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Chapter 138: Knights of the Sword in the Battle of the Temple

Kirito rolled on the ground several times before he was able to stabilize his balance and regain his stance. Facing Silica who was charging at her again, he activated [Devil Sword Invasion] and stabbed her.

Although the other party looks like Silica, judging from Silica's sight and sword skills that have no sense of artificial soul, it should be an NPC with a structure similar to Yuuki...

"Little Marquis, please get up quickly, it's our turn to patrol."

"Where am I?"

Qin Hu sat up in a daze, feeling a chill on his body, and there was a strong wind blowing outside, and he suddenly felt strange in his heart.

"Oh, little Marquis, why are you confused? We are in the military camp. It is our turn to stand guard at this moment. If you don't do it, you will be dealt with by military law. Now the old Marquis can't protect you."


Qin Hu opened his eyes and saw that he was staying in a tent. In front of him was a soldier wearing leather armor.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to ask something, he suddenly had a splitting headache and a huge flow of information rushed into his mind. After a few seconds, he knew that he had traveled through time.

He traveled from a modern special warrior to a young prince also named Qin Hu, who was the leader of the seven most evil young men in the capital!

And this era called the Yu Dynasty did not exist at all in history.

Qin Hu's ancestor was one of the four princes and twenty-eight princes who founded the Yu Kingdom. Three months ago, his father died of illness. Qin Hu took over the title and became the new champion prince.

Qin Hu was spoiled by his parents since he was a child. He didn't like studying or practicing martial arts. He just played, ate, drank and had fun, running rampant in the capital.

When he grew up, his family wanted to take him under his wing, so they made a marriage arrangement. The woman was the eldest daughter of Chen Guogong's family, named Chen Ruoli.

This Qin Hu was extremely cruel to others, but he was obedient to this beautiful and beautiful fiancée and regarded him as a treasure.

But the thing happened to happen to this childhood sweetheart, Miss Chen.

According to Qin Hu's memory, that day he and his fiancée went to the palace to pay homage to the current Princess Chang'an. The princess and Chen Ruoli had known each other since childhood, so they arranged a banquet.

But later Qin Hu drank too much, and when he woke up, he was already in the prison of the inner guard. He was told that he was drunk and molesting the princess with evil intentions.

What's even weirder is that Chen Ruoli actually wrote a letter to impeach his fiancé Qin Hu for 72 illegal things, and every single one of them was substantiated.

Qin Hu felt as if five thunders had struck his head, and he couldn't believe his ears...

The imperial edict came down quickly. If you have meritorious service to the Qin Hu ancestors, you will be exempted from the death penalty, but you will not be able to escape the living penalty. He will be sent to Youzhou to serve in the army and retain the title to see the consequences.

But after arriving in Youzhou, he was quickly assigned to the front line - serving in front of the vanguard tent.

After going through these things in Qin Hu's mind, he basically figured out that this should be a trap.

Because Chen Guogong had long wanted to break off the engagement with him.

The Qin family and the Chen family were originally a political marriage, and both families wanted to become stronger and bigger. However, Qin Hu later turned out to be almost useless except for being a dandy. It can be said that the champion Houfu was completely embarrassed.

You know, all the champions in the past were heroes and had unparalleled influence in the military. However, this generation has a waste that has never been on the battlefield.

When the old Marquis was alive, Chen Guogong gave him face, but when the old Marquis died, Chen Guogong turned against him and became ruthless, and even staged a scene in the mourning hall to break off the engagement.

But Qin Hu loves Chen Ruoli so much that he will never let him go, and Chen Ruoli has long been disgusted with this evil young man.

Then a disaster happened!

As for Princess Chang'an, that's even simpler. She is the cousin of Qin Hu's cousin. As soon as Qin Hu dies, the huge property of the Champion House will naturally fall on this cousin.

These forces, each seeking what they needed and working together, quickly united...

Sure enough, once he entered the Hou family, he was as deep as the sea. There were so many people who wanted him dead.

"Qin An, do you think we can find a place to hide from the wind?"

Under the bright moonlight, the rude north wind carried a harsh whistle as it swept across the open wilderness, extinguishing several torches and making them look like countless flying knives cutting into human skin.

"No, little Marquis, you will be punished by military law."

Qin Hu and Qin An shrank against the wind and ran out of the camp, stepping on the heavy snow and running forward.

The thin Qin An was accidentally overturned by the strong wind.

When the two sentry guards saw them coming out, they looked at each other and smiled sinisterly. They took two handfuls of snow to put out the bonfire for heating, and then got into the tent.

Damn, even the soldiers have been bribed, they want me to freeze to death!

This is a very small camp, with about twenty tents, surrounded by horse-drawn carriages. There are no horse and deer antlers lined up on the outside. The terrain nearby is flat and there is no danger to defend. At first glance, it seems that there is no intention to camp for a long time.

According to Qin Hu's memory in his previous life, there were about two hundred people stationed here. They were the vanguard camp of Li Qin, the general of the Yu Dynasty who conquered the north.

The target of Li Qin's 20,000 troops this time was the Yu Dynasty's old enemy on the border, the Liaodong Kingdom.

"Ahem, little Marquis, do you think we can go back alive?" Qin An's whole body was curled up on the snow, his lips and face were blue, and he was weak when speaking, as if he would die at any time.

Qin Hu sighed inwardly, Qin An was purely implicated by himself, and if things continued like this, they would definitely die.

Those who wanted him to die did not torture him to death in the court, but instead beat him to death with black hands in the military camp.

But Qin Hu is definitely not someone who just sits back and waits for death. This is obviously being framed, and he can't let it go.

Life is an endless struggle for survival. Just wait, I not only want to survive, but I will also fight back to the capital to settle accounts with you.

"Qin An, how many banknotes did we bring when we went out?"

"There are no more banknotes. I only have twenty taels of silver with me. The imperial edict says that we will be sent to the army and our property will be banned."

Qin An is only 16 years old this year and is Qin Hu's personal book boy. He is very thin and frail. He has been tortured for a long time and looks like he has only one breath left.

In fact, Qin Hu was not much better. In the past few days, the Pioneer Battalion marched 30 miles every day. Their job was to build bridges across mountains and rivers, chop wood for fires, dig trenches and carry water, and build camps.

And what would it be like for these two guys with thin skin and tender flesh to stay together with hundreds of big and thick Qiuba every day?

It must be the most tiring work, the worst food, the most severe beatings, and the most anger...

Qin Hu estimated that his predecessor might have been tortured to death.

It can be considered that he deserves it.

It's just that he has to bear this pain now. If he can't bear it, he will die.

"Give me."

Qin Hu thought about it, he must first try to save Qin An's life, and then think of other ways.

In fact, it is not difficult to save one's life. The simplest way is to pay bribes. As the saying goes, wealth can guide the gods. Although this method is primitive, it will always work.

But in this situation, it is impossible for him to bribe senior officials, because no one dares to get involved with him. Besides, there is no money.

So he thought of a person, Centurion Li Xiaokun.

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