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Chapter 22: The Value of Standing at the Top of the Lily of the Valley

Leaving Feijel to continue to deal with the beast, Linel turned around and followed Clunpisi's footsteps. After a while, he met several people dressed as guards.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

The guards were very surprised. When they saw the bloody dagger in Lineel's hand, they didn't understand that the kick on the iron plate was a fake.

Before they could react in time, and without any chance to resist or escape, they were all knocked down by Lineel's sword.

"It may not indeed constitute a crime of homicide (in the underworld people's relatively rigid understanding of rules, driving away wild beasts and beasts injuring people can be regarded as two different independent events), but their overall behavior is enough to constitute a violation of the Axiom Church.

Etiquette, according to the provisions of the "Taboo Index", I have the right to reduce their destiny by half."

Linel said calmly, turned to Crounpisi and said: "Do you want to read their memories? Do it here?"

"Although it doesn't quite comply with the case handling process, since the violation index is not up to standard so I can't find the relevant clauses, then let me do whatever I want." Clawnpisi went up and grabbed a person's head, "system-call!...


They did kill people indirectly by driving away wild animals.

This is still a method used towards outsiders, but it is even more cruel towards one's own subjects.

The lords of the superior nobles have the power to judge and reward and punish the people in their territory. They can order them to do anything that does not violate the law according to the situation. The lords encourage more children and order parents to send "extra" children to the woods full of lilies of the valley.

, it can be picked up after a certain period of time.

This in itself does not violate any laws, and the time limit is not enough to starve people to death, but it is enough to make children hungry and thirsty. They look for spring water to drink without knowing anything, and the spring water here is from bells growing nearby.

Those infected with orchid poison will die if they drink it.

It is none of the nobles' business if children accidentally eat poison and die. After that, wild animals are allowed to eat the corpses that are no longer regarded as human beings. The blood seeps into the ground and becomes the nourishment and medium for the lily of the valley to poison many children to improve their level and evolve.

Crimson lily of the valley.

This kind of lily of the valley can keep blooming all the time, has a long life and is full of sacred power, so it is sought after by the upper class.

But the emergence of this industry was purely accidental. The reason was that the famine two hundred years ago forced the locals to sacrifice some of their children. Then they happened to discover the crimson lily of the valley. The crimson lily of the valley was sold at a high price, which allowed the locals to survive the famine.

, and "crops" other than lily of the valley cannot be grown in this place. Although I have tried watering the crimson lily of the valley with the blood of wild beasts or a small amount of human blood, I finally found that only a sufficient amount of fresh blood from a child who had just died can produce the most beautiful and beautiful flowers.

Attractive crimson lily of the valley.

As a result, the crimson lily of the valley, which has received massive experience points and greatly upgraded over the past two hundred years and stands at the top of the lily of the valley, has become a traditional local industry for many years.

"Well, after all, adults won't be attacked at all, and Suzuran won't be able to level up and evolve unless she kills a group of people. Isn't it a way for the outside world to encourage struggle that humans have much higher experience points than beasts?"


Just as Figel came over after cleaning up the beasts, Crounpis shared the information he had obtained.

"Since it does not constitute murder and cannot be taken back for trial, then should we use the same reason to directly kill the lord's family and the insiders involved?" Feijieer asked.

"I don't think it's good... If the lord and Suzuran are gone, what will happen to the order? Leaving a mess is not what an integrity knight should do," Lineel said.

"Yeah, we can't be lords."

"You actually started to have an overall view of the situation? Well, you have been studying for a few years. Isn't it strange?" Crounpis thought for a while and said: "Then, anyone who knows the results and actively participates in obtaining huge profits is

How about killing it and erasing the rest of the memory about the cultivation method of Crimson Lily of the Valley? As for the next lord, just find a descendant who has not participated and received education. If there is knowledge about the cultivation method, eliminate it.

Drop it, how about it?"

Feijieer: "As expected of a civil servant of the Senate, he is good at coming up with such ideas."

Linier: "Then, what should we do if the local source of income is cut off?"

Crownpiss: "The problem is that the population of such a barren basin is expanding. It's their own fault. Just think of it as punishment for the local people who decided to use crimson lily of the valley to make money two hundred years ago. The rest is history.

It’s a question of how to write it. It would be too unqualified to write it truthfully.”

It is not difficult to kill all the participants and insiders who have used Crimson Lily of the Valley to gain huge benefits. They can be cleaned up in less than half a day.

No one expected that the biggest difficulty would come from what they encountered when preparing to destroy Crimson Lily of the Valley's "Children's Ranch"——

"what is that?"

"The boss of Crimson Lily of the Valley?"

Figel and Lineel faced off from a distance with the huge "thing" between the Lily of the Valley Poison Spring and the crimson Lily of the Valley field, carefully raising their weapons.

It had a lower body that looked like a combination of a giant lily of the valley flower and a monster, but the upper body was a humanoid monster.

Even they could see that the strength of the guy in front of them could match that of an integrity knight... no, two or three; if compared with novice knights like Jarrud and Garred, it would probably be worth ten or more.

As for why they are still alive, it is simply because their lower bodies are fixed like plants, and they will not be pursued as long as they exit the attack range. But if it were ordinary people, they would not even have time to escape when they find the other party.

"Hey, what are you doing? Come up here quickly." Crounpis, who had summoned the flying dragon, shouted from a distance.

"But... we can't leave this guy alone!"

"Even if we bring in reinforcements, I wonder if they will evolve and grow legs to run out and hurt people!"

"I don't think I can see the idea that when you see a big, immobile monster, you want to take advantage of the opportunity to gain great achievements." Cronpis said awkwardly.

"Don't Pisi want merit?"

"I didn't say I didn't want to, but wouldn't it be nice to ride on a flying dragon and attack it one-sidedly from the air?"

"We have spent most of our time in the past few years exercising our bodies and swordsmanship, unlike Pi Si who reads books all day long! The system operation rights are not enough!"

"Yes, yes, then I will use the artifact to protect you, as long as you don't mind hurting your self-esteem." Crounpis jumped off the flying dragon and stretched out his hand towards Feijer.

The Sword of Green Rose has not been returned yet.

"...Well, I haven't learned the [Complete Arms Control Technique] yet." Feijel seemed to be lingering, looking back and forth between the hands of the Blue Rose Sword and Crounpiss.

"Jie'er, if you like this sword, I can give it to you. I'll take the resource of this lily of the valley monster. Just come and help me," Lineel said.

(to be continued)

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