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Chapter 298 The powerful Louisiana

To be honest, with all kinds of legion-level magics existing, Crounpis didn't expect the missiles to do much effective damage to the enemy, but now it seems to be going quite smoothly.

The biggest reason is that among the enemy's airships, the proportion of frigates is obviously too small. Although there are many troops in the transport ships, most of them cannot be used when transporting troops.

There are only three frigates in a formation of 300 transport ships. Are you serious about going to war? Are you not here to deliver?

Ninini looked anxiously and tugged at the corner of Crounpisi's clothes.

"What's wrong?"

"My 'gold' was damaged by them."

"If it's broken, it's broken. Anyway, those ships of yours are all artificial bodies composed of seawater and minerals injected with magic. I still provide the magic."

The rays emitted from the frigate once again swept towards the gold and silver ship made by Ninini. Fortunately, one ship was damaged just now, and one of them had to spread its fan rays over a wide area to protect a large number of transport ships, so there was only one incoming ray.

, even the inexperienced Ninini can control the ship to maneuver in an arc to avoid it.

Ninini hit Crounpisi's back with her small fist and said: "My heart hurts, ah - and the enemy is coming! I will use Phalanx, I will use Phalanx to retaliate against them!"

"Put them all within the range of the close defense system and then attack them. You can use the artillery system of the ship you made yourself. Anyway, it has no magic capacity at all. It won't become much stronger if I take it."

"Wow, thank you! Can I use the two largest ships?" Ninini was referring to the Golden Louisiana and the Silver Louisiana.

"It's up to you. Anyway, even if you mess up, I won't lose anything except a little bit of magic power."

Rather, Ticonderoga-class cruisers and Arleigh Burke-class destroyers face the enemy's monsters. Although the missiles are the best, the ships themselves can be said to have no defense at all. Although the Louisiana is very old, it is still good.

It is huge in size and has thick armor, making it more resistant to the bites of those "little ants".

Moreover, the Louisiana was a warship built and put into service in the late World War II to deal with the Axis powers that were secretly influenced by Flampis. Not only was it powerful enough to rival Yamato, but it also had as many as twelve main guns, and it also introduced

The various four- to six-inch secondary guns and anti-aircraft guns of the ancient magical country that was unable to build ships due to the success of the Mustache Head of State's war. Although the United States did not know it, they contained heat dissipation similar to that of Flampis, which only used no magic properties.

The weapon realizes the magical structure, allowing the loaded ammunition to be blessed, able to carry out holy spell bombing, and possessing the most basic lethality against the undead army of Flampis.

It's just that these are black box technologies. In order to continue to hide magic under the surface world after the war, the relevant information was quickly blocked. In addition, if there are no targets that require holy spell bombing to kill, then it is just

It was just a weapon that was more expensive than ordinary weapons and had better performance. It quickly faded out of the watch world and was reused for other purposes.

In view of the modification space brought by the large size of the Louisiana and a few warships, and the firepower that is indeed better than ordinary weapons, several types of missiles and multiple groups of Vulcan cannons are installed in the Phalanx close-in defense system. If the artillery is used,

While it was operating, it was somewhat affected by the blessing. However, it did not last until the Third World War, and was reduced to a museum in Hawaii. It became a target for Flampis's resurrection fleet, and was sunk in vain and incorporated into our own side.

But in this way, as a magic that only uses physical structure to achieve the magic that ordinary soldiers can use without knowing it, Ninini can also use it.

This is also one of the reasons why Crownpis plays this war game and adds a battleship among countless guided missile battleships, not just because battleships are cool.

After all, those battleships that have the same appearance only have the same appearance and structure, but they cannot use the power of Hades and the power of the undead through the medium of Crounpith.

When tens of thousands of warcraft and their warcraft envoys approached to about a kilometer away from the gold and silver fleet, the cannons of all the warships opened fire immediately.

They were deliberately placed close to hit them. Even if they could avoid the big explosion caused by the naval gun shells, the intensive firepower of the Vulcan cannon would lock on and kill them.

The vitality of Warcraft is strong, and there are many with powerful defensive magic and skills. Small-caliber weapons are not effective against them even in theory, and they will be discounted in actual combat.

Although the Eastern Empire introduced technology, in fact many thermal weapons' ammunition also used magic to increase their power.

The biggest advantage of thermal weapons in this world is actually their range, as shown by the situation formed by the battle between the two fleets just now. Although the Warcraft can use skills and magic, there is no existence with a range of more than three hundred meters.

The magic and skills of super long-range strike are not absent, but unfortunately they do not exist among them, and their level is not enough.

Of course, the enemy is not a fool. When he enters the area with the most intense firepower, he immediately retreats temporarily and prepares to disperse.

However, the Louisiana main gun has a firing range of tens of thousands of meters, and the secondary battery has a firing range of more than 10,000 meters. It is no longer possible for them to escape the strike range in a short time.

At the same time, the enemy did not sit still and wait for death. The two gold and silver Louisiana ships locked fire on them due to their rapid direct fire, huge hulls, and tall trees attracting the wind.

Compared to other ships, the Silver Louisiana was clumsy in maneuverability. After firing at full strength for about eight minutes, it was hit by [Magic Disruption Radiation] continuously and began to disintegrate and sink.

The Arleigh Burke-class destroyers and Ticonderoga-class cruisers retaliated, and their missiles temporarily gave up attacking the transport fleet protected by the fan [Magic Disruption Radiation], locking the frigate.

Nearly a hundred missiles - anti-aircraft missiles, anti-ship missiles and surface-to-surface missiles whose trajectories were forcibly calculated to put the enemy ships into a trajectory that could hit the target, all flew towards the only remaining frigate in one wave.

The types of bullets are different, and the trajectories are also different. [Magic Disruption Radiation] is not something that can form an all-round shield. If all the frigates are intact, maybe they can do it in a formation, but they were too confident before the expedition and never considered full-time combat.

The powerful frigate was shot down in an ordinary battle because it was built to deal with Veldora.

Therefore, the frigate cannot cope with them all.

However, the frigate's attack speed is superior to that of missiles.

[Magic Disruption Radiation] further swept towards another equally large USS Louisiana.

After Ninini saw that the silver was damaged, she made preparations and hid the Golden Louisiana in the sea. The result——

This blow naturally hit the ghost battleship Louisiana on which Crownpiss was aboard!

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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