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Chapter 285 Science Fiction Enemy

Crownpis was somewhat covetous of Rimuru's surveillance magic, so she used the [Telescope Technique] similar to that used by the third Hokage in the world of Naruto as a reference for improvement to seduce Rimuru into giving her this skill.

But Rimuru was unexpectedly happy and gave it away for free, without trying to peek at the improvement method.

Of course, this kind of conversation was not made public. On the surface, everyone was carefully watching the enemy situation monitored by Rimuru.

The surveillance magic displayed by Rimuru really scared everyone present, but in fact Rimuru was not relaxed. He could not check the surveillance anytime and anywhere, so this observation scared even him.

However, most of what scared him was the enemy's weapons and organization.

The number of tanks in the shot alone is more than 2,000.

Although I have heard about it for a long time, there are now some tanks in the country that are loaned out from Clunpis for practicing anti-tank tactics. However, during exercises or training, enemy tanks not only reached a maximum speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour

, and can also slide and jump in short distances!

By the way, how can a gun barrel that is so short that it does not extend beyond the body of the vehicle achieve such precise direct-aiming shooting?

With a short-barreled, high-precision, high-power main gun, and maneuverability that can slide and jump at high speeds, it feels like all the battlefield incompetence faced by tanks in another time and space has been overcome here?

Not only that, but there are also ones flying in the sky!

Although he knew from known information that there was something called a flying ship, Rimuru always felt from the oral description that it was similar to using the wind attribute to control the atmosphere or the earth attribute to control gravity to make the ship fly, or like a hot air balloon or airship.

Well, there are such things in Western countries, but very few.

After all, Ramiris also plays "space battleship".

But those shapes looked like space shuttles. Regardless of whether they could fly into space, the size was much larger than the largest transport aircraft he knew in Ukraine in his previous life. As can be seen in the light lens, even if the weapons are fully loaded,

Can it also transport several divisions of troops?

"I should praise the developers of the Empire in good conscience." Rimuru couldn't help but say.

"Let me tell you," Velustila raised his hand and said, "This is something imitated from the technology of other worlds. The empire's 'visitors from other worlds' are calculated in units of thousands. It shouldn't be strange to have these...


"Where did you know this? Did Damrad say anything?"

In fact, the question about "visitors from another world" exists in every country, so I didn't ask it beforehand.

Velustila rubbed his hair and said: "Actually, I went to Clayman's banquet and mentioned it as part of the chat with his subordinates..."

Rimuru stared at Crounpiss: "Hey, isn't this the first time that important things are treated as small talk? The issue of your children's education -"

Crownpis looked away and said, "Well... I forgot to teach her the common sense in this area."

Rimuru sighed: "Oh, forget it, in general we still have an advantage. It seems that there should be almost a million troops here. If they plan to attack in other directions, the total number can only be doubled at most.

Well. Although the equipment is well-equipped, except for the three main legions, most of the individual strength is low, and the bullets are very ineffective against us, so we still have the advantage. The air superiority seems to be a bit uncertain, but the "Flying Dragons" led by Gaviru are small and fine.

With the combination of top combat power and several high-firepower...'space battleships' of Ramiris, there is a good chance of winning. As for the ground, it seems that the only option is to follow Ultima's advice and retreat directly to the maze if we lose."

As for the option of directly dispatching high-end combat power to slaughter the soldiers——

Damrad revealed that they also have many equally high-end combat powers, and there are also many owners of ultimate abilities and unique skills. Even if there is water, there must be a considerable degree of strength among them. Even a sneak attack can indeed kill instantly.

Hinata's Ji Wu and Bonnie are good examples, so using the ultimate move first becomes the last resort.

"Regarding the issue of the enemy's strength, Rimuru, have you forgotten what I told you before and also briefly mentioned in meetings such as the Demon King's Feast?" Cronpith reminded.


"The deadline for the 'War between Heavenly Demons' has come. Didn't you get information from the demon clan before? The demons and angels are going to directly attack the world itself. The empire saw the right time and launched an attack at this time." Cronpis said.


"Oh, that means the attacks by angels must also be included," Rimuru remembered, but he also had doubts, "But don't angels attack advanced civilizations with priority without distinction? The empire is so advanced that it won't be involved?"

At this time, Galaxia said: "Regarding this, Damrad has confessed to the emperor that he has [Michael, the King of Justice]. This skill can summon and control angels to act as his own fighting force. In the past, the devil

Even we are no exception to the war."

"Ah?" Rimuru's head froze for a few seconds, and he spoke after turning on [Super Speed ​​Thinking], "That means not only that country is overbearing, but the initiator of the 'Temple War' is also the empire? That's

What the hell is this country? Why didn’t you two talk about important things earlier..."

"Rimuru-sama, you have misunderstood us. In the eyes of Sanity Core Michael, we are just tools." Picoxi raised his face, looking unhappy, "If this kind of thing can be known at any time, that guy Dino

He can no longer be the Demon King. The reason why we can say it now is because [Michael, the King of Justice] was activated again not long ago and can give orders to us. In the words of your world, the cd time has just ended.


Rimuru: "In other words, as long as the emperor gives the order, you will immediately become enemies?"

"That's not true. Lord Cronpis and you both have skills that are powerful enough to fight [Michael, the King of Justice]. Even if you didn't say it, given our strength, we still know whether we have it or not."

"Yes." Picosi said.

"no problem."

Rimuru gave a thumbs up, and Ciel seemed reliable again.

Crownpis also confirmed whether [Hecatia, King of Demon Gods] could do it, and the answer was yes.

But Rimuru was still puzzled. He crossed his chest and closed his eyes, muttering: "But why do you want to go against civilization? What good does it do to them?"

"Hey, let me tell you one more thing that can only be regarded as a legend. It is not suitable for information. Please refer to it." As usual, Crownpis began to tease the combination of settings that she only slightly understood [Hecatia, King of Demon Gods].

The acquired knowledge said, "Speaking of [Michael, the King of Justice], it seems to be the biggest 'dragon' skill at first. He should be regarded as an existence like Veldora's eldest brother. Ask him how he is."


(to be continued)

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