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Chapter 75 Dr. Seven Colors

Frenda threw a safety hammer at the drone flying towards the bus with a grenade attached.

The safety hammer rotated and hit the propeller of the drone. The drone, which lost power, fell on the roof of the bus and was immediately thrown down by inertia. After the bus drove more than 20 meters away from the wreckage of the drone, there was an explosion.

It sounded from behind.

"Huh, I have to think about what to say next time I'm called for questioning." She sighed and sat back in her seat.

However, there was no need to sit in the car soon, because the driver parked the car on the side of the road not long after the explosion and ran away without saying anything.

[Lord Crownpiss, you should think about what we have exposed that deserves to be killed.]

[Yes, do you think it will explode as soon as you open the door when you return to your residence now? 】

[…I think if you still don’t want to reveal your strength, you should accept Donghuang’s protection first.]

[Oh, you don’t think it was them who did it? 】

[Yes, the attitude of a mortal is not enough to hide it from me. 】

"Um..." Someone stopped Frenda and Victoria, "I am Qise Arshavin. Thank you very much for what you just did."

When they looked back, they saw that it was the person who was called "Doctor Seven Colors". He could at least be considered a person with some status in a certain circle. A doctor at this age was too young.

"It's nothing. In the end, it's just a self-help imitation of the movie. If it's really you who is being targeted, I hope you can stay away from me." Frenda put her hands into the pockets of her suit shirt and turned around to say.

There was no movement around, and Frenda thought she had already acted like she was about to draw a gun. There was no movement around, and taking the bus, it shouldn't be a high-value target.

"No, misunderstanding." Qise took half a step back and said, "The news also reported that soldiers were killed in this way, so a terrorist attack just to create chaos is also possible. Although I have Slavic ancestry and studied in the United States, but

I'm just a member of my country's SAO countermeasures team."

"Well, I think your identity is confusing enough. Didn't an American-Russian also die unexpectedly some time ago? Although it was said to be a car accident, there are some things that just can't be said," Flanda said, recalling the recent news.

"...There's no denying this. It's really helpless."

"So, as the SAO countermeasures team, is there any better news for the trapped people?"

"Hmm, um, um... I am one of the leaders of the system analysis team of the SAO countermeasures team. That system is completely a black box. The system itself is still operating and being analyzed and can evolve and correct itself. I have to admit that Kayaba

Akihiko and the technical team that assists him are really geniuses. Especially the fact that the player's upgraded data is converted into electrical signals to affect the player's brain, which can improve the player's physique and treat diseases. Current science cannot explain it. Ah... this seems to be a secret

Come on, it’s bad!”

"Are you stupid? Besides, what you just said are all things that have been widely circulated on the Internet. How can there be any secrets?"

"...That's right, I did not tell any key information."

"But do you know how much impact it will have on the medical industry if you can even analyze the latter? Since you belong to your country's SAO countermeasures team, that means you don't stand on either side of the world's bipolar forces." Flanda turned and left, walking a little hastily.


The same goes for Victoria.

It soon turned into a mad dash.

"Wait a minute, are you Miss Flanders? I finally met you. I have a few questions..."

"Stop! Let me ask, doesn't an important person like you have guards and bodyguards?" Victoria interrupted Qise's shouting.

"Eh? My results are not worthy. The progress of black box analysis is slow, and there are many people in the countermeasures team with academic qualifications close to mine. Although I have the intention, I have not yet proven my ability..."

"But it seems that someone is very aware of your abilities. Another plane is coming, why don't you hide away?!"

"Huh?" Qise looked up and saw that there was indeed an aircraft. It was a foreign trade model of unmanned combat aircraft that is common in the international market, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Under the current situation of the island country, similar aircraft cruising in the sky have become normal. Although it is definitely not a good thing for this country, it is meaningless to care. Who told Kayaba Akihiko to do something that the whole world cannot tolerate?

Just when Qise felt that she was being thrown away by those two people, the missiles mounted under the wings of the drone sprayed out flames from the tail...

"So I have such value. Can't the grenade just go to the ground attack aircraft?" Flanda looked at the big tree that was blown down, touched her chin and said to herself.

If the missile hadn't "happened" to hit the tree, Flanda would have had to report to the main body if she wanted to stick to her character.

The impact point of the other missile was naturally on Qise's side.

"In the end, the second wave was really tragic. It was better to let her die in the previous wave." Flanda then turned around and took out her cell phone to take a few pictures pretending to be scared.

[I think we can still rescue her. She didn’t receive a direct hit. She looks bloody but she hasn’t actually fainted yet.] Victoria said in the private line, carefully walked to Qise, who was still a little squirming, and leaned down.

Lower body.

[But we can’t do it. We pretend to be panicked and scared, then hide for a while, and then make a phone call. In the end, this makes us look more like ordinary people.] Frenda said.

But Victoria stood up directly and said: "They are a good family. She said that her sister is trapped in the sao and she must not die here."

"Well, it's human nature. Now that I've said it all, I'll make a call now. In order to reduce the trouble, accept the protection of the 'urban management'. Just in time to add some tasks to the pair of magical girl saints." Frenda took out her mobile phone and started.



After accepting the asylum of the "urban management" and temporarily moving to the occupied area for a week, Flanda made an excuse to go visit the trapped people in Academy City.

The reason was that she had made "contributions" to Sao in Academy City anyway, and what happened a few days ago, so she felt guilty and wanted to see the condition of the trapped students.

If the SAO incident was not special due to mystery, there would be no need to tell anyone about this request, but the reality is so special.

Moreover, now that Academy City and Tokyo have been occupied by the United States, even if other major powers negotiate for various reasons, they can only draw a "condominium zone" around them. It can be regarded as the "Flanda" that Donghuang got from the United States.

“It’s actually very difficult to go.

Donghuang agreed to arrange for her to visit the day students who commuted to school by light rail and Dr. Qise, who was escorted to the hospital for rescue by the "urban management" not long ago.

"Well, do they have any serious infectious diseases?" Flanda glanced at the people inside through the thick glass and sliding door, and asked the "urban management" behind her.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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