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Chapter 282 Millions of Heroes in the East (Mist)

Crounpis was in a good mood. This time he solved another problem. As expected, passionate fighting with fists and flesh is heresy. A "peaceful" solution like this is the way to go. Look how good the atmosphere is. In this kind of laughter and laughter

It’s great to knock your opponent out of GG without any effort.

[Crownpiss, are you too outspoken? Why don’t you tell me about such an important battle arrangement?] A text message came from Rimuru.

[‘Okay, I’ll leave it to you.’ Didn’t you say it without any politeness last time? ” Crounpis replied awkwardly.

【Have it?】


Mr. Ciel, as always, makes trouble for the forgetful Rimuru.

[Well, don’t I believe that you can definitely do it now with your strength? I have always been considerate of my companions. If I need help with something that I cannot do, I will definitely not be stingy. 】

[So to put it this way, I don’t mean to help. After all, I am so capable.]

[It’s a good thing to show calmness when you don’t need help. Yes, a good thing!]

【Then don't talk too much.】

Just in time, the results of the score statistics are also released.

"The statistics are over!" She announced in a high voice after confirming the circulation board passed to her, "The winner - by a slight advantage of one point, beats His Highness Shuna, Mr. Yoshida, the dessert chef from another world!"

Yoshida proudly raised his muscular arms in victory.

With his bald head and rugged appearance, someone who didn't know it would have thought he had just won a boxing championship.

In the warm atmosphere at the scene, the contestants and judges applauded and congratulated each other. Zhu Na said to him with a slightly regretful face: "I still can't beat you."

"I just had better luck this time. I will accept your challenge next time."

"Well, this is limited to the Founding of the Nation." Crounpis said as the host, of course he would not reveal his true purpose, but——

Taking advantage of the hot atmosphere, she continued to perform her duty of disclosing her identity, and loudly announced to the people around her with a smile: "There are restaurants all over the Demon Kingdom where you can eat as many outstanding dishes as those from the preliminary round to this final.

Oh, everyone is welcome to visit then. Please be sure to try it once. The specific location and suitable time——

"Please refer to the "Wandering Guide to the Land of Monsters". The closing ceremony of the Founding Festival will be held here tonight, so please be sure to enjoy it!"


After the Founding Festival, the exchanges between the Demon Kingdom and the Western countries became much smoother, and at the same time, it successfully joined the council that currently dominates the Western economies.

Rimuru was prepared for a tough negotiation, but it went extremely smoothly.

Although the various countries are frightened by the terrifying strength displayed by the Demon Kingdom, there is also the possibility that Rimuru can suppress other demon kings' evil intentions against humans, and they all want to use Rimuru's "bad good guy" personality to make money from the Demon Kingdom.

It’s just that the benefits and many other things don’t seem like the friendly approach that Rimuru expected.

Guy also "as promised" sent demons to the Western countries to cause trouble and let Rimuru's men repel them and "sell their favor" to humans, but Diavolo thought this was a slap in the face to Rimuru who had just vowed to "co-prosperity between humans and demons"

, as a result, the red and black fought until the sky was dark and the earth collapsed. The countries thought that Guy had finally made up his mind to destroy mankind, and Diavolo saved them, and they were very grateful for this.

But Rimuru just wants to see the results all-right as always.

Unfortunately, the good times of peace did not last long.

A new war is coming.


The Eastern Empire, one of the oldest human countries in the world.

The foundation is established for a small country to continuously absorb the surrounding big countries, and then continue to annex all the surrounding countries, and finally form a super-long name "Eastern United", and because this country does not have any equal diplomacy, all countries are not enemies.

It is a vassal, either join it or be destroyed. It is extremely domineering, so most people call it the "Empire of the East".

All the military forces of the empire are directly controlled by the great power of Emperor Rudra. The local noble lords have no ownership of the territory and no military power. They only have the right to use, operate and command the same as leased from the emperor. Accept other rights.

After a country surrenders and joins, it must also make the same rectifications, otherwise - death.

It uses force to create fear, but at the same time, it also provides adequate living security for those who join the empire. At the same time, it vigorously promotes it at all costs, not only giving both kindness and power to the powerful, but also making the people think that becoming an empire member is a happy thing.

Some people may wonder - can centralized power really be achieved to this extent? Even if it is achieved, how can the emperor have the strength and energy to control everything personally?

However, Emperor Rudra, assisted by that skill and the "marshal", can really do it. Even if generations continue to change, the emperor's appearance and personality will hardly change. In people's eyes, this is really strange.

Maybe the emperor is no longer human.

The reason why it is only limited to the east is that there is a storm dragon in the Jura Forest. Although there are north and south paths that bypass the center of the continent, the north is all mountainous. In the mountains is the large armed country of Dewa Gang, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The mountains are home to most of the dragons in the world. The land and sea in the south once occupied the demon kings Clayman, Kalion, Frey, Leon, and Milim, accounting for half of the "Ten Demon Kings".

But the reason why the empire did not move, the local people also believed that it was just that the empire was not ready. To defeat these existing combat forces, the empire only needed enough time to prepare.

Then, they are ready now.

Next, look at the empire's military might.

Let’s first talk about the standing military organizations that can go out at any time. They can be roughly divided into three main armies——

Mecha Legion: After adjustment by mecha technicians, the main force is mechanical soldiers. They have neutral mechanized military weapons such as tanks. They are a modern armed force and a symbol of imperial technology;

Warcraft Legion: The empire has captured all kinds of powerful warcraft from all over the world, breeds, cultivates and controls them, and uses their power, which is a symbol of the empire's power;

Mixed legion: people and demons outside the standard of strength. At best, each one has a unique personality and strong strength. At worst, it is a "concentration camp for problem people". It is not suitable for collective action as an army, but they can be gathered together in the way of adventurers.

Minato will pose a terrible threat, a symbol of the empire's heart - even if his heart is quite bad;

Of course, ordinary soldiers are also indispensable. Rather, these are the largest number. They are also equipped with the minimum rapid-fire firearms and explosive magic weapons.

The above-mentioned troops are all on active duty, adding up to nearly one million. If the domestic reserve forces and the guard organizations that maintain order are also included, the number can be more than doubled.

(to be continued)

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