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Chapter 54 The Powerful and Unreasonable Cat Lover

Elvira answered Kirito's question: "Anyone can achieve this level with just a few years of training, right? Well, it's true that it's difficult for civilians."

Kirito could only sigh and said: "Well, forget it...compared to this, I think I have to talk about your cat...Alulu."

Then Kirito started to talk, trying not to irritate the other party, and explained the matter in a reasonable and well-founded way, that keeping a cat so fat is absolutely harmful to health and shortens the lifespan. Seeing that the other party was a little dissatisfied, he even deliberately opened Alulu's

Let’s analyze it through Stacia’s Window.

According to general rules, body size expansion of the same species will increase the upper limit of destiny when other conditions remain unchanged. However, the destiny of this big fat cat is lower than the average. Even if the specific situation cannot be determined here without a veterinarian's vocation, it is true.

May suffer from obesity-related diseases.

"But... my uncle's cat also has the same size and destiny limit..."

"Then your uncle must be wrong. Fattening may be a form of love, but it is not good for cats. It sounds like the title of 'Cat Sir' and the membership of the 'Meow Cat Club' can be inherited, so I'm afraid it's shameful to treat cats like this.

To your parents and ancestors, right? Is this how your parents raised cats?" Kirito asked.

Avella immediately lowered her head and calmed down, giving Kirito a bad feeling. If she angered him to this extent, wouldn't it be troublesome?

"Parents exist...I don't have them." Avella whispered.


"I died before I could remember. I died in a worthless 'accident'. My uncle, the head of the Arutimias family, has always taken care of me. Even so, he only sent servants to take care of me in turns.

, my uncle didn’t take me over until his wife and child died unexpectedly two years ago, but his love was almost entirely devoted to his cat. If it weren’t for the fact that he didn’t have a legal successor to the sword practice, he probably wouldn’t have even looked at me.

Alulu is my...only family member these years."

"Um...I feel sorry for exposing your scar without authorization, but then you should think more about its health, right?"

"But... obviously I just buy its favorite food every time and feed it to it until it is satisfied. It is also very cute and chubby. Thanks to Alulu, my sword skills have also improved very quickly. But

...Since I can't stand the way my uncle looks, maybe I did make the same mistake as my uncle by treating Alulu in the same way. Whether it's for the cat or myself, I should face my uncle properly."

Kirito sighed inwardly. It seemed that Elvira was very sensible and he should not be arbitrarily judged. He was just a little concerned about the vocation of being the "legal heir to sword training".

"If you want to raise a cat, a body shape like Kate's would be the most suitable." He said, trying his best to completely remove the topic from himself.

Elvira gently put down Alulu, glanced at Kate who was sitting there no longer scratching the tree trunk, and said: "It seems that you don't know anything. Let me remind you, that - is not a cat."

"Ah? They are all ordinary cats, right?"

"As a member of the Cat Love Club, I can vouch for it. That is not a cat. I have never seen such an animal. If I insist on classifying it, it is a kind of monster."

"Cats of the Warcraft variety? It is true that some Warcraft have higher IQs. Is it any wonder that Kate is so spiritual?"

"You can say that, but is it common sense that Warcraft cannot be tamed? And raising Warcraft is also prohibited by law, which is like cultivating private soldiers."


"However, I'll just treat it as your garbage Zeng Changjie and it just happened to be eaten, hum." Avella raised a hand on her hips and rubbed the ponytail that was beaten on the side of her head, and said, "Then let me say

You exercise your aristocratic power of decision."

"Eh? Didn't you spare me?"

"But I never said that all the incidents of talking to me in such a disrespectful manner and entering our family's territory without authorization will be written off."

"Let me ask, is there any content limit to the ruling?"

"Of course. As long as it does not violate the Taboo Index and the Basic Law of the Empire, anything is fine."

"I always feel...a bit overbearing. Please show mercy." Kirito murmured in a low voice.

"First, confirm your Stacia Window for me."

Kirito thought that the system window was not something like Sao that had props, equipment, and missions. It didn't have any shady data information, so he opened it for her to see. When he saw the other person looking at a few numbers, his eyebrows jumped, thinking that it wouldn't be all kinds of things.

Tianzhi also sets a data cap.

Fortunately, Avella didn't question anything, closed the window and said, "Be my servant for three years."

Kirito didn't react for a moment. He talked a lot about raising cats and even accidentally exposed the eldest lady's scars, but he couldn't jump to this aspect, right?

Avila turned away and stroked her giant cedar sword, and said: "During this period, you have to continue to accept the swordsmanship competitions I require until it expires in three years or I can beat you without giving up.

.Of course, if you want to be liberated as soon as possible, you have to teach me the means to win you...well, this way..."

Kirito finally couldn't help but complained: "Miss, you have seen my strength just now. If you want to secretly learn my swordsmanship, just say so. Why do you have to beat around the bush?"

"What a shame! As a high-ranking noble who has inherited the orthodox Hay Norugian style of swordsmanship, how can I study such a strange and wild way in such a lowly manner?!"

Avella hurriedly but effortlessly picked up Alulu and grabbed the two-meter-long stick-like giant sword. She turned around and ran for a few steps, then turned back and shouted: "A superior noble like me is easy to talk to.

We don’t see you that often. Report to my villa next Sabbath, remember!”

As for why we don't tell where our home is - if commoners don't know about the residence of a superior noble and stray into it, that would be against the law.

When Avella walked away, Kirito lowered his waist: "Unreasonable..."


Kate was surprised that part of her identity was actually seen through. When it was created by its master, its racial identity was indeed that of a Warcraft - it was easier to understand commands than a simple animal and had more judgment than a puppet familiar.

It would not be surprising if someone with higher system authority could see through it, but the girl named Avella has lower authority than Kirito.

However, compared to Kirito who had defeated the divine beasts, he was only a little lower than him. He had reached the level where he could freely wield the magic sword and barely use the divine weapon. He seemed to be a very diligent person in training and hunting. Although he was wearing a thick shirt and a knee-length skirt.

If your figure doesn't stand out and you can have that kind of strange strength, then your body must be all muscle, right?

(to be continued)

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