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Chapter 37 The Advantages of Staggered Road Wheels

The thing that just pierced the city gate with one shot and is now continuing to destroy the city wall is indeed a city ramming vehicle. However, this is not a common city ramming vehicle with human or animal power, but a crawler chassis city ramming vehicle.

It was a site seven or eight meters long and three or four meters wide, with nine sets of road wheels with a diameter of nearly one meter, arranged in a staggered manner.

This is the staggered road wheel that Sunny criticized when chatting with Kroenpis. Now this staggered road wheel chassis was purchased by the empire, and a length of about 20 meters long and a diameter of about three meters was installed on it.

Huge rushing tree!

Then the city ramming vehicle with this crawler chassis was controlled to rush directly across this kilometer distance to destroy the city gates and walls of Junker City.

The crawler chassis tightly grasps the ground, making this section of unimproved seaside rocky terrain feel like flat ground in front of it. The staggered road wheels and the suspension with a large stroke prevent such a huge stroke from shaking during travel and impact.

Dangle away.

In short, this kind of chariot chassis with staggered road wheels fully ensured that the city assault vehicle could rush smoothly and quickly from the seaside all the way along the gentle slope directly over a kilometer, and the city gate was breached before the defenders could react.

Then, the city impact truck repeated the mechanical operation of "forward → impact → reverse → turn → advance → impact..." in front of Juncker City.

Although there were soldiers on the city wall from time to time shooting arrows at the city rams or throwing stones and rolling logs, it was of course to no avail.

In fact, some people poured oil and threw incendiary cans, but it seemed that the Imperial Army had already considered it. Before setting off, they added a layer of sand moistened with local materials and seawater, which effectively blocked the flames.

"It seems that the city-attack vehicle is fun to play there, but wouldn't it be uncomfortable to repair these staggered wheels?" Kraunpisi asked a soldier casually.

"Um...I'm not responsible for repairing weapons, so I don't know, but..." the soldier hesitated and said, "If it's such a powerful assault vehicle, even if it's a little more troublesome to repair, it's worth it, isn't it?"

"I see." Cronpis understood what the soldier meant. It turned out that her own thinking mode was out of place in this other world——

The advantage of staggered road wheels is that while keeping the car body small, more wheels can share the load, extending the life of the wheels. On top of this, it can effectively reduce the length of the car body while maintaining the load capacity, saving money.

By using certain materials, some load capacity is increased.

It's like buying a luxury sports car on earth that has no shortcomings and makes people happy. It's just that this kind of sports car will probably make people vomit blood in terms of maintenance. But if you buy this kind of car, you must be rich and you won't care.

This little money is just for one car, isn't it? It's not a money-burning army.

Under the current concept of war, city rams are weapons only used to destroy city gates and walls in siege warfare. They do not need to be kept in large numbers, so maintenance problems are not big.

Suddenly, 40% of the empire's warships opened fire at the same time!

A large number of large javelins with some low-level magic exploded in a tower. Although they were not very powerful, they successfully destroyed the tower and the entire gatehouse collapsed.

"What happened over there?" Cronpis understood that those warships definitely did not fire without permission.

No one answered.

"There's really no way." Crownpis changed the perspective of her telescope and looked at the location where she was being bombarded. "I can't see anything... Well, I just killed some enemies who were slightly threatening, so that's it.


Now, the imperial army has just disembarked and is calmly deploying its formation on the shore.

The Imperial Army was in no rush to attack.

Although there was intelligence that the city was in chaos, they only knew it to this extent. They didn't know that Melifis had exceeded the task and paralyzed the entire city's command level. If they could attack directly now, they might be able to

Victory was achieved.

Currently, the Imperial Army is luring the enemy, so they "allow" the city ramming vehicle to continue destroying the city wall under the eyes of the helpless enemy, forcing the opponent to take the initiative to leave the city to counterattack, and then the city ramming vehicle retreats, luring the enemy into the range of the battleship.

In fact, the current maximum range of the ballistae may be able to hit the city wall, but there is no certainty. If magic is added, it may cause a lot of damage, but——

Rather than attacking a few places with city rams and luring the enemy out and taking advantage of the firepower of warships, direct carpet bombing with fleets will have the effect of annihilating the enemy. I'm afraid that area will be turned into ruins. This city will become the territory of the empire from now on.

, I still want to use it, I can’t bear to part with it.

It's really hard to bear it, now that the Imperial Navy has such a surplus.

Sure enough, the troops in the city chased the crawler chassis city assault vehicle that started to reverse and fought their way out of the city!

Admiral Gironde, who was sitting in the flagship of the imperial fleet, took a look with the telescope himself. With a smile on his face, he asked the signal corps to send an order: "When the enemy approaches 500 meters, the entire fleet should launch a salvo to let these ignorant races see it."

The Imperial Navy is awesome!"

The 10,000 infantrymen who had already landed in formation formed a relatively conservative square formation under the command of other commanders, which could be attacked or defended.

They did not carry any clumsy siege equipment, just so that they could chase the enemy all the way into the city when they were defeated.

They don't need any siege equipment. If the enemy resists fiercely on the city walls and gates, they can still use their fleet to defeat the city walls on a large scale as a last resort.

Crownpis heard the magic students nearby talking about each other, and some of them were unabashedly jealous.

"What is that? There is no formation at all?"

"It feels like we're wasting our intelligence if we go head-to-head with that guy."

"Could it be that Sir Melifiss killed all their commanders, so there is no one to command them?"

"Is that guy...so powerful?"

"Well... I'm the chief after all. It's said that I'm approaching the realm of heroes. Is this what it should be? Humph!"

"Ah? Doesn't this mean she has made a great contribution? I want to make a great contribution too!"

"Then who asked her to go in the first place? You can go if you want?"

"These people are quite leisurely... Well, the battle is going too smoothly. Isn't there anything we can do about these people who have never experienced real fighting?" Crounpis thought as he squinted at the group of leisurely magic students with his hands on his hands.

"Hey, you - what's that look?!" A magic student seemed to be unhappy with Crounpis and wanted to come over and do something, but was held back by other students.

"Wait, stop, even if you are just a civilian, you are still second best."

"There is Lord Paradine behind you, we can't afford to offend him."

"Tch, you're a lucky guy." The man didn't seem to have lost his mind, so he listened to the advice and stopped talking.

"Well, you saved a life." Of course, Crounpis didn't care about the miscellaneous fish whose level was less than 15, and continued to look at the enemies chasing the city car and getting closer and closer to the imperial army.

(to be continued)

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