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Chapter 77 Battle Lane (Fog)

Crownpis really didn't know how to give each of the tens of thousands of goblins different names, so based on the difference between the direct line goblins and the collateral line goblins, they made a one-size-fits-all decision——

The one with blond hair is called "Alice" because the blond hair and the blue maid outfit look like that character.

The green-haired one is called "Midori" in Roman pronunciation according to her hair color.

Finally, according to the order of birth, the serial numbers are increased starting from 0 to show the distinction between different individuals.

There was only a moment of embarrassment. Crounpis put away her emotion, stretched out her hand and asked: "Bring it to me and see. I want the highest quality."

"Yes——" x 2

The two goblins turned and flew back into the jungle. After a while, they flew back, each holding several bundles of something that looked like some kind of fabric or fur.

Crownpis took a scroll and used the low-level identification magic she learned in the academy, and smiled happily: "It's real, but it feels like fur, and no one can tell it's human skin.

Right? But where did these people come from? Humans are different from other races, so they don’t want to live in the wilderness?" But there are still questions.

Since Clawnpis is operating in the human kingdom, he is naturally worried about this matter.

The blond Alice No. 0 put down the bundles of processed human skins in her hands and pointed to the west: "Da-chan has been here recently."

"Da-chan has always been concerned about dad's needs. It is said that in the recent battle between the Theocracy and the Elf Kingdom, the Elf Kingdom annihilated and captured a small army, and both the corpses and the captives were handed over to our compatriots (indigenous fairies) for disposal.

Well, it seems that the elves have always had this habit. Then Da-chan can just ask those compatriots." Green-haired Midori No. 0 added.

"Hmm, everyone did a good job, so I'll accept these." Crounpis said, throwing all the bundles into his infinite backpack.

Meliphis, who was watching not far behind, continued to be frightened: Oh my God, the elves' attitude towards prisoners and corpses is too cruel, but to think that there are many demi-humans who like to eat people, this knowledge itself is necessary.

Based on common sense, it’s not surprising that this kind of thing would happen. In addition, her own mentality changed after becoming a monster, and she got used to getting along with monsters. Therefore, Merriface’s feelings stopped at being frightened.

"So, what about the performance testing of tanks made with different regional technologies and the practice of using tanks?"


"I'm ashamed to say it."

"Why, can't it be done?" Crounpis's expression turned slightly worse.

"No, no, no, how dare you! If dad wants us to go on an expedition for you, it would be great for us who are weak and not good at attacking magic to have an iron turtle shell like that and a weapon that can be used to attack."

"And for those of us who cannot merge with the main body, as long as the vehicle is large enough, it may become possible to travel around the world with the main body."

Alice No. 0 and Midori No. 0 said each, and then said in unison: "It's definitely not Dad's fault, it's our lack of control skills!"

"I never seem to admit that I was wrong..." Crounpis was a little speechless.

"Those two pieces are exquisite pieces that Lunabai obtained after consuming a lot of wood that fell from my body in pain. Even Mr. Fluder can't cause any scars. Let's start the battle lane immediately... No, start 'tank'

Two items', immediately drive two tanks around the jungle, and then fire at me!"

"Yes——" x 2

Then, the two goblins made several gestures to the forest, and then whistled rhythmically.

Immediately, two tanks, one yellow and one green, that looked exactly like the T-62 (five pairs of road wheels with a slightly forward disc turret) rushed out of the forest, followed by the yellow car's seemingly handsome tail flick, and the green one.

The car turned with almost steady grip, and both cars rushed out in the direction of the so-called "track".

Just as Crounpis sat cross-legged on the spot and accurately used her senses to confirm the status of the two cars, Meryphis touched over and asked softly: "What is that? Why do you children agree to attack you so easily?

An instruction?"

"Humph, we can't hurt daddy." Alice No. 0 looked down upon Melphis.

During these times, the two cars were still racing without giving in. Even though everyone was a fairy, the competition and the rivalry between the direct line and the side line still existed.

The Golden T-62 uses Imperial Graeme technology. The power required in all aspects depends on the magic circle and magic thread made of expensive materials and engraved inside. Each component that requires power can operate independently, allowing

All movements of the tank are very smooth and do not interfere with each other. However, the shock absorbing device of the Empire's vehicle simply relies on large springs. It is the suspension of the T-34 that is further simplified and the structure is quite simple, but this also makes the vehicle uneven.

It bounced wildly in the wilderness.

The Emerald Green T-62 is based on dwarf Graeme technology. It has a built-in core component of Graeme that is equivalent to an engine, and every place that requires power is connected by the connecting rods that originally operated Graeme's hands and feet. There are many more parts, and shock absorption

The device is similar to a short torsion bar suspension. In principle, it is equivalent to that of the Soviet Union in the 1950s, but the number of parts has been further increased, so the weight is a bit larger. Fortunately, the shock absorption capacity is okay, but due to the drive linkage of the Graeme core

The rod was directly connected to the driving wheel of the tank without any transition in between, so the tank could only turn by locking the brakes on one side. As a result, the racing tank had to drift all over the field and almost overturned several times.

Sensing the two racing chariots, Crounpis sighed. Originally, she didn't really like this kind of round-headed vehicle that looked a bit clumsy. A few years ago, Luna finally became technically proficient enough.

Later, Crownpis begged her to make the tank turret into a handsome angular turret.

It's just that Luna said that these woods are all changed by magic, and she initially touched the buckler in order to find an easy-to-imagine reference object. If she wanted to imagine it as a wedge-shaped armor, she would have to increase the labor time and magic power consumption. If this factor

If Cronpis could tolerate it, then another problem forced her to give up the angular turret:

The strength of the armor generated by magic is equivalent to that of casting. If each piece of armor is carefully forged and spliced ​​like the dwarves, then it will be okay to make it into an angular turret. If it is cast... The weather is pretty good today, right?

However, this point cannot be changed even if wood is used as the material. Therefore, for the sake of quality, Crounpisi had to reluctantly give up the shape of the chariot that he thought was handsome. But in the final analysis, it is also an aesthetic issue. Some fairies seem to be interested in round heads and round heads.

I quite like the image of the brain, I think it's quite cute.

They just have to enjoy themselves.

If it doesn't work, Crownpiss can at best make a suit that looks like a movie prop car and put it on. Don't Russian movies often attach Tiger turrets to these round heads?

(to be continued)

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