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Chapter 154 Chloe has a slime in her stomach

Rimuru, who was in the middle of an "important meeting", was startled by a surprise report from [Raphael, the King of Wisdom].

He didn't know why, but the resurrection magic [true resurrection] had already gone through the analysis process.

Of course, what was actually being analyzed was Victoria, who had endured this magic many times, but Rimuru was not informed and forgot to ask.

However, the process is stuck at around 97%.

The original rules of [true resurrection] actually have the side effect of consuming the life force of the deceased like the lowest level resurrection magic [raise dead], but the former can immediately restore the life of the resurrected object to its full state.

That’s it. If the main premise of remaining vitality does not exist, it will not work, just like the water source under a hand-cranked water pump seems to be endless, but the water pump is dry and naturally nothing can be pumped out.

The reason why Crounpith can use [true resurrection] without any side effects is because of her Hades attribute.

The last and most crucial piece of the puzzle was still missing. But it almost made Rimuru dance for joy, but he thought that he still needed Crounpiss to be there.

However, there were three big bosses sitting in front of him: "Platinum Demon" Leon, "Dark Emperor" Guy Kulimthorn, and "White Ice Dragon" Velusaldo.

If for some reason the guy who dragged Qi Yi to the sofa and left him lying on the sofa as Ge You was also a boss, then he was one of the four bosses. Even though he looked decadent, from Rimuru's point of view, this person was the same as Kazuya.

Rasha is probably the same type.

In order to prevent those hot-blooded guys from making trouble by talking nonsense, he didn't bring anyone else. After making tea with a vigilant face, Zhu Cai also left the room.

Leon was the first to speak: "Were those the original black and the original purple just now? Why are they here?"

Rimuru felt confused. Is this why they came here? He had to explain truthfully: "Diablo and Ultima, Diavolo was accidentally summoned by my friend while rescuing students. The cost and burden seem to be

She is quite big, kind, and very capable, so I took the contract and gave her a name; Ultima was there before the establishment of the Demon Kingdom, and the subordinates introduced to me by Cronpis were better than I imagined.

Be excellent.”

"I can't believe it! I can actually take them all as my subordinates!" Leon suddenly jumped up and shouted.

This is not an exaggeration, he actually jumped up and screamed.

Qi Yi was also a little excited: "Right, you feel surprised? Leon and I came here just to ask this guy's true intention."

Rimuru secretly thought, you ask me, who am I asking? Those were not summoned by him. Although he did give the name with the intention of completely accepting him as a subordinate, he wanted to expand his combat power because he heard Ramiris say that you guys want to

That's why she came to him. The initial leak of the news was related to Jing knowing that she was about to die and went to find Leon.

So the criminals are Ramiris and Jing?

Calm down, you can't just take the trouble and shirk responsibility and repeat the same mistakes. You must also look for your own problems. Speaking of which, Leon originally had another purpose for looking for him, which was related to summoning "visitors from another world". Guy and Velusaldo were most against each other.

Veldora was a little interested.

So, it was just a spark caused by an accidental encounter?

At the same time, Rimuru asked [King of Wisdom Raphael] to explain in detail what the original demons were. He originally only regarded them as very powerful and capable demons. After the explanation, Rimuru realized that those were

What a presence.

Although he was not the one who summoned me, he was the one who had been serving as the boss and assigning various tasks to his subordinates. As a member of society, I had no choice but to bow my head and apologize.

"So you don't know?"

"Her teacher is so incompetent. I feel really worried for her."

The looks in Guy's and Leon's eyes looked extremely shocking.

Gu Xi


Hey, Miss King of Wisdom, why did you join over there? You shouldn’t have thought that I have all this under my control, right?

Now all that's left is the social man's trump card, changing the subject and returning to the original topic. One of them is probably...

Rimuru said to the silver-haired girl, "Are you Velusa Dosan? Are you here to see your brother Veldora? He is living well in my place."

Velusald nodded slightly in a very kind manner, and responded: "My incompetent brother was taken care of by Mr. Rimuru. In the past, no matter how many times I repaired him, he never obeyed. Seeing the reckless and stupid person,

My brother is so peaceful, and I feel more at ease."

Rimuru secretly thought that the so-called "repair" was really the "slap to death" mentioned by Crounpis? If the personality memory is reset, of course you won't remember it, let alone repent. Don't rely on your immortality to just use

Fist communication, hello.

But he knew how stupid it was to say this, so he said politely: "No, Veldora and I are friends, and she has also brought me a lot of help. I should be grateful."

Velusardo did not speak.

Is this the end of the matter?

Not only that, why did those children touch under the window? Why did they come to peek?

Rimuru is under great pressure.

At this time, Leon spoke: "By the way, I came here to find a girl named Chloe Oberu, she must be here."

Rimuru secretly thought that she was under the window next to her, thinking that it was exactly what Cronpis said, that she wanted to find her companions who were separated due to the summons in the past.

Wait, Crounpis said that Leon and his childhood sweetheart were originally together, but they were separated by time and space because of the second summons. Leon promoted the technology in order to increase the probability of summoning his childhood sweetheart back. It would be okay for anyone to summon him, but the second time

The one who summoned Chloe was a technique popularized by Leon... Isn't this a question of which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Rimuru was preparing a reply when Chloe suddenly jumped through the window and said loudly with a look of realization: "Don't take action against Rimuru-sensei! I'm here!"

"Chloe, it's me, your brother!"

"Huh? Brother... Sir? So big!"

"Chloe ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Leon suddenly jumped up again and shouted in a shrill voice.

Not only did Chloe take the initiative to show up but didn’t recognize his true identity, there was another point - Chloe’s clothes had a bulging belly!

"Then, what is that?!"

Chloe was startled and wondered if Rimuru-sensei was so powerful that the enemy would attack the weak. She immediately turned around reflexively and tightly hugged the Rimuru clone hidden inside through her clothes.

Said: "Rimuru-sensei's child has nothing to do with my brother!"


Leon suddenly smashed the table in the middle of the opposite seat with a hand knife, and walked towards Rimuru, his whole body was on fire: "You, you, you, you, you guys! What have you done to Chloe?


(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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