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Chapter 227 Chaos

Kagurazaka Yuuki saw that Rimuru had come up with super amazing things as usual and made the mistake of not knowing it. It was too embarrassing for slimes to explain it in front of everyone.

Therefore, Yushu kept silent and specially used [Reading Words] to explain.

Preparing the most suitable physical body for spiritual beings is by no means a simple project. If a demon possesses a human being, there is a great possibility that it cannot be used for a long time even if we do not consider the possibility of consciousness being invaded.

To prepare a stable body for a high-level demon general like Puton, if you use humans, you may have to sacrifice thousands of people. If you use inorganic materials, you need to prepare materials for special-level equipment, which may not be completely suitable.

And Rimuru actually subverted common sense by making such a costly body that can be debugged on demand.

Moreover, if you are knowledgeable, you can feel that this combat unit that can summon various summoning magics has been stable in the world for a long time. Considering that every person in the demon country is a monster with magic power, and the amount of magic power that the demon man naturally recovers every day, it can

Easily explode a large number of troops.

The combat power of the Demon Kingdom has already expanded enough, and the number of monsters will continue to expand by doubling. Are you sure you want to get along well with humans?

Well, Rimuru didn't think about this at all, so he secretly said that he would pay more attention to it in the future. Although it was probably in vain.

"By the way," he used his special skill - changing the subject, and said to the yellow dependent, "You look familiar, you are a newly summoned, right (because Ciel said there is no record of this person), and I need to invite more people later.

Excuse me, it’s inconvenient if you don’t have a name, so just call me——”

"Don't scream!!!!!!"

Verustila suddenly screamed like an explosion. Although her voice was childish, it was like a dragon's roar - given her race, it might not be wrong to call it a dragon's roar.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to cover Rimuru's mouth, letting Rimuru feel the touch like a punch when Milim was training him.

Although he was not injured, the impact did make his sticky body vibrate and he was unable to speak for a while.

Rimuru was surprised when some of the onlookers who had experience in this area began to take turns criticizing Rimuru.

The yellow dependent also said: "Lord Rimuru, wouldn't it be too rude to Lord Crounpis to make me one of your dependents? Moreover, I already have a noble name and cannot be changed or taken away casually.


Rimuru finally took Verustira's hand away from his mouth and said, "I'm sorry, but what's your name?"

The yellow family member tilted her head and banged her head in a cute and cute pose, and said: "Flan——da, ee hee."


Demonic Kingdom Hekatia Tempest, Demonic Capital Rimuru——

The legendary brave Masayuki and his team visited this bustling city.

He is still very "active" today, and has rescued many slaves while fighting against the evil forces of illegal Eastern Empire merchants who were temporarily abandoned by Damrad.

Among them were some monster slaves from the Long-ear tribe (not elves), which caused a huge headache for the local lords and even the king of the country, who didn't know how to arrange them.

So——let’s leave it all to Masayuki.

Although due to the effect of [Hero Dominance (The Chosen One)], it somehow became news that Masayuki was going to defeat the Demon King, but under the operation of Crounpis, it soon became the news that the Demon King and the Hero would work together.

Speech, this is much more effective than the assisted propaganda of those countries that have established diplomatic relations.

The brave Masayuki is also very happy, but the reason why he is happy is that he has a reason to live in the Demonic Kingdom.

There was no way around it. The food and living standards in the Demon Kingdom were so good, and some of the modern facilities in his previous life were reproduced.

After staying for less than a day, he made up his mind to follow this country wholeheartedly.

So, Clawnpith took him to hold an emergency meeting with Veldora and Ramiris.

Although Masayuki's current team mates had some objections, even though Masayuki was confused and worried that he would easily make a fool of himself in front of the boss, he still refused his companions' request to attend the meeting.

"Anyway, that's it. The dungeon that was prepared to be officially opened for the Founding Festival. It was put into trial operation a few times not long ago. It seems to be called 'terrible' by Rimuru's standards. Although I feel that it is very pleasant to completely tease those challengers, but I feel

So scaring people away from coming is putting the cart before the horse. In order to make me happier in the future, do you have any good ideas?" Ramiris said straight to the point.

"Oh! It's obvious that the fifty to one hundred floors are a masterpiece that I also participated in the elaborate design. If no one can reach it, wouldn't it mean that there is no chance to show off the wisdom of this dragon?" Veldora agreed.

"But if you lower the difficulty, you're giving away money and treasures, right? But if you remove the treasure chests in the maze, wouldn't it just be an ordinary dangerous area? After all, Rimuru wants the maze to be run like an amusement park, which is very problematic, Izumi

, resting points, supply stations, stores and hotels, you can't have one every now and then in the maze, right?" said Cronpis.

"So, what advice does the legendary brave man (laughing) have?" x 3

Zheng Xing faced the direct gazes of the three bosses without changing his expression or heartbeat - because he didn't even know the existence of Veldora and Ramiris.

He said: "I think we can hold a paid novice teaching lecture, or we can sell strategies to players... well, adventurers through indirect channels. Let me ask - the space of the maze is really so vast, and magical powers can be switched at will.

Floors, rooms, passages, etc.?”

"Hmph, this kind of thing is a piece of cake! This is a maze built by my ability. Who do you think I am? It's okay to worship me!" Ramiris said with her nose raised.

Crounpis suddenly received an urgent notification from Benimaru——

[Lord Clawnpis, a group of heavily armed paladins is coming this way, with a bad attitude. It doesn’t look like an envoy sent by Sakaguchi Hyuga’s family, but after consulting the two paladins who followed the brave Masayuki, they got those people

It’s all news from Hinata’s subordinates. The situation is strange, what should I do?】

[Possibility of pretending, being deceived, or mentally controlled?]

[It is true that the mental state is a bit strange, and according to Sarai and Gregory, it is not quite right, but no one can see the disguise and mental manipulation. If there is, it must be extremely clever. Is it possible that he interfered with Crow at that time?

Lord Enpis is the enemy who caused Hinata’s defeat in the battle?】

[…Well, let’s kill them all. Let the corpses and souls remain intact and they can be resurrected. Besides, God Luminas can also use the resurrection skill. No need to show mercy.]

【Yes! Looking at their looks, I couldn't bear it for a long time.】

Although Benimaru sounds excited, the old god is here. His personal combat power is strong enough. Even if the strength of those paladins reaches the level of "Three Warriors", Benimaru may be defeated by a swarm of them, but there are Diavolo, Tess

There is nothing to worry about high-end combat powers such as Talosa, Galaxia, Souei, and Shirao.

(to be continued)

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