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Chapter 61 High Priest One Strike Battle

Bercouli explained Aiz's dissatisfaction and doubts: "Theoretically, it is possible, but the empire also has its own team of sacred magicians, and we cannot break the rules that we cannot directly help the people of the human world too much to prevent them from relying on us."

"I see, then what are we doing here?" Ayiz asked.

Bercouli pointed to the enemy camp on the other side of the East Gate, which was like sparks of fire on the dry land, where the entrance to the tunnel is: "After all the troops they plan to send to attack the human world are gone, we will attack in, and I will contain them.

At that time, little Aiz, you used large-scale sacred magic to destroy the entrance and front passage and block their retreat. This is an opportunity to teach the Kingdom of Darkness a major lesson."

"Yes, please be sure to give me such a mission!" Aiz laughed. She didn't know why she wanted to kill randomly when she mentioned those things, but it was probably because the sense of responsibility given after the summons was too strong.

Somehow thinking of the virtues of the Dark Territory Army, Aiz was stunned and jumped to say: "By the way, Knight Commander, the enemy knows that we have already discovered the tunnel operation and continues to carry out the tunnel operation. Will it use a small number of troops to attract the Knights of the Eastern Empire?"

Pay attention, the large force will open a new path and attack from somewhere else?"

"It is possible, but the tunnel cannot be dug too large to ensure progress. The speed of the troops is limited. Even if it can increase the losses of the Eastern Empire, it will be enough for the Eastern Empire to concentrate its superior forces to fight back."

"But will the enemy be so stupid?"

"The purpose is probably to retreat after a short period of looting, so we must complete the task of cutting off the enemy's retreat."

"Yes, the knight is wise."

"It's nothing, it's just due to hundreds of years of experience."

However, after a while, I noticed something strange.

"Look, that snow-white flying dragon is...much bigger than our flying dragon. It doesn't look like the flying dragon of the Dark Knight. Whose is it?" Aiz said, pointing to the mountain connected to the east gate.

Bercouli was shocked: Isn't that Yukiori, the flying dragon of the highest priest?

Lowering their height, they just saw Adominis Doret standing at the top of the gate.

Although I don’t know why, no one in the human world dares to pretend to be the highest priest, and there is no one in the dark realm who can reach such a high position.

Bercouli and Aiz immediately landed nearby and went down to the dragon to salute and inquire.

"Bercouli and little Aiz, I naturally have some new ideas about protecting the human world here, and I came to repair the gate in order to buy more time." Adominis Doret stated calmly.

As she spoke, she slowly chanted the sacred spell word by word and created more than 30 pieces of steel to fill part of the cracks in the door.

"But this is ultimately a drop in the bucket, little Aiz, do you remember the technique I just used?" Adominis Doret asked undeniably.


"Okay, next I will annihilate the remaining troops with one blow that will scare the few remaining soldiers into fleeing even if I can't wipe out all the troops over there. I will use their corpses to expand your spells and repair the gate to a wider area.

The elimination of the remaining enemies is also left to you and Bercouli."

After confirming that there were no longer any organized troops at the Kingdom of Darkness camp that continued to "disappear", Adominis Doret slowly pulled out the thin sword "silver eternity" on his left waist, which would be like a mirror.

The sword blade shining with white light was pointed at the center of the enemy camp.

The artifact "silver eternity" makes a low cry of "buzz..." and gradually emits light. Although it looks inconspicuous, you can clearly feel how terrifying the energy contained in the sword is. The light spots gather and condense.

Up to the tip of the sword, intense fluctuations were emitted.

"call out!"

A terrifying ball of light the size of a tennis ball was shot out, quickly falling into the center of the camp, and then——

The white light exploded, turning into a spherical ball of light that expanded rapidly. All the destiny it passed was exhausted, turned into fragments, and then became fragments and exhausted their destiny again, and finally disappeared into ashes.

However, the local area still retains exquisite control. The collapsed and blocked cave entrances, backup cave entrances, and backup backup passages were not reduced to ashes, but were instead consolidated.

A single spell can achieve the above two points at the same time. This control power has no third party in the world except the highest priest and a certain Cardinal who is hiding in a different space and is hostile to him.

"I'll leave the rest to you. By the way, keep the prisoners and corpses and send them back to the Central Cathedral. Remember, keep those alive if you can." Adominis Doret inserted the sword back into his waist.

He put the sword in the scabbard, mounted Xue Zhi and flew away to the west.


Dark Realm, east of the East Gate, Kingdom of Darkness camp——

"Come, come, come, someone, come and take me to retreat! I gave you so much money to support you and you are treating me like this!" Lian Kil Qila Scopo shouted desperately in the camp.

He is luxuriously dressed and has a big belly. He is one of the ten highest-ranking princes in the Kingdom of Darkness. He is the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in charge of commerce and workers. He is also the richest man in the Kingdom of Darkness.

This time, quite a few diggers, goblins, orcs and ogre troops were hired, as well as gargoyles rented from the Warlock Guild, and a member of the Dark Knights to provide support.

There should have been hundreds of troops in the camp, but suddenly they were all over with a single blow that overturned common sense.

Even the Integrity Knights, who can defeat thousands of people, can't do this, can they?!

And then the remaining troops actually abandoned him and ran away?!

Of course he wanted to run, but he just couldn't run due to his big belly.

At this time, the shouts outside had almost quieted down, and the tent was opened from the outside, but even Kil couldn't be happy: "The whole... Integrity Knight?!"

In other words, one's own side was either completely destroyed or all escaped.

"What's going on with this person? In the Kingdom of Darkness, where the struggle for survival is fierce, there are guys like this who are extremely rich in all aspects." Aiz felt that he didn't know why he felt that this person was the first time he saw him.

The inexplicable appearance made her angry, so she picked up her sword and hit Lian Kil's big belly with the spine of the sword.

This attack, which was like hitting a board, made Lian Kil roll, crawl, and scream.

"Can I cut open that belly to see how much oil has been sucked in?" Aiz asked Bercouli.

"Spare him. The high priest must have ordered the capture of prisoners just now. This man had a relationship with me in the past battles. He is one of the ten princes, so he must have corresponding prisoner value." Bercouli said.

"Okay, let's electrocute him first." Aiz used the magic sword skill to add electric light to the sword, raised it high, and was about to smash it down with another board.

"Be careful! Rear right!" Bercouli suddenly shouted, turning to the left and slashing with his sword...

(to be continued)

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