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Chapter 245 The Immortal Yuuna

After Yuuki greeted Crownpiss, she stared at the Blade Lord who had just stood up again: "But why is this family being targeted? I have fought with this group of insect girls three times in the past few days. Doesn't it have anything to do with you?


"Don't blame them randomly. If you say it's irrelevant, it's really irrelevant. If you say it's relevant...if I didn't kill them on a whim and cause you to be deeply disturbed, then it's relevant."

"Well...if this is true, it really doesn't matter. I'm sorry. Are you just visiting your new home today?"

"No, no, I came back to recycle Dorothy's magic props. I re-diffused the magic in this world, and those things are not hers in the first place. Isn't this too much to ask?"

"Um..." Yuuki said with a shameful smile, "This is a bit difficult... I heard that those were dismembered by Lisbeth and used as materials to strengthen the weapons and armor of Kirito, Leafa, Asuna and Saiwen.

, they are the last hope to reach the upper level, and Dorothy-chan is also willing to help, hahahahaha, this is the only one left. Although I was told not to use [Sky Star Mode], just holding it will not help in terms of bonuses.

A small favor."

Yuuki said as she took out all the killing stone fragments.

"I...go..." Crownpis opened her mouth, and had no choice but to take the fragments of the Killing Stone and pick them up in her hands, "There is really no other way, then I will take Dorothy's adventure memories and revisit the place to collect all the information I can.

Collect them all, after all, there really is no more gathering place for magic information in Aincrad."

"Wow, really? It won't cost us any trouble, right?"

"The world connected to Aincrad is so big now. It's hard to imagine that I still have time to plot against you civilians. If you think I'm someone who likes to kill children for fun, think otherwise."

"Yeah, yeah... forget it, I can't beat you anyway. It's not safe for Dorothy-chan and Yuna to stay at home recently, so I'll leave it to you. This way I can fight the insect girls freely."

Clunpisi thought to herself that she just heard a familiar "new" name. Are you living together?


"This is probably the right place." Crownpis took Yona and Dorothy to the starting point of a series of missions that should have been based on "The Wizard of Oz" and asked, "Is this okay?"

Dorothy pouted and shook her head. To her, the only bad thing Crounpis ever did in front of her was to make Yuuki's head fall off, but now Yuuki is alive and well. Although Crounpis

That's not what Pisi asked at all.

Yuuna looked a little lonely and replied: "Is it a matter of going home? Actually... My father and I have had contact with Ari... Nochilas, but my father... Because of the various political disputes caused by the SAO incident,

He was very worried. Although I must be able to resurrect myself as a resident of Aincrad, my father didn't want me to get involved in those disputes, so he asked me to stay here first. Moreover, he said that I might be able to help.

I’m busy, but having died once, I also understand the harm that rushing forward with only a moment of courage can bring to my companions.”

"However, it is thanks to your spirit and deeds that your soul was saved by Cardinal. Otherwise, you would not even have a chance to be resurrected. In fact, more than 60,000 people have disappeared permanently. Most of them are due to internal fighting and accidents among you players.

, committed crimes, and killed each other, the number of those who died at the hands of monsters was 100% less than 30,000." Clawnpith teased.

To this, the girls had no answer and had no way to refute.

"Let's go, it doesn't matter if we take it as a short trip to relax." Clunpis activated the history here, and a tornado swept them up into the sky.

The girls in skirts made a bit of a fool of themselves when they landed at their destination, but they were enthusiastically surrounded by local residents.

This is the place where Dorothy first came into contact with magic. To the residents here, Dorothy was the great benefactor who got rid of the local evil witch. Even though Dorothy actually had no power to bind the chicken, her victory depended on

The same goes for the ideal plot of a fairy tale and the accidental killing.

The residents told Dorothy that after her lost companions failed to find her, they returned here despite not giving up, hoping to use the power of other kind witches and magicians, but later the magic power of the oldest roots on this land.

Suddenly disappeared, leaving them anxious but unable to leave. They hoped Dorothy would go see them as soon as possible.

As a result, Dorothy thanked Crownpis for bringing her here and waved goodbye surrounded by locals.

"This way Yuuki can put down the remaining burdens in her heart and go back. I really don't know whether you are a good person or a bad person." Yuuna said, looking at Dorothy's back as she walked away.

"Don't worry, it was purely an accident. Don't you worry about yourself? Those monsters under Marianne Bell are still in this world. They attacked you just now. Is it okay without Yuuki's fighting strength?"

"It doesn't matter, my father helped me well. Although it was something I did with regret and anger after my body on the other side died, no one was harmed, and I got help after I came back to life, ah!


The reason why he screamed before he finished speaking was because Yuna's body was suddenly slapped into pieces by Clunpis.

"Wait a minute, even if you know my body won't die, you shouldn't play a trick." Yuna reappeared and said with a pout.

"What if you don't know?"

"That means he has really become a murderer, which is even worse!"

"But here comes the question - can returning things that should have been in the cemetery be considered murder? Shouldn't it be picking up the belongings of the owner of the cemetery and returning them to their original owners? Not only is it not guilty, but it is meritorious, hehehehe.


"Strong words, the premise of this theory is that resurrection does not exist. But there is a concept of resurrection in SAO, even if the threshold is very high. Don't push back people who have finally crawled out of hell!" Yuuna was really angry.


Crounpis soon understood what was going on: "Hehehe, although it is true that your father wants to take away all the memory data about you in other people's brains and reshape a virtual you, consider this

There is nothing wrong with the world becoming a reality. As a result, Cardinal has already stored your data. When the technology is used on you, it becomes Aincrad. If you are not destroyed, you will live forever... I see. Others are exercising.

No matter how strong the value is, it is at the level of a tactical weapon, but your physique, Yuna, makes great powers want to obtain data even if they launch a nuclear war. It will be miserable if you are discovered. Be careful here and you will not be discovered and mistaken for what you are.

There are unique phenomena inside Aincrad, no wonder your father won't let you out."

(to be continued)

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