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Chapter 80 Desperately Going to Kindergarten

After several years of exploration, the goblins combined with the experience of the dwarves who first started research and development found that in today's world, chariots are not weapons of war, but are more suitable as weapons for clearing monsters in narrow areas.

Crownpiss doesn't need anything like this.

Then why does Crownpis still play with chariots? As mentioned in the previous sentence, it is just for fun, and it can also make up for her lack of attack magic. However, the latter purpose disappeared after entering the magic academy.

Now the research on the chariot is completely taken over by Luna, who fell in love with artificial objects, and Granbell, who assisted in the research of the undead.

Because it uses the low-weight and high-hardness wood of the magic tree itself as the main material, coupled with the elf crew who are naturally magic chanters, the tank's firepower, protection, and maneuverability soared while reducing weight and expanding its capacity.

The purpose of the car takes on new life.

Although there is no clear plan for what kind of war they will launch in the future, in line with the attitude that primitive accumulation will never be useless, Crounpis just let them do what they like, and just don't cause trouble.

Crownpis glanced at Melifis's back from the corner of her eye: "Come on, Melphis, I know that I have been alerted because the affairs in the empire are developing a little faster than those in neighboring countries. If you can

This project has been successfully brought together, and it has made a great contribution by misleading the surrounding countries so that they spend a lot of money to follow the useless arms race, hehe hehe. I can think of such a good idea, have I become smart?


Even if this is just an idea full of loopholes.

"Next, take the materials of the magic scroll back and sell them to the Empire's Ministry of Magic. They will be happy. Let's go, Melphis."


But at this time, the Elf Kingdom, which had provided the raw materials for magic scrolls not long ago, was approaching with a malicious intention of retaliating against the souls of those who had been made into scrolls.


Elf Kingdom, Elf King Academy

This is an academy established by the Elf King himself, mainly to allow his children with outstanding blood and talents to receive the best education. The model is slightly copied from the Magic Academy of the Bahas Empire.

Although it is said that, in fact, the college only uses a slightly larger tree house, and the number of students is only six. They are composed of the biological children of the Elf King obtained through various means. Today, there are only four students studying in the school.


As soon as the afternoon class time arrived, the door was pushed open from the outside.

"Whoops!" A wind blade flew towards the teacher who appeared at the door!

"Pa" The wind blade was gently blocked by the magic shield opened by the big goblin who pushed in the door, and there was no shock wave.

Why is the big goblin responsible for being the teacher? Because the Elf King is not confident in leaving combat-related lessons to those weak. In the past, the training model of those weak has never been able to satisfy the Elf King, so he asked higher-level goblins.

Controlling the descendants of the Elf King means controlling the future of the Elf Kingdom, and the meticulous Great Elf readily accepts this.

After taking the wind blade, the big goblin calmly walked to the podium and said: "Well, I am very motivated, so let's start the class..."

Before he finished speaking, the big goblin fell down.

It's a trap. Will the big goblin be trapped by this classic trap?

The level of the big goblin is very high. As a result of constantly trying various learning methods, he has obtained various professions that do not necessarily require killing enemies to gain experience points. Now, the level structure of the big goblin is as follows

Race level: 36

Career level: 48

Total grade:84

The level is higher than the first three fairies of light. However, you may not be able to win in a real fight, because the professional levels are so scattered that everything feels sparse. You can obtain a profession with a small amount of proficiency and enough knowledge.

But it cannot improve the professional level much.

However, the great elf feels that knowledge is very important in formulating countermeasures, and giving priority to acquiring knowledge. She believes that the current combat power of herself and other goblins is enough to cope with the current situation, and the battle can be left to Cirno and Lily, who are simpler-minded.

As a teacher, you can verify whether you can obtain a professional level in this area.

Now, her meticulous character as a teacher makes her want to see how the students grow during the battle.

Therefore, since she is responsible for teaching combat, she allows students to attack her at any time.

"Well, this cave didn't exist until just now. It was secretly made on the spot using magic? Is there any further mechanism? Let me see."

So, the big goblin simply stepped into the hole and fell down, leaving only a head on the ground.

"Good job, Yugali! Seal the hole quickly, you will definitely defeat the great teacher!" A blond boy who most closely resembles the Elf King raised his hand. He is the Elf King and Allen's son Matisse.

Half elf.

"Hmph, I don't know the magic of backfilling!" The girl with weird black and white hair and eyes stepped directly onto the table, using it as a pedal to leap forward, and a sickle appeared in her hand.


"Oh, come on!" A black-haired boy waved his fist and shouted.

"Oh, I knew he had such a brain." Another silver-haired girl sitting idle covered her face.

These three black and white are the children of the Elf King and Philumina. The black-haired boy and the silver-haired girl are the twins born first. The elder sister is called Cattleya, the younger brother is named Orux, and the black-and-white girl is the second born of Philumina.

Fetus Eucalyptus.

Now Eucalyptus is rushing forward!

"Look at me!!" The long-handled scythe in Yugali's hand flashed a blue light, and the tip pierced the big goblin's eyes!


"Why? Why are you working so hard, the great teacher is fine!" Yukari shouted angrily when she found that not only was the great goblin safe, but she was also knocked out by the great goblin.

"So are you crazy to just rush in?" Mattis yelled.

"It's just that he's still too weak," the big goblin rose from the hole, shook the dust off his body, patted the podium, and said, "Then, let's start the class."

"Wait, I haven't..."

", darling, it's time for class, go back to your seat."

"Yes" A group of naughty children brought out by the Elf King because of their extraordinary talents were willing to return to their seats.

"Isn't it just spiritual magic?" Yugali said unhappily, holding her bulging face.

This chapter has been completed!
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