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Chapter 2 Penny Kaoru, who was trapped by the magic tree

The perspective of the tree fairy——

Pennixon Aura Perulia felt very embarrassed, no, to say embarrassed was an understatement. To say why, it was because her life was now exposed to a crisis.

Looking at her words from a natural perspective, life or death, taking or being robbed - the law of the jungle is just a part of nature, and we have to realize that there is no way around it. Therefore, when life is in crisis, just

The embarrassment was enough. Ever since that incident happened, she had almost given up hope of living.

Penny Xun is a tree fairy born from trees. When she was just a tree, the sky suddenly split open and some monsters descended on the earth. In her knowledge, those monsters had characteristics that even dragons were afraid of.

The power that can destroy the world.

The giant magic tree that appears in the Top Forest at the southern end of the Angelicia Mountains is one of them.

Occasionally, he would grab the surrounding trees and eat them, and he would also throw out many huge fruits that could shake the ground with one blow. As a result, many of the surrounding monsters and demihumans fled. The humans who entered this area of ​​the great forest were also extinct.


There are many monsters and demi-humans that are quite powerful. They may have skins and claws as hard as steel, they may have special abilities similar to magic, or they may have physical functions that cannot be seen directly—the main life circle of such powerful creatures, or

There are many places to hide and few enemies. Either they will run away immediately when they see other creatures, they are not used to sunlight, or they are in places with many obstacles to their vision.

To put it simply, it is outside the plains.

On the other hand, the humans who have built villages, cities and even countries on the plains are a very weak race, but it is not without strong ones. There are many valuable herbs and minerals in the big forests and mountains, and pharmacists and miners will hire them.

Armed adventurers or mercenaries enter these dangerous places to work.

Of course this is about humans, but it's another story if it's about elves and dwarves.

Having said so much, what does it have to do with the present? The answer is - these "powerful" existences that were still somewhat possible to appear are now gone.

It doesn't look like that huge magic tree is going to attack Penny Xun directly. Can you rest assured? No, because other nearby plant monsters have started to attack Penny Xun because they have no other targets to attack.


The tentacle plant called Ganshouzu will hang whip-like vines from the branches. When a creature passes by, it will entangle and strangle it and then absorb nutrients. However, when it cannot catch the unlucky creature passing by,

After laying eggs, they start to attack other plants, that's how it works.

Penny Xun can still use a few magics, and no one taught her. Ever since the Eight Desire Kings appeared three hundred years ago and once conquered the world, they used some means to promote this kind of magic called "Rank Magic".

Many races will naturally understand magic or skills as they grow and exercise (upgrade).

However, as a fairy who seems to be good at illusion and spiritual magic in a certain system, Penny Xun has only mastered a wave of illusion and spiritual magic. Although in theory, she should have the opportunity to obtain other magic, but her level

It hasn't reached that level yet.

These magics don't seem to have any effect on plant monsters, and they can't restore themselves, so Penny Kaoru can't defeat Nangshouzu, who can absorb the target's life just by touching it.

If there are any other animal monsters or humans, please ask. If they are rejected, you can also use spiritual magic to drive them to fight with Nangshou Tsuta. Unfortunately, the existence that Penny Kaoru expected has not appeared.

Therefore, the idea of ​​giving up gradually occupied her mind. Until then——

Four young people, a very strong man, a man who looked older, a feathered man, and a dwarf, a group of eight people appeared.

It seemed that they had killed a lot of monsters from the outside. Penny Xun hid, and Yanshouzi saw these guys that were more delicious than plants. Naturally, he was overjoyed, changed his target, and was killed.

The guy who threatened his life in front of him disappeared, but the long-term crisis seemed to still exist.

"But they are helping me." Penny Xun was so convinced, but how should I ask for help.

Penny Xun's eyes turned to those people's equipment. It had a gorgeous appearance and strong magic fluctuations. It was just something flashy that I couldn't believe. It must be a treasure that could easily kill Penny Xun. What do you think of using magic control to drive them here?

It feels very terrible, so I can only ask for help.

"But, it should be no problem." Penny Xun was confused. They didn't seem to let go of any monsters on the way. Maybe these creatures in front of them would kill them, right? But, if this is the case

If you let them leave, miracles may not happen again.

Penny Xun hesitated for a long time, then made up her mind, took the initiative to meet him, and said: "...that."


The perspective of the magic tree——

"Tch... If I had known this, I would have saved me earlier. But, having said that... they are not planning to chop me down, are they? It looks like this is the attitude."

At this time, the magic tree felt a very unpleasant feeling. It was not clear what it was. At the same time, the man with feathers appeared in his hand because of a magic circle. He must have cast magic, but there was no abnormal feeling.

No, they started to chop. To be precise, one person released a fireball, which ignited a handful of leaves!

"Hundan, after all, I can be considered the 'Dragon King of Destruction'!"

This is probably OK, after all, the Demonic Tree is also speculated by many readers to be the Dragon King of Destruction.

The memory of being tortured before resurfaced, and the demon tree waved a branch and swept away at several people. The shield guards in the front row immediately set up their shields——

"Dang!" The branches actually made a metallic collision sound. Was it the sound of a shield? But the shield guard didn't move at all, and the branches folded back!

Demonic Tree: "Ugh, it's me who's injured instead. My shield is reversed? I'm weak without forced awakening?"

The next moment, a man who looked like a black knight ignited several colors of light on his body. It seemed that the mage in the back row had applied some auxiliary magic. He shouted and raised the sword that looked like it was made of the night sky, and swung it down hard.

A dark wave spurted out from the sword body!

The injured branches could not withstand this fatal blow and broke apart. The useless branches hit the ground heavily.

"Ah, it hurts!" Although it was just a scratch-like pain, the magic tree was really injured.

The overall height of the Demonic Tree is indeed hundreds of meters, but the part exposed to the surface is usually less than a hundred meters, which is not much different from the towering trees on the earth. Moreover, these branches of the Demonic Tree are relatively fragile.

Partially, if the branch that resisted Ainz counts as an arm, then this one can only be counted as hair.

Therefore it can be cut off.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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