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Chapter 149 The Despair of the Fallen Fairy

The "Earth Cutoff" dungeon mission caused by the original fallen fairy goddess attracted the siege of four-digit players and their friendly NPCs.

Although almost no one has the possibility of breaking through the periphery of the maze, even the players and guilds currently in the first echelon cannot do it. Even if it is related to their hasty arrival and no coordination, it is also because they have not done anything to reduce the problem.

The difficulty is related to the plot missions, but you can also imagine how difficult this copy is.

But there are also people who accidentally get connected with this copy and use some tricks to get into the maze.

"Thank you, helper-san." Silica, with tears in her eyes but blushing on her face, grabbed her skirt with one hand to prevent it from moving due to gravity, and hugged Prosham's head with the other.

"Put you down right now. Can you let go of my head first? I can't use your sword skills on the vine hanging you in this position."

"Ah, I'm sorry."

Prosham used a set of consecutive sword skills to cut off a large number of vines hanging Silica and Bina. He caught Silica like a princess and immediately put her down.

"You guys should pay more attention to your companions!" Prosham shouted to Yuuki who was fighting not far away.

"Don't say it so easily! The fallen elf lieutenant and several fallen royal knights are very strong! The lieutenant is not slower than me, and his attack power is also very strong! His tactics are also very good! He can also fake moves!" Yuuki said without any sense of fun.

She yelled that if she had the chance, she would have been saved.

Yuuki had already tried her best just to prevent those people from attacking the immobile Silica first.

Logically speaking, it is not that difficult to escape from the vines, but Silica always took out one hand to protect her skirt and was unable to fight properly.

"These people can also use spells to manipulate plants." Yuuki added.

"Are you kidding me?" Fallen Elf Lieutenant General Kayintra approached Yuuki and struck her head with a slash that looked exactly like a [vertical slash].

Although Yuuki was having a conversation, she did not lose her vigilance. She crossed her swords to deflect the intimidating slash.

However, what fell was only the afterimage of a sword light, and the real slash became horizontal, about to swipe across her waist.

Yuuki had already suffered a similar loss. Although she still didn't know the afterimage or what skill the phantom was created from, she was able to deal with it. She flattened the crossed swords and swung them to both sides at a faster speed, and activated [Double

Fan-shaped chop].

Kayintra was almost knocked over by the impact of the powerful sword skill, and her HP dropped a little, but it was just a narrow chance. She quickly recovered her body and stabbed Yuuki's neck as fast as possible.

Yuuki was in a stiff state, but was not completely immobilized. She turned her head forcefully so that the blade passed by the side of her neck. Although her neck was still cut by the blade, it did not result in a knowing blow.

It's a pity. If she had teammates who could keep up with her and cooperate, she could have used stronger sword skills regardless of being frozen for a longer time.

After the two parties exchanged an attack that was actually enough to cause near-death damage, Kaiintra did not withdraw the knife, but rushed out in the direction of the stabbing and hit Yuuki's shoulder, causing her to spin around in circles, taking the opportunity to charge up.

The powerful technique was to slash her body with a backhand.

Yuuki suddenly raised her leg at the last moment and kicked Caiintra's sword guard, causing her sword skills to be interrupted. However, the opponent was not slow to react and immediately let go of the sword to avoid being dragged. Her posture collapsed and stiffened, and she leaned over to sweep the hall.

The legs kicked towards the lower body of Yuuki who was standing on one leg.

Yuuki, who had no time to retract her legs, had to do somersault backwards to distance herself.

"How can we, the human adventurers who have fought solely on mood and money, interfere with the path we have taken since ancient times, where we have passed countless corpses of our compatriots?" Keintra picked up the sword and pointed it at her and said, "Before,

Letting you go seems like a very wrong act of mercy."

On the other side, the companions who left together not long ago were also fighting some fallen goblin royal knights.

When I agreed to Kirito's suggestion and left, I really thought everything would be fine, but soon a big change occurred around the entire map centered on this. How could I not notice it?

They came back, and there were some hints on the way to save Asuna. They also found Kizmel who was hidden by Kirito and his group due to an abnormal state that was near death and unable to recover. Even though they couldn't receive the same help as Kirito and others at that time.

, and quickly found the right way.

He just had to fight the fallen elf elite guarding the altar ceremony.

Fortunately, General Norza was separated as a BOSS by another Donghuang player group of more than 100 people because of his conspicuous multi-tube HP, otherwise their current situation would only be worse. Whether they were really helping or just treating this as a

I have to thank them for all the copies I have made.

The battle situation with her companions seemed to suddenly become more intense, but Yuuki did not look at it. Keintra's power prevented her from looking away.

Suddenly, the sound of fighting over there stopped, and a fallen elf without any equipment fell among them.

This strange sight made them look over there with different emotions, and they saw Prosham standing next to a hill of fallen fairies that had no equipment and were in a sleep state, spinning knives.

The shape of the back of the knife is so thin that it is specially designed to break armor and tear clothes.

Everyone else was quite speechless, and the mother, the swordsman Seiano, covered the eyes of her daughters Mia and Dorothy with both hands.

Although I really want to complain about how much I like to put people to sleep and strip them naked——

"Ahem!" Prosham also blushed and pretended to cough and put his fist in front of his mouth and said, "Sorry, based on my long-term experience, this is the best way to make the opponent lose the will to fight. I don't want to either.

Just hurt others casually."

"I don't know what will happen if the ground on the first floor continues to be misaligned. Let's fight quickly." She activated [Sky Star Mode], her hair became golden, pointed animal ears and a big furry tail appeared on her body, and she rushed towards Kai



"Now they are unable to defend themselves. It should be said that it will be a matter of time before they are broken through." Fabrizio spread her hands and shook her head.

"But fortunately, there are only four enemies that can fight here. We shouldn't lose in a four-on-four duel," Yin Funia said.

The people on the other side were obviously dumbfounded.

There is nothing that can be done about it, Verustila has three tubes of super long HP above her head, Fabrizio and Yinfonia each have four HP tubes above their heads, and Crounpis still has five HP tubes left.

Judging from the previous plot hints and the HP gauge and cursor color currently displayed, Fabrizio and Yinfonia, who are much weaker than Verustila, combined are only stronger than General Norza.

Even if there are two full BOSS battle groups that can take turns to fight as a whole, all they can do is shout "garbage production" when they see this scene.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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