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Chapter 62 The Realm of Life

Marquis Robert Bardo, like everyone else, was in panic.

The surrounding scene completely changed after the black-haired goblin cast some magic.

Everyone is standing on a huge log, and those who are afraid of heights will instantly lose their legs and cannot stand up. This place is at least a hundred meters high from the ground. I have never been in a place hundreds of meters high, so I don’t know.

It's clear, maybe it's actually higher. How many pieces of meat will be left if it falls?

Marquis Robert Bardo had only heard about flying. One was the "high-level" magic casters (level 20 or above) headed by Fluder in the empire, and the other group was the imperial air force: gryphon knights and hippogriffs.

The Knights and the small-batch Flying Dragon Knights that started forming a year ago.

Marquis Robert Bardo, who was originally a high-ranking aristocratic official whose military strength and strength were somewhat inferior to his power and financial resources, felt that he might have underestimated this.

got windy?

"Lord Marquis, be careful!" His guard hurriedly came to support him. As expected of a guard trained to use his own death to save his master when necessary, he recovered his senses so quickly and took action.

"Lord Marquis, get down first."

A nobleman with a high position in the empire actually wants to be subdued? This is really unreasonable! But——

In short, there is no time for the nobles to hide their faces, so get down first, otherwise you will really fall to the ground and you won’t even be able to find the pieces of meat! You have to be alive to enjoy the benefits of power and wealth.

Lying flat on the huge log, I felt a little more at ease, and then I had the intention to observe the surroundings. Not to mention the people who had various reactions, it seemed that there were branches and leaves of different thicknesses everywhere. If these were reduced by thirty times, then

Marquis Robert Bardo would have believed that he was in a tree.

But what should we consider if it is magnified thirty times?

Could this be the so-called divine realm of life? Even an ordinary person like him would find it difficult to deny that this place must be full of life when he sees a tree that is bigger than common sense.

If this is the case, then it is indeed not an ordinary disrespect for them to greet each other in the basement they set up in the cemetery.

However, what needs more attention is that it seems that the coldness is coming, goosebumps are getting all over the body, and the cold air starting from the toes is spreading to the upper body. Is it really that cold here?

"Lord Marquis, it's terrible and dangerous. Although I don't know what it will be, I can only use these words to describe it!" The guard seemed to react more intensely.

The small branches from above, as if alive, descended and rested on the broad log where they were sitting. An existence whose color and atmosphere were incompatible with the surrounding environment slid down from the top and landed gently in front of everyone.

Although he is so small, he gives people the feeling of seeing a huge existence. Will the demons faced by the "Thirteen Heroes" feel like this?

"Kowtow to Lampards." The former head of Guximont's family was the first to kneel down and bow, pressing his forehead to the log.

Is that that one? There is nothing too unusual about that being’s face alone, but what about the clothes he is wearing? In terms of decoration, it does not exist at all. There is no luxurious embroidery or noble heraldry at all, but there are

There are some bracelets, rings, earrings, chains and other accessories. However, from the aesthetic point of view of a nobleman who has seen high-quality things since he was a child, he can't see how luxurious they are. At best, they are degrading.

Just take a look.

However, although it is faint, I can feel something like luster, and the incomprehensible patterns of red, blue and white all over the body, it is better to say that it is the power of magic embedded in it.

Is that so? Rather than the type that shows off one's status through luxury and ostentation as a superior, is this place more focused on practicality? It's just like a vulgar adventurer.

No, no, I heard that it was a monster. The thoughts of monsters naturally cannot be based on human thinking. Moreover, the only people who can fight monsters from this place where monsters are rampant outside the town are adventurers. The Marquis has private soldiers under his command, and there are quite a lot of them.

Even if there are many skilled players, it is not impossible to fight monsters, but the losses will definitely be greater than those of the adventurers.

The fear in his heart made the Marquis bend his knees.

The Marquis's final "statement" caused other lower-status nobles and entourage to follow suit.


Dragon Kingdom, among the Demonic Tree——

"This is really surprising. I obviously haven't said anything yet?" Crowenpis looked down at the large group of people who were just thinking about themselves and panicking. After seeing him appear on the stage, they immediately knelt down to him, and his eyelids

Jump straight.

"If I were a monster with a terrifying appearance, or someone with a holy light behind me, it would be understandable that I would bow down in such a pretentious manner to the existence I met for the first time, but my appearance and dress cannot be said to be intimidating, right?

?It seems quite inconsistent with the aesthetics of another world, right? Why on earth?"

"Alas," Star sighed in response to the communication channel formed by the magic of the two goblins, "Does Pisi have no idea how abnormal her true appearance is in the eyes of people from another world?"

Crownpiss: "I understand the anomaly. After all, there is no Star-Spangled Banner in this world. However, the 'coolness' here is not the result of borrowing a high-level undead spirit from Granbell to hide behind the tree trunk and release aura."

Does it have anything to do with my appearance?"

Star: "Haha, I really don't know if Pi Si is pretending or if it's real. I can't tell at all. I lost. I'll leave it to you."

Crounpis: "Well... there's nothing we can do about it. Last time I turned a skinny, sickly old man into a muscular, philosophical old man."

Star: "Aren't you still self-aware?"

Crounpis: "But it's only a serious illness that makes him look so old, weak and decadent. If he is healthy, he can live another twenty years according to the standards of the 21st century on earth. According to the standards of the 21st century on earth, if

According to the theoretical human age of 125 years, you can continue to live for more than fifty years."

Star: "Ah, how strong do you expect the medical theory to be in this world where magic can be used to heal?"

Crounpis: "No hope, but I need insurance. Why do you think I asked Star to come with me? Please."

"Understood." Star said during the communication, walked out of the crowd, came to Crounpisi and made a very humble kneeling gesture.

Star usually doesn't regard Crounpis as his master at all, and will tease her from time to time. Now he is doing this because he is pretending to be a master in front of inferior creatures. What should he do?

(to be continued)

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