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Chapter 22 Floor BOSS Ecology

"So, who are these people!" Linde shouted as he struggled to parry the attack of a strong man.

"There are Neo-Nazis and mercenaries, probably. Just now a guy called us beastmen and we don't want to go to heaven."

Akanali and Leafa, who were scattered to the other side, dealt with the attacks of five people back to back. The flame whip made a few players unable to move and struggled like caterpillars, but they had to deal with them alone.


"These people are very familiar with real-life battles!"

"My swordsmanship is at a disadvantage, brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay, Leafa, pay attention to your opponent!" Kirito was indeed in a serious situation at this time.

In this melee where neither side could do any harm, Kirito gritted his teeth and faced off against a man.

The man spoke Japanese with an American accent and said, "It's been a while since I saw you. I miss you, Kirito. How about the gift you prepared this time? It's show time."

"What is your purpose?" Kirito once again asked the question he always asked in every confrontation.

He knew that there was a group of people who often hindered the teams and people who were doing strategy and conducive to strategy tasks, or instigated players to fight among themselves and committed crimes, or interfered with tasks to increase the possibility of failure, and would kill them even if they were chased by guards.

Mission NPCs outside the circle are used to eliminate various missions that are helpful for the strategy and players' survival and life, and spies are also placed within important guilds - it is estimated that there will be intelligence reports from those people this time.

But Kirito couldn't tell anyone. Once he said it, the major guilds themselves might not be able to unite because of suspicion, which would be even more unhelpful to everyone.

This group of people who caused estrangement and conflict between players also took on the mission of the Fallen Fairy route, which is the big villain in the game setting. They have obtained methods including poisoning, traps, paralysis, etc. to easily kill NPCs and players.

If it were a normal game, doing this might feel a little boring, but this is a game where you only have one life, just like reality, and you can't play around with it at all!

He couldn't understand why these people hindered the strategy and did not hesitate to do so. It was obviously not like real theft, robbery, and fraud crimes, and they obviously did not get any benefits. What on earth were they thinking?

If there must be any benefit, it is the setting of the Fallen Fairy line: their ultimate goal is to seize the power of Aincrad that still protects the fairies after it is generated to obtain an invulnerable immortal body. But this is to enhance the atmosphere.

Game setting, right? Their real bodies must be lying on the hospital bed now, relying on infusions and equipment to maintain life.

Is it just for pleasure?


There was a crisp collision sound among the sounds of the battle. It was not obvious among the chaos, but it shocked Kirito. This was not the sound effect of weapons or limbs colliding under the protection of the system in the safe zone, but the sound of metal in normal combat.

The sound effect of a weapon hitting an object whose defense is not broken!

The HP-destroying battles that will occur in the safe zone can only trigger battles with NPCs under specific plots, that is -

He suddenly turned around and saw the shopkeeper using a kitchen knife to cut off the legs of a player who rashly attacked her. He reached out to strangle his neck, lifted him up, and raised the kitchen knife to chop off his head!

Sao was not suffocated by his neck. The person who was grabbed by the neck screamed and struggled wildly, but he could not break free from the slender-looking arms.

At the feet of Shenglong Fei, who had turned into a human form, there were also several red players with HP dropped.

"It's your fault that people die here. You are indirect murderers." The man behind said.

The shopkeeper's kitchen knife ignited with the purple light of swordsmanship.

Kirito was worried. On the one hand, he didn't want anyone to die here, but on the other hand, if word spread, no matter what the facts were, there was still no denying that an American player died here surrounded by a team of island players. The impact would be quite bad.


At this critical moment, Kotaro and Isuke, who returned in great force, brought overwhelming "reinforcements".


Crounpisi caught the American player who was blindly challenging him, raised his kitchen knife and prepared to chop it.

This guy has good skills, he may be a soldier, but it doesn't make much sense.

However, meaning can still be given, and Crounpis is actually somewhat interested in hindering the strategy. In this mission, she also wants to induce these players to do things that are not beneficial to the strategy, so the opportunity given to them will not be wasted.

Just when she was about to raise the knife and drop it, the ground seemed to shake.

She stopped her movements and looked in the direction of the source of the earthquake. She saw the two "Leroy Kings" running wildly in this direction, with a huge tree-shaped monster chasing them behind.

"That monster seems very strong to me. Is there such a monster roaming here?" Fei asked.

"That is, the floor guardian - the demon tree spirit Nerius." Cronpis replied.

Because of their different physiological data, they can see farther than the players, but as the distance gets closer, everyone can see it quickly.

This safe area was spacious enough. Crounpis asked Fei to transform into a dragon, jumped up, stretched out his hand and summoned a large number of vines to hoist all the people in the mission team up.

"Hey, there's still us!" Kibaou raised his head and shouted, waving his scimitar.

Then he and Linde were caught by the dragon's claws again, and they knew that this was definitely done deliberately against them.

Fei flapped her wings and flew towards the boss room with the door open.

"Are they okay?" Akanali asked. Even if they are bad people, they are still humans, not monsters.

"May God bless them." Argo said angrily. She was the only one who understood that the other person was scolding both religion and race.

"But how on earth did Kotaro and Isuke pull the gatekeeper out of the boss room? And cut off a lot of its HP." Kirito expressed doubts. At that time, he noticed that two of the boss's four HP bars were empty, and there was another

I didn't see it clearly but it must be the icon of a negative buff.

"I originally planned to talk to you later. But I can't help it because of those two people." Crownpis paused, then turned around and said, "Nelius must be hungry, and his health is greatly reduced.

He was probably weak, and he just happened to be bumped into by those two people when he was about to go out to look for food."

"Looking for...looking for food?"

"Yeah, what's wrong? With such a big body, even if you don't have the knowledge of floor guardians, you should still be able to see that it requires a lot of food and energy, right?" Crounpis tilted her head in disdain.

She gave Kirito a deep look and continued: "Moreover, the first-level guardian, the Kobold Lord, and the second-level guardian, the Taurus King Asterius, who were confident in their strength, were beheaded one after another in just a few days.

Kill. The news that it was the same swordsman in black who delivered the final blow has also spread in the guardian industry, and everyone is very anxious."

(to be continued)

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