Shion standing next to Rimuru.

Although I don't want to belittle Shion, it's a pity that sometimes absence is the greatest help.

On this day, not long after they went to bed early, Souei suddenly woke up and woke up all the male ghosts in the room.

He hurriedly said: "Something happened! The Demon Kingdom is being attacked by enemies disguised as businessmen and armed groups approaching the Demon Kingdom. A barrier harmful to monsters has also been opened to surround the Demon City Rimuru! All the clones I arranged to inspect


"What?!" Several people who were already lying in their clothes sat up like a catapult.

"I entrusted the safety of the demon country to them, are they... no, is it my fault?" Benimaru slapped his forehead in frustration.

He formulated a defense strategy based on a major premise. First of all, he gave priority to following Rimuru's orders not to harm humans. He could only drive away intruders when he found them, and he must treat any visitors with hospitality. Obviously, this approach was the easiest to be attacked by internal and external cooperation. They

But because his strength has greatly increased since joining the Demon Kingdom, he has become arrogant. He thinks that there will be no problem at any time, and that even the worst situation can be solved with strength. He obviously knows better defense strategies, but he has never given any advice. In short

, he drifted away.

Now that's good, there have been a lot of dispatches from the Demon Kingdom recently. Veldora should have been in charge of the Demon Kingdom, but she didn't know where she went to play some time ago. It must have been a flaw for the villains who were spying on the Demon Kingdom.

"Young Master, instead of being upset, you must take action immediately, find the princess, and use teleportation magic to go back." Bai Lao said.

"Yes!" Benimaru hurriedly put on his equipment and rushed out the door.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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