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Chapter 30: The Lion King Attacking

"As long as we 'belong' to a legal country, it will be fine, right?" In order to dispel the empire's concerns, Alice No. 102 proposed the plan that the Three Fairies of Light and Crounpis had originally discussed.

"Drink!" Suddenly there were a lot of frightened voices.

Gahar and other soldiers do not think that goblins will succumb to humans. Through the investigation of the Imperial Intelligence Agency (led by magic casters), they have learned about the abilities commonly used by goblins in battle-spiritual magic. Do they want to use "

Surrender" to the empire to infiltrate and control the empire?

"What the hell kind of expressions do you have?" Alice No. 102 looked at the row of people in front of her who instantly turned into expressions, and became even more speechless.

Most fairies always have this question: Why do humans often fail to speak well? Why do they suddenly become emotionally unstable at every turn?

"That's enough, you can concentrate on attacking the city." Alice No. 102 jumped off the chair and walked out of the camp out of boredom.

"Wait a minute, I want to hear your clear statement!"

"The empire will receive the statement in a few days. Does it take this much time for you to prepare for the siege? It seems that I can't tell you clearly. Just wait." After saying that, Alice No. 102 disappeared into the camp.


Dragon Kingdom——

Drotilon Auriclus had not been able to sleep or eat well for two months.

What is supposed to come will always come, and Larva's behavior of occasionally leading a mercenary group to hunt orcs finally received a backlash.

The three major Western countries, which are close to the Central Continent and the Dragon Kingdom, have not reacted to Larva's actions until now because they were also fighting among themselves. In the end, the three major Western countries were unified.

By the way, the main reason for the discord between the three countries is the food problem. However, Larva constantly harassed one of the nearby countries and cannibalized the scattered tribes. After Crounpisi tamed the Feilong tribe, he agreed with the Feilong tribe to invade the nearby country.

As a result, two of the three major powers were constantly harassed and eroded.

In order to prevent the possibility of survival from being continuously squeezed by the Feilong Tribe and Larva, the two countries accepted the annexation of the other country under the pressure of the other country——

The process took several months and was more complicated, but that's the summary.

Finally, it was integrated into the Lion Heart Kingdom, which means that lions are the center of the country. Fortunately, the three major Western countries are all carnivorous orcs, so everyone is relatively easy to talk to.

It was difficult to counterattack the Feilong tribe, so the Lion King Larku, who had unified the three major Western countries, ordered the liquidation of the Dragon Kingdom first. This country, which was used by orcs to beat teeth for sacrifices, could no longer be allowed to be arrogant.

To sum up, in a sense, this is also the blame that Crounpisi can bear.

Half a million lions, tigers, leopards, wolves, and kobolds formed a mixed army. The northern and southern troops were divided into two groups and rushed into the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. They conquered two cities in a row in more than two months. The reason why they took more than one month was that

Because every time they captured a city, they would hold a barbecue feast that lasted for nearly a month.

It's not a "barbeque feast" where the goblins use cloud bombs, it's a literal barbecue feast, and the food is all the meat in the occupied city. After all, the Dragon Kingdom also has to resist, and it doesn't have the ability to evacuate all the residents quickly.

Eh? Where is Larva going?

Of course she took the opportunity to get money from the Dragon Kingdom government and went to fight according to the deployment assigned by the Dragon Kingdom. However, the orcs were divided into two groups: the north and the south. The fortress city where her headquarters is located has already withstood the orcs' northern army.

The victory in the two cities was achieved by the Orcs' Southern Route Army, and Larva did not know the art of cloning. The other elves and humans in the mercenary group were at the same level as the Orcs' elites at best, so dividing the troops and sending them out could not affect the outcome of the battle.

"Oh, it's time to die. If there was no war between the Empire and the Urban Alliance, it stands to reason that the assistance from the Bajas Empire should have come long ago. At this time, can the orcs still have a way to send spies to the human world?

?" After listening to the routine battle report from the only minister who knew that his true nature was with him, Drotilon weakly slumped on the throne and covered his face.

"That's impossible. How can a race covered in fur blend into humans? It's just a coincidence," the minister said.

"I know, what should I do now? At this rate of decline, I will have to wait for them to come and eat me in three or four months!" De Luo!

Di Long scratched his hair with both hands as if he had collapsed, and then started dancing on the spot again.

There was no way out, at least there was value in trying——

She still has the blood of the Colorful Dragon King, so it’s not a bad idea to seek help from the Colorful Dragon King, right? No matter what the Colorful Dragon King thinks of her, a hybrid descendant, she should give it a try, right?

But she just couldn't do this, and at the same time, she automatically filtered out the Feilong Tribe that had long been in her mind. There were various profound psychological reasons.

The minister was silent, because there was really no good way, and there was no powerful way to induce orcs and goblins to fight on a large scale.

All they can do is to send assassins from the heroic realm to assassinate the orc commanders, but their transfer of command is extremely fast every time, because most of their opponents are weak humans. The tactical use of "Pig Rush" is enough, and there is no need.


This won't last long at all. Besides, the basic strength of the orcs is very strong, and even the safety and success rate of assassins in the heroic realm are not guaranteed.

"I really have a headache, and the future is very dark." It seemed that the trouble was over, Drautilon flattened her hair that almost turned into a chicken coop, huddled in the throne and sat down.

"In short, there is currently a huge barrier of goblins on the north road. There is no problem for the time being. Our troops are concentrated on the south road, but the combat power is too low. At most, it will only delay the enemy's advance." The minister reported.

Delaying the enemy's advance has a double meaning. A large number of people fighting can indeed slow down the enemy's progress in conquering the town, and it will also take longer for them to collect and process food after the war. Although concentrating troops can serve multiple purposes, this reason is too miserable.


"Then why don't we use His Majesty's 'fame' to gather all the lolicons in the country who have reached orichalcum level and above and send them to the South Road? We should be able to hold on for a while, and it will be easy for them to retreat and they won't become rations for the orcs.

"The minister said.

"Well, one day I have to use my body to satisfy that guy's desire... Hey, don't look at me like you're looking at dinner!" Drautilon's face suddenly became bitter, and her legs became awkward.

The ground began to grind.

"That's it, Your Majesty. You are facing beasts and humans. It's up to you to choose which aspect you want to be eaten, right? Compared to people who are really being eaten, it's pretty good."

Although the minister's words were suspected of harassment, Drotilon had nothing to say in reply.

(to be continued)

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