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Chapter 52: Money is life, choose one

After the dance party ended, Count Gucimont began to appear to address the students of the Magic Academy.

What made Crownpis almost "vomit blood" was that the earl actually announced the engagement of Varudo and Granbell on the spot.

You are obviously a foreigner, can't you keep a low profile in human society? Cronpis had to endure the urge to go up and push the earl to the ground.

But looking at Granbell who walked to the field with Varudo with a basically happy look on her face, Crounpis thought that she would just let you go for now. If something went wrong later, she would have to find a way to find someone to sacrifice her.

Let's clear up the relationship.

After that it's meal time.

After the song ends and everyone disperses, the official meeting between the goblin and the count begins.

In a reception room, Crownpis asked Sunny and Melphis to stand on both sides of her, but other than that, no one other than Count Cushmont was allowed to be present, not even Granbell.

Crownpis sees Sunny very closely and does not think that the current Melissa can resist her, so she can distinguish the reactions of these two people who view the world around them from different angles to judge when she will

Say the wrong thing.

Kroenpis's feelings for Granbell are a bit subtle. Although she has not raised her, she is still her daughter in name. She might not behave well in front of her so-called father-in-law, and she doesn't want to let her be influenced by human emotions.

My daughter saw it.

Since there were no outsiders, Crownpis gave up all the necessary remarks in human etiquette and only picked out the necessary topics.

For example, the follow-up progress of the "terrorist attack" a few days ago, and the circle of supporters who have the same attitude towards the undead as Count Guchimont can be gathered, and so on.

Because Crownpis City is really nothing special, I don’t dare to go too deep into the topic, so I can only talk about it in general terms. It’s better to leave the rest to the humans themselves, and wait until they have problems due to mistakes in their imagination and then ridicule their ignorance before offering mercy.

General supplements are best.

The conversation went very smoothly.

Research on the undead will also be strongly supported in the future. The "terrorist attack" that night not only affected their family, but also the Marquis whose son was affected. The imperial capital was attacked at a level that only geniuses among humans can achieve.

Concerned about the emperor's face, he also ordered a thorough investigation into the matter.

Some information has been obtained so far, but the person behind the scenes seems to be outside the empire, so it has become a bit troublesome to solve the incident.

Finally, Count Couscimont tentatively made a request to extend the life of his old father, who was seriously ill and had retired. If this request could be granted, he would be willing to gather a group of loyal believers.

"That's it." Crounpis, who was sitting on the high chair opposite Count Cushmont, crossed his legs and had a cruel look on his face. "It must be a terminal illness. To develop a so-called loyal person like a believer, you must show

A miracle, right? But if someone uses me as a gunman in the future, the consequences will be serious."

Crownpiss is mentally prepared for this. Some lower creatures will actively attach themselves to relatively higher creatures. This is common in the Abelion Hills, especially when they taste the sweetness or feel that they can taste the sweetness.

This is even more true. As they are both intelligent creatures, there is no reason why the characteristics of demi-humans cannot be extended to humans.

So what is the position of Crounpis? Since some people in this group know the existence of Granbell, a necromancer who is even more advanced than Fluder, he is called "Dad" and "Father"

What kind of existence is Crounpis?

I'm afraid it's the existence of concepts such as transcendent beings and gods.

"But, before you consider whether to agree to your request, Earl, you have to serve me. What do you want from me?" Cronpis asked in a pretentious manner.

"Immortal." The count said in a sincere tone.

Oops, as a human being, you are so thick-skinned, Mr. Earl, to speak out in front of others, aren't you?

"Oh, immortality, although it is something that my compatriots and I have had from the beginning. It is not difficult. I have not only my compatriots, but also those who have been given the same blessing and become my close relatives." Ke

Launpisi swayed on her toes, acting very casually.

This is true. The target was Elfen. It was originally an indigenous plant. It was transformed into an indigenous tree demon and was killed ten years later because it was very weak. Later, Crounpis used Alfen's personality memory to implant it.

Created a new Elfen from the plant that I created and summoned.

After that, Clawnpis also created a daughter named Granbell. In the process, she also used the ideological component of Ibiru Ai, the Loli who was originally a human to destroy the country, so it was confirmed that the personality memory of the human race was

It is also possible to transplant it into other creatures, which is somewhat similar to the cut-and-paste process in computers. Of course, copying can also be done, but to perform magic in this way, based on past experience, considering that forcing a large amount of memory to be transferred will damage the brain, it is necessary to do so.

In order to avoid damage, the control accuracy must be high, the mp consumption will be high, and two people with the same personality will not fight for the status of the original one?

However, that is the tenth-level magic, and the current Crounpiss cannot be used. Even in a perfect state, performing such precise operations twice a day is the limit, and you need to rest for a day before starting again, which is an average day.


Therefore, if this kind of "favor" is given to a religious order, Crounpis is not willing to do it.

So, let’s find an excuse——

"The more people in the human race who can be loyal to me, the happier I will be. However, the more people there are, the more scattered the favors will be. Who do you want to get it first?"

Count Cushmont's calm expression changed in an instant, and he looked a little thief, as if he was already making plans.

Who should be included in the gang and who should be excluded from the innermost circle? He was probably planning this way. Perhaps he was still glad that Varudo had won Granbell's heart and allowed him to be the first to marry Crow.

Enpisi must be very excited to talk like this.

Oops, Merriface, why do you look like a monster? Did I say something that I shouldn’t have said at this time?

Crownpis said that he couldn't think of what he said wrong for a moment. Wasn't that move just now a good excuse?

Seeing that no one spoke for a while, Crounpisi rolled his eyes and continued to prevaricate: "There is another question. If you get my 'favor' and become a more advanced creature, you,

Aren’t you becoming a monster in the eyes of human beings? You can’t stand on the sunny side of human society for a long time. Can you give up your current glory and wealth?”

After hearing this, Guximont's eyes darkened and became a little more troubled as expected.

(to be continued)

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