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Chapter 172 Friendly Negotiations (Physical)

Rimuru was just concentrating on the ability he just acquired and didn't activate other skills, so he didn't see anything, but [Raphael, the King of Wisdom] told him——

Just now, Velusald used his aura to completely suppress and freeze Velustila, and then punched Velustila with a force that was enough to instantly kill the unblocked Velustila.

Verustila forcibly resisted the freezing, and took out the Dragon Demon Sword summoned from Ramiris's treasure house to block it. At this time, the sword was emitting a bright light, but it was shattered in an instant before the light came.

, but this moment made Verustila tremble for a moment, whether intentional or not, his fist grazed Verustila's face.

Finally, for a moment, Guy opened a spatial isolation barrier, otherwise the building and the blocks behind it would have been frozen and shattered by the aftermath.

"Velzard once slapped Veldora to death." Rimuru thought that Crounpis seemed to have said something similar. Maybe it was not a joke or a metaphor, but maybe it was a real thing.

Velzard smiled at Velustila and said: "Yes, it's much better than Veldora three hundred years ago, a bit like the aura of my sister Velgrendo... No, it's not her after all, at least not in the past.

It's interesting to see her as she is now. I allow you to train hard for three hundred years and then come back to receive my education."

"Oh, thank you. Phew -" Verustila took a deep breath, thought for a while, and then said, "I hope I can send the invitation to the Demon Kingdom by then."

"Okay. I'll give this to you." After Qi Yi finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to Velusha and made a gesture to ask for something, and then a flash of ice sword light flashed through.

"Answer. The situation is unknown. [Analysis and identification] failed, and the phenomenon that occurred is unknown."

Rimuru was shocked. His skills could still keep up with Velusardo's blow just now, but this time he didn't notice at all when the sword was struck. Even [Raphael, the King of Wisdom]

It is completely impossible to see that it has never happened, and at worst it is "incalculable". Wouldn't it be bad to directly report "unknown"?

In fact, most of the demon kings showed desperate expressions for a while, and even natural disaster-level demon kings like Milim were a little slow in their reaction.

After everyone was able to confirm the situation, they saw that the round of competition was over.

It was probably Guy who asked Velushad to use his own abilities to generate an ice sword, and then used the sword to stab Velustila.

Velustila did not draw his sword this time, but put his hands together in front of him, clamping the ice sword that Guy thrust out across the "table passage" that Velusado had opened.

But her "empty-handed sword" failed to overcome Qiyi's strength. The blade froze and rubbed against her palm, and stabbed into her mouth.

No, it was Verustila who did not give up resistance and continued to bite the sword with his teeth.

She was not injured, but the tip of the sword was bitten to pieces.

Several more confrontations followed. Rimuru tried his best to exert his ultimate power but still couldn't see clearly. The other demon kings also looked livid, more like trying desperately to understand what was going on than showing their emotions.

"Pause, pause, for my sake!" Milim forced her way in between them.

"Wow, are Milim worried about me?" Verustila smiled and shook her hand, saying, "It doesn't matter. Guy is just trying it out. That ice sword is quite refreshing and crunchy. It's just sugary.

That’s all.”

"Really?" Milim asked Guy.

"There are some things that need to be confirmed." Qiyi threw the broken sword in his hand to Verustila and said, "Some things are easier to find out the truth if we fight. Since I dare to say that it is Velusado and you

Of course, I have to confirm whether it counts as a relative. I think half of them are qualified."

"Oh, Guy, are you looking for something more for me and Velusa? Thank you!" Milim gave a thumbs up.

Veldora: "What about me?"

Gu Yu

But no one paid attention.

After that, everyone returned to their seats, and Guy ordered his maids to glue the two halves of the table back together.

While repairing the table, Rimuru spoke to Velustila through the most secret soul corridor——

【How did you play with him just now?】

【He slashed me, and then I managed to catch it and eat it.】



[Then why can’t we see anything?]

[Just now Guy seemed to have developed some kind of field, but that field didn’t seem to have any effect on me.]

[Raphael, the King of Wisdom] has nothing to explain about this. He tried to do some research on Guy, but it turned out that Guy's strength was about the same as Clayman's now.

Although Cronpis has warned that the enemy intends to provide false information, is this a big joke?

No, not necessarily. Although Qi Yi is famous, not everyone knows what Qi Yi looks like. If there is a need to conceal his identity and go out to do business, there may be some use for him.

The analysis of Velustila, like the previous special cases, was completely blocked. Could it be that the combination of the power of Crounpith and Veldora produced some wonderful chemical reaction?

"It can't be a chemical reaction."

This is called complaining! There is no need to point out such things and correct them.

The table was repaired quickly.

"However, there is a question that must be confirmed." Guy put on a serious look, locked eyes on Verustila and said, "You have no plans to unite with the current Eastern Empire, right? Because some guys in the Demon Kingdom do not

Self-respect, the balance of power in the entire world has completely collapsed, and because of this, it is impossible to predict the future world situation. Not only that, because of some people in the Demon Kingdom, all my original plans have also been ruined. How can I be responsible for this plan? "

"No, the domestic and foreign affairs of the country are not under my control. Um, Rimuru?" Verustila turned around and threw the ball.

Rimuru didn't react for a moment. He was so frightened that he broke into an illusory cold sweat just now, and his body almost couldn't maintain its human shape.

Fortunately, what Velustila said before was quite good. He asked for an invitation in three hundred years, and Guy agreed. According to the racial characteristics of devils who abide by contracts, as long as they don't deliberately offend each other, at least within three hundred years.

The camp of the strongest demon king will not actively oppose him.

The premise is not to offend the other party, he immediately replied: "No, the Eastern Empire has always followed the non-negotiable route of expansion and aggression. I don't think we have room for negotiation under the current emperor's rule. As for how to coordinate the Western countries

, if they are willing to develop together with me, I welcome them at any time."

"Heh, if you can do it, then it's no problem. But don't rush anyone to the Eastern camp. I don't want to see an increase in combat power over there."

Rimuru breathed a sigh of relief. When he signed contracts with some countries that established diplomatic relations first, the other countries also made insinuations and hinted that the Demon Kingdom would become the first line of defense against the Eastern Empire. Even Demon King Guy was alert. It seemed that that country was really powerful.


(to be continued)

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