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Chapter 25: To the Western Empire

Crownpis noticed a strange smell emanating from the treasures in the ruins. Perhaps that smell was the reason for the abnormal non-criminal violation index in this area, so she planned to reveal the information about the ruins to the local nobles and let them test the waters.

Most nobles are greedy for money, so they will surely be tempted.

Linier said: "The idea is good, but what if there is a problem?"

Feijieer smiled and said: "That's right if there is a problem, we are here to solve the problem. We are here to deal with exceptions. The artifact resources are just incidental, right, Pisi."

"Ehehe...ah, that's right." Crounpis reacted a little too slowly.

Linier thought for a while and said: "That is, if we really can't find the essence of the problem ourselves, we will use ordinary people to elicit the essence, and then we will help them solve the problem, right?"

"Well...that's basically it."

"Then, we will secretly expose the ruins to the nobles. For now, only the Western Empire and the Southern Empire are left. Which one is better to go to first?" Linel asked.

Crownpis took out a small book and flipped through it and said: "In the Southern Empire, there is the Temple of Aeron - the Lover's Hill where lovers can occasionally disappear, and there is also a seal that seals the monsters in the dark realm who are in love with Lord Adominis Doret.

land; the Western Empire is——"

Before she finished speaking, the two naughty children grabbed her with gleaming eyes.

"A monster from the dark realm who is in love with Lord Adomisdoret?"

"A real monster? Not a human or a goblin, right?"

“Want to see it!”

“Definitely have to see it!”

The two of them grabbed Clawnpith's arms and shook them back and forth.

"Don't you want to hear what I have to say?" Crownpis asked awkwardly. After the two of them calmed down, they continued, "On the Milada Glacier in the Western Empire, near Ferdis Village, there is a dangerous ancient cave that has existed since ancient times.

Fortress, there were obviously rumors of multiple murders of suspected explorers, but the Senate's inspection there could not find the person responsible for the murders at all. Although it was reported at all levels, the Axiom Church's current shift book of integration knights

Even if it’s tight, I won’t send an integrity knight specifically for such rumors.”

"Another strange ruin?" Feijie rolled her eyes.

"No, it is said that the appearance of the castle is still quite new." Crownpis said seriously.

"Jiel, our goal is to be the Integrity Knights anyway, and it's our duty to help people solve their problems. Detectives and solving puzzles are also quite interesting, so go ahead." Lineel said.

"Ha, that's right. Let's leave the love history of the Supreme Priest to the end." Feijie also agreed.

"However, I am a little concerned about the mention of ancient ruins twice in a row." Linel took out the map and pointed to the places marked with red circles, "These are the places where the highest priest appeared in the human world to pacify

It’s a place where disasters have been active. Now that the problem has been solved, why does it become a forbidden place?”

We passed several places along the way, which made the curious child feel a little itchy even though he would not go against the will of the highest priest.

"Who knows, maybe it's still a dangerous area for ordinary people. There are many places in this world that are difficult for ordinary people to survive, aren't there?" Crounpis shrugged.

She has come into contact with more knowledge in the Senate than at the lower level, and is closer to the reality of the world. She knows that there are many places in the human world that have set up corresponding disasters in order to oppress the human world and force them to break through their rigid thinking limits. She wants to rule the human world stably.

The world's Adomis Doret sealed all these.

Although Effort Points can solve those disasters, once the outside world decides that their difficulty setting may be too low, the disasters caused by the next round of stress tests will become more terrifying.

And this is impossible to say to people who don't understand the structure of the world. It can be seen that although Adominis Doret has a strong desire to dominate, he shows that he is still quite kind in some aspects.

Fortunately, the two of them easily accepted Crownpith's superficial remarks.

"Pissy, can you give us that to try again?" Feijie said suddenly jumping.

"Does it make sense?" Crounpisi took out the sword of blue rose that turned purple and stuck it on the ground.

"The beast I killed recently... my authority has been upgraded to another level. Let's see if I can be gentler." Feijie came up and grabbed the hilt of the sword, gritted his teeth and pulled it out.

After making a constipation-like cry, it declared failure.

"Ah, I just took a lot of lily of the valley poison, why did it become so heavy? Really." Feijie gave up and asked Lineel, "Would you like to try it?"

"No need, my level is the same as Jie'er. But why can Pisi always pick it up?"

"I am the auxiliary of the elders, which is equivalent to the vocation of a priest. Unlike warrior-related professions, which can only pick up weapons that meet their own authority, I have the protection of the God of Terraria. As long as the weight does not exceed my load, I can pick it up.

, of course, whether it can be activated normally is another matter." Clawnpisi gave a reason that no one in this world could refute.

The three creation gods of this world are slightly different from those of SAO. The setting is relatively careful. The god Stacia, who represents the rules of the world itself, remains unchanged, and the other two are the sun god Thors and the earth god Terralia.

.In addition, there are Moon Goddess Lunaria and Dark God Vector. They each correspond to IDs with special permissions, so that people in the world can come to the world as gods at any time to do something.

When the rules cannot be violated, faith is absolute, so the two naughty children stopped entangled and prepared to set off to explore other artifact resources.

Then, after they revealed the information about the ruins, the three of them took the flying dragon to the Western Empire.


Nolankarus Northern Empire, Sakarlia——

"If you lose, stop being a guard and come to our house to be the husband of Tilin and Tilulu!"

Outside the city, Kirito and Eugeo could only smile ingratiatingly when they heard the way the farmer's wife Trisha Volti said goodbye.

Sakarya is a town located in the middle of the Northern Empire. Every year, a swordsmanship competition for village guards or those with recommended qualifications is held. It is divided into multiple knockout rounds. The winner of the knockout round can obtain the qualification to become a town guard.

On the basis of further obtaining a recommendation letter from the Guards, you will be eligible to enter the sword training academy in the central capital, and gain the possibility of entering the Axiom Church.

After Kirito and Eugeo came to Sakarya, in order to save money and earn savings, they worked as food and lodging at the farm of the Oruti family outside the city.

It's just that this family actually has two daughters, and this family seems to be interested in them both, so Kirito and Eugeo don't know how to react.

(to be continued)

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