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Chapter 131 Demon King

Popular Recommendations: All Heavens: The Sims from the Destruction of the Pillar to the Emperor's Coming to Hongmeng

In order to cooperate with Klein's chaos, Clunpis killed the guards while covering the evacuation of the people.

Originally, she didn't want to do these chore-like tasks. She originally issued such tasks randomly just to have fun and observe the changes caused to the SAO world. As a result, the SAO world directly turned all of these into the main line to promote SAO clearance.

"I was so moved that I wanted to cry," Kroenpis had to reluctantly cooperate.

The killed guards all turned into green-faced and horned demons before their deaths were shattered. However, if you don’t care about this, this should only increase the evil atmosphere of the villain. Although SAO’s rigor should have detailed

The background setting, but it should be just a big deal and has nothing to do with the strategy.

After a while, they came outside.

Crownpis killed all the devil soldiers here. Some of those who took back their weapons did not leave, and some actually took out other weapons from their pants and skirts.

They gathered together.

"Are you warriors just here to cause trouble?"

"If you want to assassinate the king, count me in!"

“Count me in too!”

"I think if I am elected today, I will personally pierce this knife into his heart! I will go too!"

Not only that, but some human soldiers who had not turned into demons also turned around and raised their weapons towards the royal city.

"I didn't expect Your Majesty... No, that guy would actually do such a thing to our colleagues!"

"Possessed by a demon or something..."

"He is no longer our king!"


"Wow." Looking at the excited people, Crounpis gave al a small thumbs up, "Then, let's fight together and take out all the crossbows and defensive equipment."


Klein, Linde, Kibaou sister, Kirito and Silica rushed into the royal castle maze, and the enemies all turned into Devilman soldiers.

This made Kirito breathe a sigh of relief. If he killed monsters that were no different from humans, he and the other older people would be fine. This would not be good for Silica, who was still in a sensitive period.

What was different from the initial expectation was that when they conquered the entire royal city maze, the devil soldiers were difficult to deal with. Each group had to move forward and backward to separate the lone enemies, and then two or three people surrounded one enemy before they could defeat it - this

There is still a Kirito who is far ahead in strength!

The experience points and dropped items are also pitiful. As a task that can be undertaken by a team or even a single person, this is simply too difficult.

For this, Klein felt very sorry even if he did not regret it. His behavior just now was obviously a deliberate skipping of some plot cutscenes. According to SAO's rules, the normal process should have several elements to reduce the difficulty.

But it took them less than two hours.

The reason is that among the several castles that need to be conquered, there are patio structures where you can directly see the uppermost ceiling from the bottom. If you follow the rules and attack by taking the stairs, it will probably take a long time, but Tyrol directly brought a continuous rope.

The knotted rope flies to the top and is tied, so that everyone can climb up together and everything is done.

Kirito secretly said that this time and that time he fought against the betrayal of the Radiant Walkers, Tyrol played an inconspicuous but crucial role, and he had to express his gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

As a precaution, every time I climbed, I put some soft objects such as inflatable mattresses and camping tents and sleeping bags on the ground to survive if I fell into the water. Fortunately, there were no accidents on the way.

It would be better if the Devilman soldiers who were left behind wouldn't take the initiative to destroy those props and could recover them before their durability was lost.

They arrived at the king's bedroom and found it empty. Kirito quickly found a secret passage.

Opening the secret passage and continuing forward, all the way down, it seemed as if they were back on the first floor, maybe even lower. Not long after, a double-opening door that was similar to the door of the BOSS room in the maze area but also revealed an evil atmosphere appeared in front of them. .

Klein: "This has become the atmosphere of a normal dungeon guide."

Linde: "If it's a normal BOSS battle, you have to consider that the opponent is not a king but a large monster similar to a domain BOSS."

Kibaou sister: "In my opinion, don't rush to attack. It is safer to open the door first to confirm its appearance and then retreat after one or two attacks to calculate the attack pattern and make some plans."

Kirito: "Unfortunately, the boss in this kind of plot will not interrupt the plot for you once the battle begins. Besides, there is no precedent for the boss to rush out of the room. Yui, please tell me."

For the time being, a more general strategy was discussed, with Linde, the only heavy metal armor and shield swordsman, acting as the front guard; Silica ordered Pina to focus all TOP on Linde and recover him with all her strength, and she and Klein would be responsible for the damage; Kirito Kazuo's sister is responsible for the output while also supporting the vanguard depending on the situation.

Kibaou and Rinde generally disagreed with each other, so the command was given to Kirito, who had the most experience.

Linde stepped forward and pushed the door open, put up his shield and walked in.

The interior is as spacious as the floor BOSS room, with purple flames floating on the surrounding walls, which looks very magical.

"The Ronin Begins with Douluo"

There is a huge magic circle in the center of the indoor floor.

The king stood with his back to them in front of the magic circle that started to glow. He turned around, raised his beard and said: "Hehe, hehe, aren't these dedicated to the most beautiful princess in history? I am very satisfied and will not marry anyone in the future." As the princess, not only can you be exempted from the crime of trespassing in the palace, but you should also be rewarded heavily. How about it?"

"What do you mean, where did you take her?" Klein replied, setting up his beloved knife.

Yui: "That magic circle... the system is designed to sacrifice the souls of tens of thousands of wives to summon a demon capable of destroying the country... such a setting."

"What?!" Klein made a half-husky voice, "You, you soulless soul, sacrificed her... so many women?! You are the devil!"

"How could it be possible? Of course there are not so many. It's just that today's princess is really extraordinary. I didn't expect that the Demon Emperor Eros would wake up so quickly. The world is already a lonely possession! Come out, Demon Emperor Eros!"

In the magic circle, a huge black hand with sharp nails stretched out and grabbed the ground, followed by a second hand - a slap that broke the king into pieces.

Although the prompt window that the task of assassinating the king was completed popped up, everyone had no time to be distracted.

The upper body that first appeared was a head that looked like a cow or a sheep, with horns, a pair of flaming eyes and a mouth full of fangs that breathed out steam. The strong muscles and fur seemed to be invulnerable.

The cat-waisted upper body alone occupied almost the entire room, so when he completely climbed out of the magic circle, the entire room collapsed, revealing the sky.

(to be continued)

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