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Chapter 45 The Battle of Calais

Now, while Cronpis was waiting for her to contact and arrange the manpower that Fluder had arranged to go to the undead stronghold, she was sitting in Fluder's room in the empire, waiting for news, and casually took the information in the room as "

Read "Xianshu".

"Can't even these guys study the characteristics of the Dragon Clan that may ignore the effects of rank magic? It's really troublesome." Looking at the research data, Crounpis scratched his head with some trouble.

Are these things still too esoteric for humans? It seems that the conquered dragons use these as a habit. It is not clear. Should we ask the elves for a little "help"?

It might be okay if the big goblin was still there, but now only Cirno and Lily are left who are better at fighting. It's not that they are too stupid, but they don't have the seriousness and planning ability of the big goblin.

To sum up, Crownpis can only read these research materials as "idle books".

During these times, she gave up on her duties as a student at the Imperial Academy of Magic without any regrets. According to the script, she sacrificed herself in the war along with some of the talented students such as Melyphis. There would be no consequences.

A sense of dissonance.

With Fluder and his own sect operating, even if there are some unnatural places, they can withstand investigation.

She is not worried about temporarily leaving a powerful dark night dead magician in the Urban League to be looked after by Melifis and Yayaka, whose enemy and friend are blurred, because in addition to using memory to operate the insurance, there is also a [Doll Possession]

] Made the necessary preparations.

However, in the early hours of the morning, before the personnel arrived, Crownpis received a cry-like contact from the goblin who was supposed to be responsible for attacking the southeastern part of the Urban Alliance.

It's Midori No. 0, and she seems really resentful.

"What? The city of Calais was captured in less than two hours?" Crounpis was dumbfounded when she reported the news in the same tone as Midori No. 0's complaint.

Midori No. 0: "Yes, it's all Alice and the others trying to steal the spotlight."

Crownpiss: "Didn't I limit the level of combatants? The main ones are still low-level fairies, right?"

Crownpis planned to see what would happen if he fought with equal combat power as the enemy. Anyway, based on the initial level of the goblin, every goblin is born with multiple chances of resurrection, and among the goblins there are

As many as one-tenth of the people can use resurrection magic, so it doesn't matter even if it's a reckless test.

In this case, how do the Alices with a smaller number of people steal the spotlight?

Midori No. 0: "It's true that the low-level Alices deliberately violated their father's arrangements and changed their tactics temporarily. As a result, we won without doing almost anything!"

Crounpis: "...Don't cry for a moment, what happened?"

To be honest, Crounpis doesn't like children who work hard but it might be a good thing if the children are creative and have better ideas than themselves.

Before questioning Alice, let’s look at Midori’s perspective.

Midori No. 0: "I don't know how specific it is, but that's what I heard from a certain Alice's annoying words——"


Going back in time a little, Urban Alliance, Calais——

Shortly after three hundred Alice fairies entered the city, and before the agreed time to attack collectively, everyone was summoned by Alice No. 102, the temporary leader.

How do you call it - of course [message], Alice No. 102 holds this magic, and then sends a message to some of the three hundred Alice fairies who have higher serial numbers but can also use this magic, and then according to the serial number

Just continue to convey it to the lower levels.

Even though it was a gathering, it was impossible for hundreds of goblins to find a suitable place to gather in the city. Only thirty of them came as representatives, sitting in a dense row in the palace of the tallest castle in the city, watching.

Alice No. 102 used the king's bed as a seat, crossing her legs and sitting on the king who was tied into a rice dumpling.

"Well, the representatives are here. As you can see, this is the King of Calais." Alice No. 102 pointed to the thing under her body and said, "Based on the current situation, I think the battle should be slightly changed.


"Well," Alice No. 262 raised her hand and asked, "the battle time has not yet come, why did you capture the king first?"

Alice No. 102: "It's just a capture. If you don't kill, it doesn't count as an advance battle. Okay, first let's review the information we got about this city - who is coming?"

"I'll do it." Alice No. 1143, who was originally in a team with Alice No. 102, got up and walked to the bedside, facing the other Alices.

This is a city located at the southeastern foot of the Urban Alliance. It is quite close to the country of the orcs, but it is a straight-line distance because there is an insurmountable Hengduan Mountain Range in between.

By the way, although it is called the Hengduan Mountains, it only looks like that to the human eye. In fact, according to the way of marking north and south on the map, it is vertical, which happens to be the national boundary of the three major Western countries and the Urban Alliance in the Central Continent.

It is strictly isolated, so it does not face the threat of orcs like the Dragon Kingdom.

And because it is far away from the Bajas Empire, it is more about providing military supplies than supporting the army. Even if it is sold at a low price as an alliance obligation, it will give Calais City an extra income without killing anyone.

It's a pretty peaceful place.

However, this "peace" only refers to whether one is suffering from war.

In fact, the current happiness index of the people in this city is quite low. One of the main reasons is that there is too little land suitable for farming.

It just so happens that the west side of the Hengduan Mountains is a pretty good habitat for Warcraft. Unfortunately, those are non-edible varieties of Warcraft, so this is also a country that mainly makes a living by exporting Warcraft materials.

Of course, magical materials are indispensable in Warcraft materials, so this is definitely a very profitable business, but it is also a business that is accompanied by life-threatening risks.

Due to the state of war between the Urban Alliance and the Empire, the King of Calais discovered an opportunity to make war fortune. However, due to the obligations of the Alliance, he had to lower the export price, which made him somewhat annoyed. However, in this case, he had to increase exports to

Isn’t the most direct way to achieve gains brought about by taxes is to increase taxes and increase exports?

The market has always been in a state where demand exceeds supply, so there really is no such thing as too much. In a state of war, no matter how much material you need, it will be too little.

Therefore, he carried out forced mobilization on the grounds that the country was in a state of war. Not only were most of the troops out of the city and camped at the entrance of the Hengduan Mountains to participate in the monster hunting, but each civilian family also had to contribute at least one manpower to participate in the monster hunt.

(to be continued)

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