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Chapter 55 Sunburst

"What should I do if the undead guards spread out? Idiot!" As soon as Yibiluyai finished speaking, hoarse howls like warcraft beasts came from below.

"Hey, what kind of configuration do you have for your guards?" Ibiluaya asked Granz urgently.

"As the main guards, there are five undead flying dragons, two soul-eating demons, sixty-two dead archmages, and about a thousand other skeletons, zombies and other low-level undead."

Melchi: "Hey, hey, you're kidding! It's just a dream!"

Yayaka: "Aren't these the legendary undead who casually destroy cities and even countries? There are so many of them!"

Merriface: "I feel like it's a miracle that humans can survive in this world!"

The former human beings who turned into monsters and the magic academy students reacted differently due to their respective situations, but they also had something in common: panic.

"Everyone retreat away from the cracks and prepare to attack!" Yibiluyai shouted and flew up.

Wakasagi also jumped back quickly.

The former students of the Human Magic Academy were a little slow in reacting, and then they scrambled to run away.

The only ones standing still were the tree fairies.

Crown Peace: "Grandbell, can you control them all?"

Granbell: "Right now, it's the limit to control one more Granz, whose level is not lower than Belle."

Crownpiss: "What a shame, Sonny, I'll leave it to you."

"No problem." Sunny spread her wings and flew over the crack, raised her hands, and opened the golden magic circle, "[Sunburst], [heaven aura], [brilliant radiance], [power]

Sanctuary [force sanctuary]], [Sanctuary protection], and the others are weaker magic or more priest-nanny-style auxiliary and recovery magic.

I feel like this combination can make me a guest Paladin.

The active and passive skills are almost the same as Star's. The only difference is that Star's [Fire Aura] becomes [Sun Burst] when it comes to Sunny. It can be used once a day, and it will blow up a big wave with yourself as the center.

The skill of AoE Flame, because it not only contains light but also has fire attribute, makes the fire-loving Fadista jealous.

In the past few years, Sunny has really understood that the so-called faith can indeed allow her to feel some kind of huge existence that can be borrowed, and she can borrow the power of this huge existence to enhance the power of her magic.

Sunny even learned to summon several types of angels through books and teachers' guidance, but she felt that they were no different from just swatting flies to death, so she was a little disappointed. Compared with this, it is better to use the power of faith to improve attack magic.

But what makes Sunny confused is that she does not believe in the six gods or any of the gods in the various myths of this world. She only believes in the hell fairies, but she can still use the power of that so-called huge existence.

Although the priests and priests believed that it was God's favor, Sunny still believed that it should be similar to the feeling of borrowing magic or other energy clumps floating in the space.

After reading the message, Sunny held up a sun-like sphere and threw it into the crack, just like she was holding a vitality bomb.

"Pa~" Almost at the same time, Crounpisi closed his palms, and the huge Skyline Canyon closed in response. Several undead flying dragons flying up with their wings were immediately sandwiched into cakes.

"Sure enough, as long as the force of the clamp is enough, it can cause damage."

The slender crack that was left running through the stone mountain burst out with a burst of dazzling light, and then became silent. After a while, long green smoke swayed up from the entire crack.

There are also some vague remnants of light particles that seem to be left behind by some kind of huge explosion.

"So beautiful, I..." Melchi rolled down from Will's arms and curiously wanted to walk towards the direction of the light particles to have a look, but——

"Back up, back up, back up." Ibiluyai pushed Melqi and Will back. Yayaka noticed something was wrong by observing their words and jumped back again.

Grantz, on the other hand, ran away a certain distance without permission from the beginning out of genuine fear. Of course, he did not dare to escape completely.

"You have to be careful when using area-of-effect magic with sacred attributes!" Yibiruyai turned around and scolded, "Don't you see there are many undead in the team!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I thought it would be fine if I closed the crack, but there is still a little leakage." Crounpis lowered his head and scratched his hair.

It was her fault for not closing the crack completely.

Then wait for the light particles to disappear completely before opening the crack.

"Well, it seems that the undead are gone, then—Melchi, order Will to go down."

"You idiot!" It was Ibiruyai who yelled again. After she finished yelling, she looked at Wakagihime, "Do you still have the bell you used for exploring the ruins?"

"Hmm? Well, keep it." Ruolu Ji groped in her bag and took out a bell with various gems inlaid around it.

"A magic item that can detect the mechanism and delay its activation. Use this search in conjunction with the man's magic elimination ability." Ibiruyai said with a tone of experience.

"Mom, instead of investigating, wouldn't it be better to just ask Grantz?" Granbell looked at Ibiluayai with questioning eyes, and then looked at Crounpis, "Dad just knows.

You can easily confirm the location of the mechanism before letting Will go down directly, right?"

"Um...yes." In fact, Crounpis didn't expect it, but it doesn't matter if it's a little bit embarrassing and it doesn't matter if you don't admit it.

"Mom, Belle knows that mom has a lot of adventure experience, but sometimes mom gets carried away." Granbell lectured her seriously.

At this moment, Ibiluayai's face might feel flushed?

Really, why are you wearing a mask? Are you not disgusted by the existence of the undead, or are the characters in the cosplay book so interesting? Does wearing a mask really not affect your field of vision?

(to be continued)

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