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Chapter 44 Eagle strikes the sky?

At this time, Yayaka grabbed her hair and complained: "Damn it, this ship is not equipped with archers. Speaking of which, the archers of the original air defense force were placed on those old ghost ships, right?"

"Yayaka, don't be nervous. Isn't the maximum speed of this ship sixty knots?" Cronpis said.

"Oh, yes, yes...ahhhhh, but suddenly I remembered that I didn't prepare the 'fuel' in your mouth!"

The so-called fuel is naturally the food that can satisfy the large numbers of giant rat vampires who are responsible for driving the propellers with running wheels. How can we make them excited without blood?

"Don't you have a blood bottle on you?"

"That's... for human size."

"Alas," Crounpis couldn't help but sigh with her face held in her hands, "is this still a toy in the end? I was right not to immediately become an enemy of Xiyue En. This battleship can't defeat the large number of undead under his command.


The harpies flew up at a negligible cost, passed through the fog, and even flew over the battleship.

Neither the main gun nor the secondary gun can raise the elevation angle so high unless the entire ship is turned sideways...

When the Harpies and the others saw the huge flying battleship hidden in the clouds and mist, they were obviously a little confused for a moment, but what they wanted to do remained the same——

They threw the string of pot-shaped objects they grabbed with their claws onto the battleship, and immediately turned around and fled. After all, facing such a huge ship that could bring so much damage to the orcs, the pressure was still great.

The kettle-shaped object hit the deck and immediately spattered, causing a fire on the deck. Some flames even erupted directly on the turret and near the cabin!

Soon, hundreds of fire spots appeared throughout the ship.

"Bombers are throwing incendiary bombs? Yayaka, what are you still playing at? Kill them quickly." Crounpis urged.

Crownpis didn't care about the fires on the ship at all. The wood on this ship was all wood from her magic tree. It was impossible to ignite a flame of this level. It would be fine once the oil or wine in the incendiary bombs burned out.

Maybe it can also evaporate dust and stains.

"I...I know." Yayaka was also a little panicked at this time, and she would be very embarrassed if she continued like this.

She knew that if Crounpis took action, it would probably be over with just a snap of her fingers, but Crounpis would not do that, just like the Silver Knight of the Imperial Guard who she knew in the empire was stronger than her even now.

Chang rarely took action on the battlefield, and did not even immediately participate in the war against the Urban Alliance. Instead, he waited for the heroes of the Urban Alliance to appear before starting to fight.

Perhaps Crounpis's action was playful in nature, but she is also worried that there are beings with similar strength to her in the orc country. After all, existences that are highly similar to Crounpis have been heard and even seen in the Central Continent.

I've done it several times, so I can't waste my energy on fighting the soldiers.

She casually grabbed a skeleton and placed it in front of the turntable that controlled the ship's rudder. She ran to the window, turned over and jumped from the high bridge to the deck.

"You soulless birds!" she shouted into the air, waving her wand which was taller than herself.

This shout actually attracted the attention of some harpies.

Yayaka's eyes flashed red. [Charm Eyes] is a vampire's inherent ability. It originally existed to make prey obedient so that vampires can eat. However, now this ability spreads over a wide range and has been weakened a lot. The hawk looked over.

The Banshee's consciousness was interfered with, and her movements slowed down.

"[Double widen magic·fuel air explosive]]!"

Yayaka fired what appeared to be a small fireball towards the center of the group that had been mentally interfered with. Because during the period of being dominated by Granz, she was strengthened with domination skills and was given fire and thunder attack magic, as well as the most basic attack magic.

In just a few months, she has learned "advanced magic" that few people in this academy can use.

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh being being going on!

The harpies immediately dispersed quickly and retreated faster to avoid the small fireball, but a smelly gas spread even faster.

Worried that it was poisonous gas, the harpies held their breath and accelerated their retreat, trying to get out of the range of the strange-smelling gas, but it was already too late.

"Boom!" As the small fireball exploded, the flames instantly covered a large area, turning dozens of harpies into roasted birds. Some harpies barely escaped the flames by wiping their outer shells.

Immediately afterwards, he felt dizzy, lost flying power and fell towards the ground.

But the harpies had already dispersed and fled in all directions, with more than half of them left.

"Hundan, don't run away! [Magic Silent Singing·Magic Arrow [slient magic·magic arrow]]!"

One by one, the light bombs turned into golden arrows and shot towards the harpies that were going away. The magic that was sure to hit the target caused the harpies, whose bodies were not very strong, to fall one by one.

In fact, the power of this magic means that even if it hits the head, it cannot kill the harpy with one blow, but Yayaka completely locks their wings and hits them. If the broken-winged bird stays in the air, it will only accelerate their death.

But they still managed to escape more than half of them. After all, there were hundreds of harpies attacking this time.

"Hmph, these lowly flies are annoying enough when there are too many of them." Yayaka came to the side of the ship and spat outside. She continued to direct the ship's guns to stop targeting those little "flies" and prepared to continue bombarding the fortress.


"Those stinky bitches who usually don't do anything are quite useful at times like this."

Razan looked at the more than 80 magic casters who had finally gathered together from tens of thousands of people while the harpy was buying this little time, and shouted loudly, "The enemy is very strong. They seem to be using some kind of teleportation magic."

It comes hiding in the clouds and mist, and can also throw explosives with powerful magic attacks. Do you have any good methods to deal with it?"

The strength of these magic casters is not a big deal, but now we need to rely on their knowledge.

"That's probably the fourth level of magic. If you just block it... maybe you can do it."

"The question is what to do next? I think... we should avoid fighting before the chief priest arrives."

"Idiot! Facing that kind of long-distance throwing tool, if we retreat, we will only be chased and beaten until the entire army is annihilated!"

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Can you shoot down all the projectiles and escape at the same time?"

"That's your fantasy, idiot!"

The orc magic casters quarreled endlessly, and after a while, the harpy who was originally responsible for the rear slightly away from the bombing force came back first.

"Who is the enemy?" Razan walked up to the still panting Harpy beside the landing and asked.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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