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Chapter 60 Barbecue Feast

At this time, Franco discovered that there seemed to be more groups of soldiers in the surrounding fields. There were also many beings with different weapons but who seemed to be more powerful than soldiers. They should be adventurers or mercenaries.


No, it was really dark and I didn’t notice that they had been doing something here. It seemed that they were surrounding some strange-looking cars.

There are five wheels on each side, and they are connected together with something like a belt?

There is something like a big spoon stuck upside down in the car?

At this time, Francesco noticed an uneasy mood around him, and someone seemed to be screaming in fear.

"What's going on?"

"Oh, I think it's those? Some of the people who escaped in front have seen it." The Lizard Knight pointed at the strange vehicles that were being messed with by soldiers, "The enemy's magic weapons can travel faster than the cavalry.

With its speed, it can also shoot third-level magic or equivalent attacks."

"Oh my God, how did you snatch such a powerful magic weapon?"

The Lizard Knight shrugged: "We didn't do it. Because the opponent was a monster, the adventurers all participated in the battle voluntarily. I heard that some adventurers came up with a good idea after learning about the battle situation in other places - digging a hole in the ground.

, hide inside, wait for this strange vehicle to drive past, jam the spear or something else into the wheel, and then swarm the user while he is stunned. It is not impossible to destroy it directly, but at least a third person is needed.

Terrace magic.”

"...Is it okay to tell someone like me?"

"Ah... no, it's still a secret, but... forget it, since the opponent is a monster, it's impossible to sneak in, right? Haha." The Lizard Knight shrugged again.

"What kind of monster is it? I have never witnessed it myself."

"It's just right. In fact, I heard from adventurers that the corpses disappeared after a while, so I didn't either. But I heard that they were all girls from the Elf tribe wearing maid outfits."

"Is this considered a monster?"

"Because some adventurers found that the tactics and magic against monsters are more effective for them, so they are monsters. Humanoid monsters are rare, but it is not strange, right? No, no... we accidentally got into a conversation, I have to go back and report

." After saying that, the lizard knight led the lizard towards the unit he was just in.

Okay, let's move on.

Should I say it's night? It feels like the surroundings are starting to fog up.

"This is the fog of death! Run!" Someone shouted in the crowd.

Similar sounds are actually mixed with screams and sounds of fear here and there!

The brigade, which until just now had been moving forward with an aura of decadence, suddenly seemed to be activated, with many people shouting and running away.

Their behavior also infected other people, and they had to run away. No matter what kind of fog this was, if they didn't follow the group, they would be trampled to death by the panicked crowd first!

Franco's horse was also frightened, pulling the carriage as hard as it could and running wildly. Many people seemed to have fallen under the horse's hooves and wheels, but he had no time to care about it. Maybe he should be lucky that he didn't hit anyone stronger than the horse.

is the best.

Why did it suddenly become like this?

Francisco understood immediately.

Some kind of power seems to be liberated in this fog,

"Boom!" The flames surged up, and it seemed that there were flames in all directions for an instant. He felt that his whole body was being impacted.

The intense heat made the eyes extremely painful for a moment, the heat rushed from the throat to the lungs, and the whole body seemed to be burning.

Even so, he still subconsciously wanted to get into the car cabin behind him to protect his wife and several-month-old child. However, his wife was holding the child and wailing. They were burning violently, and the entire car was burning.


"Crash!" The carriage burned down.

It was only now that he realized that he himself was burning, as if he had a "sizzling" oily feeling similar to that of a barbecue.

It was useless even if he rolled on the ground vigorously, because it was as if the world around him was wrapped in flames. Within seconds, his skin was scorched by the fire and the moisture was gradually drained away.

Soon, the pain disappeared as the nerves and brain burned away.


On the hillside a few kilometers away——

"Huh, it went smoothly. I didn't expect that there were defeated troops in our occupied area who escaped to join Bolton. Such a big mistake happened. We don't have enough experience." Alice No. 110 looked at the fire in the distance.

He spoke.

Bolton has successfully destroyed some chariots and killed some goblins, so that team must not be allowed to meet at Bolton, lest the experience of destroying chariots be gained by more people.

The huge explosion that was originally scheduled to level Bolton City was actually used in such a place, but——

"Uh-huh, the 'Barbeque Feast' is great, it smells so good." Alice No. 102 looked at the fire in front of Bolton City with a telescope and said as if she was relieved.

The city of Bolton was not allowed to fall, but it was annihilated in one fell swoop while the opponent was cleaning up the battlefield and reuniting with another "reinforcement" force. This did not mean that the outcome of the battle was diminished.

It can be regarded as revenge for the lost compatriots.

Not long ago, Bolton's adventurers and troops relied on some tricks to kill several tanks and more than 20 goblins. Because many previous battles went smoothly, the goblins did not die at all.

The battle plan of taking it back before disappearing only resulted in watching the death of our compatriots.

Even though the tanks that were killed were all practice works made of low-grade materials, and the more than twenty goblins were all Midoris, not Alice, those low-grade creatures were able to conquer several countries in a row without dying.

(There are still some injured goblins, but there are many goblins who have mastered healing magic, so treatment is easy) The goblins caused such a death toll, which made Alice angry.

To the goblins, the death of their enemies, no matter how many, is just a series of achievement numbers that give them a sense of accomplishment. The death of their compatriots is evil to them.

But they didn't let their anger get the better of them, nor did they go to high-level goblins or their parents to complain, but they found a way on their own.

The goblins whose battle level is limited to the heroic realm at most do not have the level to make such terrifying attacks, but they also have their own tricks and methods.

Inspired by Cloud Blast "imagined" by Crown Pease.

They found fairies who could use life-related magic and tried their best to use the fermentation magic of brewing wine or fertilizer to create flammable gas. Midori, who had learned [control cloud], used this magic to bring the flammable gas into the clouds.

Get to a place where enemies are densely packed and finally detonate!

However, the goblin responsible for detonating the explosion will also bear the brunt of the damage, so only Midori can do this.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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