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Chapter 22 The words I wanted to hear the most

"From a common sense point of view, martial arts cannot be used continuously by one's own concentration, right?" Looking at the giant and giant hamster who were continuously using martial arts to fight against each other in the arena, Crounpis was confused.

She can use [not perfect warrior] to achieve continuous release, but the corresponding magic power consumption is like water. Even so, if she targets an enemy and hits all of them, the ratio of output to magic power consumption is still higher than that of releasing magic.

Good deal.

But what she does is ultimately assisted by magic.

Yibiruyayi: "That's not the case. It's just that using martial arts will increase the physical and energy consumption of the warrior. If you are confident in your physical strength and energy, it is okay to do so. The reason why humans regard martial arts as their trump card is that

It’s just that the basic physical fitness of human beings is too poor. Even though our Hongtong people’s physical fitness can’t compare with that of giants, my father… can also do combos of martial arts for a certain period of time.”

Crownpiss: "What about you?"

Yibiluyayi: "I'm not a warrior, why are you talking to me?"

Suddenly there was a cracking sound in the field. Most people couldn't notice it, but the ears of Crounpisi, who was too high-level, trembled - she accidentally broke them when she was bored and trimmed the nails of the wise king of the forest.

The sound of nails.

And now the sound can't be from nail clipping, that is -

The wise king of the forest, with his claws broken and bleeding, flew out of the smoke, twisted his body, and swung his tail out fiercely.

The strong wind from the tail dispersed the smoke and swept towards G. Dun's lower limbs as he attempted to pursue.

G. Dun jumped up like a big rope and was about to pursue——

"Look at me!" The Forest Sage King quickly spun on the spot, his tail turning into an afterimage and spinning around the entire field with himself as the axis of rotation.

In order to avoid the tail, G. Dun really started to "jump the big rope" continuously.

Crown Pease: “‘The Magic of Love’ turns around. Isn’t that fun?”

Ibiluayai: "It's fun, but it's just a trick. Your monster is in trouble."

Crown Pease: "Oh?"

Ibiluyai: "No matter how much it spins, it's still a tail, right? A rapidly rotating fan can be easily caught by a toothpick."

A few seconds later, G. Dun, who had adapted to the rotation of the tail, jumped up high again to avoid the tail, turned around in the air, and stabbed the tail that was spinning back in a circle with his sword!

If you control the amount well in advance, and with the superposition of multiple martial arts, you will definitely be able to pierce the tail covered with hard scales and nail it to the ground!

The premise is that it is the tail of a giant rat, but the Forest Wise King is a much higher level monster than the giant rat!

The tail could not be stopped due to inertia, but the short section that was about to be stabbed actually twisted and arched forward a little, missing the blade of the sword.

Only the blade of the sword was nailed to the ground in vain, and the tail turned contrary to the law of tail flicking, and the tip shot towards G. Dun, who was holding the hilt of the sword and standing upside down.

G. Dun, who misjudged, was already too late to dodge. If he let go of the sword in this posture, he would fall to the ground due to the inertia of the fall. He had no choice but to raise one arm——

"Bang!" G. Dun flew out dragging his bloody arm amid the uproar of the audience.

Thanks to the size difference between the two sides, they didn't fly very far. They just swung their tails out of the attack range. This was also G.Dun's purpose.

G. Dun stood up holding his bloody arm and looked at the wise king of the forest who stopped spinning.

The wise king of the forest did not pursue him immediately. He raised his bleeding paw and said, "Well done. Now we can exchange one paw for each other."

"Humph." G. Dun said nothing and let go of the hand covering the wound. The blood was still there, but the wound disappeared.

Ibiruyai: "Many giant races have strong resilience. Even if their skulls are smashed, they can be repaired."

Crounpis: "I already knew this. In my sphere of influence, there are giants and close relatives of giants - although there are not many, they are smaller in size."

When G. Dun repaired the wound, the Forest Wise King also used his low-level healing magic to heal the claws.

The Wise King of the Forest knows eight magics, but unfortunately there are no destructive magics. There are some magics aimed at the enemy's abnormal status, but the ones that could be released in the battle just now were secretly released. It seemed useless. Maybe they were prepared countermeasures.


Generally, even if a powerful warrior does not know magic, he will still try to get the resistance items of abnormal state magic that seem to come and go without a trace. The national fighting power of the so-called "Top Ten Heroes" like G. Dun, the country's

It would not be surprising to find and even build some specifically for him.

The wise king of the forest, who has a lot of experience in human society, thinks this way. Although he can heal magic, facing the hill giant whose recovery has almost no consumption, it is somewhat disadvantageous to fight like this. What should be done better?

It also wants to buy some time to think about countermeasures.

Fortunately, G. Dun also had something to say: "Warcraft, you can talk, so - how do you rank among your master's monsters in terms of strength?"

"How should I put it? I just feel like a pet, right? Of course, even so, I will try my best to become stronger, because my life span is very long."

"Pets, yes, they are indeed very cute." G. Dun confirmed.

Crown Pease: "Ohhhhhhhh!"

Ibiluayai: "What happened suddenly?!"

Crownpiss: "I finally see a race that has a correct evaluation of that hamster's appearance! It's so cute! It's so cute!"

Yibiruyai: "Isn't it because in the eyes of giants, your monster is not that big? Is it strange that there are people who like all kinds of small animals?"

"In short, in her eyes, your strength is actually relatively weak?" G. Dun's conversation continued, "Then you say, am I stronger? Or weak?"

The wise king of the forest scratched the same hard fur with his repaired claws, and said with a bit of trepidation: "As far as I can tell, you are indeed quite strong, but compared to the master's group, you are really not that good."

G. Dun drew out the magic sword this time and waved it in his hand: "Are there many? They are stronger than you."

It is easy to deliberately find out the power behind a mysterious and powerful person.

The Wise King of the Forest: "It's not much. Rather, I am actually stronger than most of my lord's subordinates. But my lord and her close relatives may be comparable to the world's leaders. This is what I think."

"Really? Then, I'm going to use all my strength and start the next round." G. Dun drew out the magic sword.

"Okay, I also want to use magic equipment." The wise king of the forest spit out a package from his mouth, opened it and took out a pair of steel claws and put them on his claws. Runes for improving sharpness and toughness were engraved on them, and he placed them on his claws.

Wear a pair of magic accessories on your ears that enhance combat continuation.

G.Dun just waited for it to finish equipping him.

"Then, I'm going to get fucked."


Man and hamster (giant version) collide again.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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