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Chapter 330 King of Stars

"Really?" Rimuru looked around a few times and asked his subordinates.

This was the first time he knew that the total population of the empire was greater than the total population of the countries established by all other races in the world combined. If he had used the method of killing all the people of Rudra when dealing with the [Palace Wall], what would the future history have been like?

What do you think of him who wiped out half of the world's population?

Everyone who knew Rimuru's question nodded.

Rimuru breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Then, how did Crownpis make Rudra lose her faith?"

"As expected, you have to ask this." Crownpis began to talk, "Rudra does have justice, ideals, and the ability to make the people of the Eastern Empire healthy, and even the crime rate has been zero for thousands of years...


"Such a bunker?!"

"It's really just a fortress like this. Before he was devoured by Michael, if he hadn't been worried about the losses in the 'Demon War', the technology of the Eastern Empire would have been much more powerful than it is now - some prisoners with important positions said so

.And I didn’t create anything new. Memory manipulation is nothing more than a third-rate method when faced with the majority of the world’s population. It just changed the ‘perspective’.”


"It is true that the emperor is powerful in all aspects, and justice is real, but there is no absolute justice that ignores positions. If there is, it is no different from evil. Don't you think so, Rimuru?"

"It really can't be denied."

"In the end, how many people in this world can see Rudra clearly? There must be some, but certainly not many. Regardless of whether the vast majority of people are happy because of him or the very few who are unfortunate because of him, at most they think'

Well, there is such a person. He is so powerful. He who obeys will prosper and those who go against will perish. All he knows is an empty shell named 'Rudra', so he can freely manipulate the impressions of the world itself related to him, and even interfere with the spirit.

No operating memory is required.”

"Oh, that's it." Rimuru felt that Crounpis didn't answer directly at all. Ciel was also shielded by Crounpis as before, but Rimuru had seen Crounpisi deceive the world.

Genjutsu, I think it’s not surprising that you can do such a thing.

In fact, there is a difference. If it is just an illusion, there will be a moment when you wake up from the dream. Directly changing the world is an irreversible reality. If you want to change it back, it is another matter.

"What about Rudra's real close friends?" Rimuru asked.

"This is also very simple. What they believe in is Rudra's soul, not Rudra's body. This part of the impression can also be operated in the same way."

"Does that mean Rudra's impression was transferred to Masayuki?"

"Where, Rimuru, do you think it's necessary for me to specially operate Masayuki's skill influence? I guarantee that if he goes directly to the empire, he will be welcomed by the same chorus as the Western countries. Do you want to take a gamble?" Crowe

Empisi spread her hands and said with a smile.

"No, I can't afford these odds." How could Rimuru, who knew Masayuki's feelings, be fooled?

"Compared with this, we were talking about that at the beginning. You have to come, hey." Then, as expected, Clawnpis was immediately captured by Rimuru.

Although I really want to run away, if I'm called out, it doesn't fit the "beautiful monster princess" setting if I don't agree.

The death toll in the empire reaches seven figures. At the same time, there are about 1.4 million people who can be resurrected directly; there are also three people who can be resurrected by spending more time to put the corpses together, or by turning back the time a little.

About 100,000.

This is no small project.

And if there is someone who cannot be resurrected, it may be easier to lose faith when facing the family of the deceased than not facing them at all.

So, in the spirit of "sharing the same difficulties", Crownpis prepared to call Verustila, but——

"Hey, where is the person?"

Crounpisi sensed it, and her magic power fluctuations disappeared?!

However, there is a more important matter for Crounpis: "Hey, Rimuru, our backyard seems to have been raided."


Rimuru was about to take action, but Crounpis suppressed some embarrassment and said, "Can you leave the rest to me?"


Verustila looked sad and cried secretly.

Everything related to the "Dragon Species" has disappeared, and for some reason, [Janus, the Holy Demon King] who was obtained by Crounpis - and was almost proven to be a relative by her - also disappeared in the recent battle.

Disappeared soon after.

In the end, there was left one [Loigor], the King of Star Source, who had the ultimate ability that had nothing to do with everyone.

Although none of her skills have been reduced, and even the powers that originally came from different "dragon species" but were difficult to master flexibly because they were not rooted in the soul can now be used in various permutations and combinations, it is difficult for her to be happy.

Therefore, she directly used her new derivative skill to teleport back to the magic city of Rimuru and plunged into the elf shop opened by Toreni.

This store is strictly screened for entry and exit. Important people from the Demon Kingdom can naturally enter at will. Others need to meet certain conditions. Even if they break in with strength, all their information will be investigated and nothing can be hidden.

Verustila naturally belongs to the first category.

One of the functions of this store is to vent their stress to various customers.

But the atmosphere at this time seemed very strange. Although it was natural that Torene had gone to participate in the war and she was not in the store, it was unusual to find several quasi-corpse inside when she opened the door.

Those are Gregory, Sarai, Bonnie, and Ji Wu who are currently in charge of Zhengxing's safety. The reason why they are not dead is probably because these people have resurrection bracelets. If they are killed and resurrected elsewhere, they will expose their actions.

At the same time, the battle was still very fierce. Damrad protected Masayuki behind him and fought with a man.

The three pairs of six pure white wings on the man's back further emphasized the beauty of his strong body. Through the gaps in the wide and white clothes, you can see the muscles that have been exercised repeatedly.

Damrad was scarred, but he still persisted despite being at a disadvantage. He was worthy of being the "Fighting Saint" who made Verustira significantly stronger.

"Who are you!" Verustila couldn't bear to be sad, and was hostile to this guy who looked like an angel who came to kill the brave.

How did the invasion come in? Even if she could avoid all kinds of warning and sensing monsters and demons, Ramiris would definitely be able to confirm it.

Ah, by the way, the top of the maze has been destroyed by Velgrendo...

"Humph, you are an insect that has no survival value. You are the hybrid born from the mixture of Veldora and the monster princess Mosu in Lord Feldevi's information. Are you interested in Lord Kernu, one of the 'Three Demon Commanders'?"

It's so rude! Figure out your own rights and go to hell!" the angel said fiercely.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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