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Chapter 53 The Contradiction with the Original Work Continues

After confirming Ibiluai's reaction, Wakasugahime spoke up——

"Look, the powerful Dark Night Dead Mage you mentioned appeared some time after the incident, right? If he was the culprit, he shouldn't have been at the scene of the crime from the beginning, and then eliminated your uneasiness

Element? If the undead are so strong, can you, who is weak, escape?"

"Isn't it...impossible! Only such a powerful undead can cause such terrible things!" Ibiluyai waved her hands vigorously and roared.

"Don't you plan to live there just because it happens to be a nice place and surrounded by people of the same kind? It's just about living there." Wakasugaji said, "When we traveled together during the Demon God War, if I asked you, you wouldn't

Ken said, if you had spoken out at that time, we would have been able to correct you."

"You!" Yibiruyai pointed at Wakaluji, trembled, trembled again, and finally put it down weakly, and said dejectedly, "What you said is right, but my guess is not either.

Isn’t it possible? Otherwise, why would so many cities and countries be reduced to death? Why would the impartiality come to my country? Why would the angel appear impartially!”

After talking about it, Ibiluyai gradually became excited again and almost started dancing.

"As mentioned before, your race's magic talent is quite good. Later, you also mentioned your country's secret treasures that can assist the destruction of the country. Didn't the Dark Night Dead Magicians come to your country for these? Angels are just that.

It is simply a crusade against hostile races with different attributes, which is different from the so-called divine punishment in religion - if God really exists, then the culprit should be killed before the incident occurs." Cronpis added.

"Yes, yes, we are both sane undead, so the Dark Night Dead Mage should be the best person for help from Ibiluayai, right? You gave up the chance by escaping. So the angel is simply messing with the situation, isn't it?

Ruoluji said.

To Clawnpis, this tone was like finding a life-saving straw thrown by Clawnpis. Only by digging deeply into Wakaluhime, Clawnpis, who was reincarnated from a fish tank, can

I can see what Wakasugaji is thinking.

If Sagihime said that among the human memories she got, there was the memory of reading "The Vampire Princess of the Subjugated Country". The Vampire Princess of the Subjugated Country is Ibiru Ai, which means that the angel does not exist in the plot. This is used as a starting point for the subsequent plot.

It’s not right either.

Although spoilers will be hated by book lovers, and knowing everything will make the world no longer exciting, but in this world that requires strength and intelligence to improve survival ability, the "intelligence" results that I "hardly" obtained did not match the facts.

That's a really unpleasant thing.

The angel is the one who disturbs the situation. That's what he said. Could it be that one of the "companions" in the fish tank has been reincarnated through time and space? It can't be Xiaohua, right?

Things can only be known after seeing the angel.

The focus of the discussion right now is Ibiruai's mistake in taking the powerful undead who lives in his home as the culprit.

Ibiluai insists that the Dark Night Dead Mage is the culprit who killed his family and people, but that is undoubtedly not true.

In fact, those things were noticed by the audience present. How could they not notice such obvious clues?

Ibiluyai believed that she had found the culprit who harmed her family and the people. She just wanted a clear enemy and a goal for herself to work hard on. If she didn't do this, she would be disgusted and ostracized by all living creatures.

How should I continue to "live" myself?

"According to this, you are not actually a complete vampire, Ibiluayai? Since all your family members have turned into zombies, even if you get spiritual protection, you should still turn into zombies in the end." Cronpis asked.

"Mother's magic is not a simple magic to protect the spirit. It will directly impart the characteristics of the undead to me," Ibiruyai said. "Vampires are immortals with relatively few disadvantages. I guess she gave me the characteristics at that time.

It's caused by vampire characteristics, but even so, it's not a pure vampire.

"You said last time that being hit by your kind of spiritual magic might reduce my rationality and restore my instinctive blood-sucking impulse. If you are so sure, then there must be precedent?"

Crownpis nodded. The rational undead accepted the magic of Crownpis, and his spirit was indeed broken and restored to the instinctive undead (an experiment to create a new Elfen).

But Ruoji seems to be a little dumbfounded. This change has not escaped the eyes of Crounpis. The reason for becoming a vampire must be in conflict with the original script.

Yibiluyai also nodded and continued: "But in fact, I don't feel any blood-sucking impulse. At the same time, I still have no hatred for the living, and no moral loss. Of course, the positive energy of life can indeed make people feel better."

I feel uncomfortable, which means I still have the lowest level of immortality instinct."

"If there is a chance, I would like to add this to the undead research experiments here. But speaking of the undead research, having said that - in terms of undead research, did Granbell get so much help from her mother? In fact, all of them

You didn't tell me, dad, I'm really sad." Clawnpis covered her face and pretended to sob.

"If I ask mom some questions, do I have to report it to dad? Mom is not an outsider." Granbell tilted her head and said.

"Speaking of which, it's true...ah..."

"Hi! Can I ask a question?" Melchi, who had already been sitting next to her, raised her hand.

"Well, are you one of the so-called lost vampires? Just ask." Yibiluyai raised her chin and signaled to speak.

"It seems that... the most exciting parts have all been taken away by a casual deception. The most exciting part should be the destruction of the Troll Kingdom and the Demon God War, right? Why do you talk about the time during your lifetime and the unremarkable experiences in between?

How many?" Melchi asked.

"I'm not telling you stories about heroes and demon kings!" Ibiluaya's voice seemed a little annoyed, and her unhappy expression could be imagined through the mask.

"Melchi, you idiot, who wants to talk about unpleasant experiences? Unless you want to gain sympathy from others." Crounpis let go of the assistant's hand that was pretending to cry and grinned.

"Yeah, dad knows mom very well." Granbell nodded.

"Although, I think it's human nature, right?" Crounpis said lightly. It's better to say that he inferred it from the character of the country-destroying lolita in the original work and the feeling of getting along with her a little.

"...I'm sorry." Melchi bowed her head and apologized.

"However, other people are coming soon, so it's time to set off, right?"

(to be continued)

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