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Chapter 214 The Fallen Angel's Underground Project

In response to Rimuru's issue of sending his undercover spy organization "The Royal Court Fans" to investigate the "Four Demon Sages", Dino asked Crounpis, Veldora and Ramiris, who were also members of the "Four Demon Sages".

A bold plan was proposed.

It's just not enough to reassure everyone.

Veldora: "But Priscilla is Rimuru's maid. She often gets along with that difficult and clumsy person Shion, won't her secret be revealed?"

Dino: "It doesn't matter. Although Shion is not a member, she is also a big customer who buys Rimuru peripherals. So, if the club holds a 'Rimuru First Lady Popularity Vote', it will definitely reach Shion's ears. I

I don’t think anyone is as popular as Shion, right? Then Shion will definitely not give this group that supports her to become Rimuru’s first lady to Rimuru.”

Crownpiss: "What about Diavolo? If he does this, he will definitely cause trouble out of jealousy. It's hard to find bribes that can seduce him."

Dino: "Didn't you succeed in making the original demon fight with this? Draw some paintings that depict Rimuru in a more heroic manner. But don't give it to him directly, sell it to other demon kings or businessmen who can do business. Let

He'll get it himself."

Crownpiss: "Why?"

Dino: "I can't hide it from him anyway. He will get it according to Rimuru's peaceful rules no matter what. In order to keep the supply of goods, he will help us hide it. This will not only help expand our underground market to other countries, but also ensure that it can be proved."

It's a bribe but you still make a profit. But after you get the profit, you have to treat us to food, drink and fun."

As a result, everyone around Rimuru kept silent. Even if he knew about it, he would always turn a blind eye to anything he wanted to trace.

If there is any hidden danger, it is the sane core Ciel. But she is the type who thinks she is harmless to Rimuru and doesn't take the initiative to say anything.

Before Crownpis could answer, Veldora dropped Ramiris, who had finished healing her demons, and hugged Dino, happily saying: "You, genius!"

Dino felt the strength of the hug, glanced at the uncle's muscles that were stronger than everyone present, and said: "By the way, there are more profitable places. How about going to that underground casino?"

Rimuru prohibits the general gambling industry in the Demon Kingdom, and also prohibits all kinds of meaningless fighting, but the nature of monsters who like to fight and pursue power cannot be suppressed at all. Over time, an underground fighting arena appeared under the Demon Kingdom.

, for fear of alarming the higher-ups, he could only fight freely with pure muscles and weapons, and over time it became a sight to behold.

Of course, because if powerful cadres from the demonic kingdom participated, the surrounding area would definitely be torn down, and the battle would become unsuspicious. These are all entertainment hidden from the top management.

There are many fans who participate in underground duels and betting in the clubs under the "Four Demons", and they participate in the management of underground arenas. Duels are organized and arranged, and there are arenas in the surrounding area that are no different from those in big cities.

Spectator stands have appeared, along with various retail stores and betting stores.

If the "Four Demon Sages" entered the battle, victory would be easy, but the characteristics of Cronpis and Ramiris were too obvious, Dino was lazy, and the only one who could control the outcome of the game was Veldora.

He looks handsome, but if he puts on a hood, he will probably be regarded as a masked muscular man.

Crownpis guessed the specific arrangement: "Then, if Veldora wins more victory bonuses, the odds will go down, and the opponent's odds will go up, and then we can agree on the situation where Veldora fakes a defeat.

If three people pay large sums of money to win against their opponents, can they make a lot of money and maintain the interest of the challengers?"

Dino nodded proudly and added: "You can also look for challengers with more gorgeous combat skills and sell the equipment you want to spread out for private purposes. As long as they can use those equipment to defeat Veldora,

Even if 'victory' still relies on personal strength, you can still advertise your products and sell them at a high price."

"Excuse me, Dino, are you serious?" Cronpis asked.

"Oh, it's just a casual talk." Dino said truthfully.

"That's good." Crownpis breathed a sigh of relief. If Dino was serious, he would definitely screw up. If he wasn't serious, it would be best.

"But who is the opponent who is more gorgeous and promising than Master?" Ramiris asked.

"Ah..." x 2

Cronpis and Dino opened their mouths and were speechless, while Veldora raised her head and smiled: "Quack, quack, quack, how can such an existence exist?"

"If you lose casually like this, you will immediately become a gangster!" Ramiris slapped Veldora hard on the head.

"How about we find some strong men who have no self-awareness and are very gimmicky?" Dino thought for a while and said, "Leave it to you, Crounpis."

"Why me?"

"You are very popular. Aren't there many such people in the human race?"

"Ah, it seems there really is."

Everyone immediately stood up happily and gave each other loud high fives.

Ramiris: "By the way, who will deliver the snacks we agreed on in the first place?"

Dino: "Didn't I say that I would pay for whoever does the work for me?"

Crownpiss: "If you want free snacks, wouldn't it be enough to attend the Demon King's Banquet held regularly by Clayman?"

Ramiris: "That guy is so good at pretending, and he has the style of a demon king. I'm not happy to go there."

Veldora: "Didn't you clamor for me to take you last time?"

Ramiris: "I'm looking for Rimuru and Milim, not Clayman!"

Dino had something else to say: "By the way, if you are worried, you can still find something to distract them. Of course, it will definitely be something serious that will benefit the Demon Kingdom."


"Lord Clawnpis, all the 'visitors from other worlds' who are free now are here." Cleverland showed Clawnpis the results of his efforts in organizing his tribe.

In short, they organize a group of bunny girls to wear some exciting costumes and hold up billboards to run around the city soliciting customers.

This approach is not very special in the eyes of the natives, there will be no sense of violation in the Demonic Kingdom, and the top management will not react to it, but it is particularly conspicuous in the eyes of "visitors from other worlds".

"Hey..." Crounpis came to a man and a woman who looked quite tall and looked them up and down.

"My advertisement says 'over fifteen years old', right? No matter what skills you use to transform, it doesn't mean that you are not children, Kenya, Alice."

Jian Ye: "You fell out of the gang so quickly! How could it be possible!"

Alice: "I asked you to change your hairstyle! Who wouldn't recognize your iconic hairstyle?"

Crownpis: "Alice, you too, don't think I can't recognize you if you put on Princess Annes' clothes and get a perm like a lady's bun hairstyle."

(to be continued)

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