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Chapter 136 This is also a kind of hero saving beauty

The girls hid themselves and followed Kirito who went out late at night for unknown reasons. After a while, they estimated that they were about a mile away from the camp. Kirito's footprints slowed down and turned into the shadow of a tree.

At this time, the girls saw that in a place where the trees were slightly lush, the Krampis shopkeeper who claimed to be the original fallen fairy was talking to two people, one tall and one short, all wrapped in black robes.

The taller one could vaguely see the outline of the weapon he was carrying, which seemed to be a machete or a sword, with a long pole-like object on his back; the shorter one simply did not touch the ground with his feet, and there was nothing else to do.

Get information.

But the biggest problem is that the two black robes are different from the friendly cursor above Krampis. They have dark red cursors. While this color indicates hostility, it also means that they are quite dangerous and powerful enemies.

The name marked under the tall man's cursor is "Fallen Elf Lieutenant Kaiinsara", and the short man's name is "Corrupted Original Scroll Yinfonia". The latter's name is known to Leafa and Yuuki.

Another problem is that Kawei didn't see Krampis's footprints extending. So, either Krampis teleported here, or Krampis has the [Anti-Tracking] skill and Kirito has a much higher skill than Uta.

The tracking ability of Wei's [Tracking] performance is probably Yui's.

As they were talking over there, Krampis suddenly danced and twirled around, seemingly very happy, while the man in black robe bowed his head respectfully.

Then, the man in black robe presented a small bag, and Crounpisi took out the contents one by one and illuminated them under the moonlight. A smile appeared on his profile in the dark night.

"It's the keys, three of them in total," Gewei said.

"Could it be the three secret keys from the 'Secret Key Mission' we did before?" Leafa said.

Others cast questioning glances, and Leafa briefly talked about the "Elf War" mission in which three elf forces competed for six secret keys around the story background of Aincrad's survival.

"This has nothing to do with our purpose, right? Now that the 'Elf War' mission is gone, is the ending of the story still linked to our lives?" Gewei asked.

"I guess that's why I followed you because I was worried about this," Lyfa said.

Lucos: "Kirito-sama not only takes care of the players and strategy missions, but also the residents here. It feels really stressful."

Gewei: "Shhhhhhhhhh-"

Krampis over there suddenly turned her head, took out a kitchen knife, raised it, pulled out the purple knife light, and threw it out.

"Hush, rest, rest, rest!" The kitchen knife spun at high speed, "Puff——"

Hit, HP returns to zero.

Silica, Lucos and Yuuki managed to silence themselves while the others covered their mouths.

But the reason why Yuuki was covered by Leafa was slightly different. She saw the kitchen knife hit a legendary chowder rabbit that happened to be passing by not far away - an S that even 10,000 players might not be able to catch even if they play for a year.

Top quality ingredients!

The strange thing is that the chowder rabbit that became the food did not disappear, but stayed in the same place. The food was a dropped item rather than a captured item, which may mean that Krampis's [Phantom Book Technique] item list has been replaced for some reason.


Krampis had turned her attention back to the man in black robe and began to give out a large number of items. The man in black robe did not appear to have the [Phantom Book Technique]. Bundles of things were piled on the floor, and most of them even made a sound when they landed.

Metal collision sound.

"It's a captured weapon. It's much stronger than the weapons used by Lucos and I. There's something else, it's non-armor auxiliary equipment, probably." Gawei said softly.

At this time, the cursor above the heads of the men in black robes turned friendly green. They made a few gestures, and a large group of men in black robes with the cursors above their heads marked "Fallen Goblin" and "Female Goblin" came out and took away the weapons and equipment.


This seems a bit strange. They don't know why "female fairies" are divided into a separate category. Obviously, all fairies are divided into male and female.

The two parties then said goodbye to each other.

Everyone was extremely nervous when they saw Krampis walking towards where the girls were, humming "I'll have a good time tomorrow".

It would be okay if those were really friendly forces, but it seems to be related to the possible enemy of the original mission. What would happen if they were discovered? At least they would lose some help, or at worst they would start a fight on the spot.

But when they reacted, they found that they were already in a troublesome situation. At this distance, they were a bunch of people with different parameters. Just moving together without training might cause the concealment to fail.

"Hey, Miss Krampis, good evening." Kirito suddenly came out and spoke.

"Huh? Why are you here?" Krampis looked a little surprised.

"I couldn't sleep the night before the battle, so I went on a patrol. It was just a precaution. I happened to see you handing over so many equipment to those people. Most of them were the captured Devilman weapons from the previous mission, right? Yes.

Are the mercenaries obtained through these transactions reliable?"

The girls realized that Kirito had deliberately lied. Since he came to follow and monitor the secret key transaction, they must have been suspicious for a long time - ever since Krampis asked for the secret key.

No, maybe she got other information from somewhere earlier, or maybe she started to be suspicious because she looked like a boss promoting the PV.

In other words, Kirito would not have come out. This was probably to avoid being exposed by following them without permission and to actively attract Krampis' attention.

Krampis said to Kirito: "Don't worry, I promised before to help you attract the attention of the forest fairy troops. By the way, there will be delicious food tomorrow morning."

She was about to continue walking towards the chowder rabbit and the kitchen knife that had been turned into ingredients. Kirito suddenly rushed in front of the chowder rabbit, and the wind he brought up even blew the hair and clothes of the girl who was close by.

Without looking in the direction of the girls, he picked up the chowder rabbit with the kitchen knife stuck in it and walked quickly to Krampis: "This - it's better to leave the celebration party, otherwise Asuna won't be part of it."

"Hey, I think you treat Leafa better. Is this better than a newlywed after a long separation?" Crounpis looked teasingly.

"Well, I don't think this proverb is used in this kind of place. I also want to take a walk. How about going over there and walking around the camp? There are some tactical details that I want to talk about. Think carefully about the sneak attack tactics we discussed before.

It seems too naive, how could it not be discovered in advance." Kirito changed the subject.

"Can't you say no tomorrow morning?"

"It's okay, I can't sleep anyway."

"Okay. But please return the kitchen knife to me. It's not an ordinary thing you can buy on the street."

"I can probably tell that it's not a mortal thing. How much does it cost?"

"Half cheaper than your interpreter."

"That's incredible! This is really a kitchen knife..."

The two strolled and chatted, and soon disappeared from the sight of the girls.

Then they breathed a sigh of relief.

With some guilt and worries, they returned silently.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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