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Chapter 63 Pain insensitivity

"[Pain dulling]!"

This is an ability that Ijenia managed to learn only in this world. It can completely block the feeling of pain. It is not a very advanced martial skill. A human warrior of about level 20 can learn it. However, blocking the feeling of pain is not a good thing. It will make you wonder where you are.

Injured, and even if the pain is blocked, it does not mean that the body can still move freely after being injured. Due to the loss of HP and damaged limbs, the body's functions will still be reduced - unknowingly reduced, this martial skill will be even more useless.


Therefore, instead of eliminating pain sensation, warriors prefer to exercise pain tolerance.

In fact, in magic, there are also magics that enhance pain tolerance. For example, the [mind of undeath] that Yayaka once cast on herself is essentially a guardian spirit. However, after the level magic in this game is transformed into reality,

——Since severe pain will have a negative impact on the spirit, [mind of undeath] objectively increases the pain tolerance of the recipient.

[Pain blunting] The function of this martial art is generally to use it for a short time before preparing to perform a certain move that will cause great harm to oneself (very few people learn it), so as to avoid the pain caused by self-injury from reducing one's concentration; or to give

Used when being captured and being tortured but there is no hope of rescue and suicide is impossible.

The above two uses are very limited, making this martial art not popular.

Now, with anger in his heart, he was ready to shield himself from the severe pain of having his weak spot kicked to pieces, try to break free, and definitely kill them!

But, still can't move!

If you look carefully, there are more and more maid loli around! One by one, they are releasing magic on themselves!

If you continue to cast binding magic, the activation time and number of magic items will not keep up!

Not only that, there was another battle going on dozens of meters away.

It was his apprentices and subordinates! They fell one after another under the siege of the maid Loli.

Why did they come to save him! Why! It would have been fine if he had escaped by himself! Why did they come out!

Have they always been here? Since he, as an assassin, cannot detect them, then their concealment ability level must be no lower than his. To deal with him, he actually dispatched so many maids and lolita. How shameless is their master?


Unexpectedly, when the maid Loli in front of her heard the name of her martial arts, her eyes lit up and she shouted to everyone around her: "Use higher-level spiritual magic instead! This guy seems to know the ability to avoid pain that my father has been looking for.

!Be merciful to those little minions, they may also know something!"

He no longer knew what to think.

Could it be that the main purpose of beating him was for the [Pain Blunting] martial skill?

It is true that this is not a common martial skill, and he is somewhat complacent in thinking that he is the first person to teach this indigenous skill as a required martial skill, but - for this reason, he is being targeted?

He also had magic props on his body to enhance his mental resistance, but he could not withstand the continuous bombardment of rounds of mental magic and finally failed.

His own consciousness gradually disappeared.

After Alice No. 0 asked for and recorded all the information and knowledge that could be tortured, she broke Ijenia's neck, recovered a set of props and equipment, a small satchel related to the prop bar, and an infinite backpack, and used her life to produce fertilizers.

Magic decomposes the body.

"Thank you for the support (rescue)." Alice No. 102, No. 110 and Midori No. 233 nodded slightly to Alice No. 0.

Alice No. 0 waved her hand: "Well, let's not talk about Ijenia for now. His subordinates are too obvious, and it's almost like asking us to catch them quickly, so I brought all the sisters from the first 50 series.

.It’s my turn to say thank you for letting you be used as bait.”

"Um, is it okay to kill this guy?" Midori asked, pointing to a pool of something that should be mosaicd on the ground.

"What Dad wants is a pain-free method. Wouldn't it be better to keep those who are easy to control?" Alice No. 0 looked at the remaining survivors of Ijenia's subordinates.

"No. 102, No. 110, you go back to the troops to prepare for reorganization, and then launch the attack on Bolton tomorrow. Since the enemy has the means to destroy tanks and kill compatriots, it is even more important to give full play to your freedom without being restricted by the main plant.

Due to the characteristics of the operation, we need to practice the cooperative combat ability with Midori, which I didn’t think was necessary at first. Midori No. 233, please tell your compatriots about this."

"Yes!" x 3

Watching the three goblins flying towards the direction of the main force, Alice No. 0 silently put her hands on her temples and activated [message] to report the good news about finding a way to block pain to Crounpith.



"Regular report, maybe it's a step late. Ijenia is no longer here. Maybe it's better to identify it as being killed by one of the attacking city alliances?" After confirming the situation, the blue-haired girl said to the person next to her.

Member of the Wind Flower Sacred Code: "No, Your Excellency Diasha, even though he is the great magic caster of the empire, there is recent intelligence that he has made a new breakthrough, and it is not enough to fight against Ijenia."

"Then we should identify him as the other party and start an investigation?"

Member of Fenghua Sacred Code: "No need, our mission is to try to recover the artifacts borrowed from the Eight Desire Kings that the 'Thirteen Heroes' may have. If he is killed so easily, then it means he does not have the artifacts."

"What about other possibilities?"

Member of Fenghua Sacred Scripture: "That is not an occasion that requires your presence."

"Understood. If I don't have anything to do for the time being, should I return to the Theocracy first? If I leave for too long, Yugali will become restless again. Call me if you need to fight."

Members of Fenghua Sacred Code: "Let's do it."

Seeing Diasha leave using teleportation magic, Fenghua Sacred Scripture breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to test her availability, they asked her to take part in the care and education of Eucalyptus, as well as some outing combat missions.

Deyasha had no choice but to take care of Yugali. Due to Yugali's own appearance and early education model that inherited the characteristics of the elf, Yugali felt bad for humans with short ears that were strange in her eyes, but she could not let the elf

Will the slave take care of it?

Do you want to use "Allure the City and the Country" on Yugali? Not to mention, the senior leaders of the Theocracy who respect the blood of the six gods and really regard Yugali as their granddaughter can't do it. Even if they want to, they can't use "Allure the City and the Country".


The mission to Ijenia is also one of the tasks that Diasha participates in. The combat power is easy to use, and there is no need to worry about exposing the god to the Platinum Dragon King, which will trigger and discuss war between countries.

However, the Theocracy really didn't dare to let her come into contact with the goblin forces now. This put a lot of pressure on Fenghua Sacred Code, who had to find every opportunity to perform tasks in the Urban Alliance.

(to be continued)

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