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Chapter 47 Loli's Expedition

Seeing that the soldiers carrying the corpses and wounded looked very painful, Crownpis was a little puzzled, so she asked: "Temple, shouldn't treatment be provided free of charge during this period when we are facing foreign invasion? Just a few priests?"

"No, no, those priests are adventurer priests. They are only volunteering to help because this is their hometown. Because the Dragon Kingdom tolerates other races to a certain extent, the temple has little investment here, alas..."

"Really or not? You're pedantic enough... Why don't you give them the final blow? Wouldn't it be more painful to stay in a clean place like this?"

"But... we can't do this. Maybe... maybe, after victory, there is still hope?"

"That's it." Clawnpis thought that healing magic could even cure injuries that couldn't be treated by ordinary medicine, but it was really not a good idea to give up right away.

It's just that this soldier may not even believe what he said. Is he trying to be happy?

"This war must be over soon. Our Majesty, transformed into a dragon, will definitely win." The hope in the soldier's words suddenly became larger.

It turned out that he was not forcing a happy face, Crounpis thought to himself that he was not very good at observing people's emotions. After all, this smile combined with the pile of living corpses behind him and in the cart, felt that his credibility was greatly reduced.

"Well, what do you think, do you want me to save them?" Kraunschpi pointed at the living people in the pile of corpses.


"I do know how to heal magic... By the way, you are still far from death. It's just that the second-level magic can heal your injuries. Please don't hold me so tightly, okay!" Clawnpisi threw herself away from the car.

Those hands that stretched out for help, patted the dirty wrists and continued, "Actually, I also have a treatment team and people who can revive magic. Of course - it's not free."

In fact, it would be good to let the "Hell Fairy" cult take advantage of the situation - this is something that just occurred to me.

The agreement between Crownpis and the Dragon Kingdom is likely to arouse the hostility of the temple. If the conflict intensifies, it will be the temple and not the Dragon Kingdom government that finally withdraws from this land. This will just fill up the functions of the temple and expand the number of believers.

"This...I can't make the decision." The soldier opened and closed his mouth, and in the end he only said this.

If it hadn't been for the use of spiritual magic, one would have doubted whether the person in front of him was just talking nonsense or something else. But now the soldier took everything Crounpis said.

"Then, can you take me to your queen?"

"Wait a moment, I'll take you there when I'm done." The soldier pushed the corpse truck mixed with living people into the warehouse filled with corpses mixed with living people. He turned the cart forward and let it go.

This pile of corpses mixed with living people was mixed with the corpses inside.

There seemed to be a lot of screams at that moment, but the soldier seemed to be used to it, and the expression on his face did not change at all.

But Crounpis felt that it was a bit noisy. She had obviously killed many more people than here, but she felt uncomfortable looking at these mutilated and even rotten corpses and those who were mutilated but still alive.


Is it because the appearance of human beings is more in line with aesthetics?

He closed the door, turned around and said, "Okay, I'll take you there."

"How many places are there like this?" Crownpis pointed to the warehouse where corpses mixed with living people were stacked.

"There are more than twenty places."

"I understand, then let me pay some in advance." Crownpiss waved her hand towards the warehouse, "[Widen Magic Mass Heavy Recovery], it is enough to cover the entire warehouse

Well, the people inside were piled up in a pile, saving me several spells. Okay, let’s go.”

"Wait a minute, what did you do just now? There seems to be something wrong, inside?"

"Okay, let's go, let's go. It would be nice to have one more combat force on the front line."

"Yes, yes, the more people, the better."

Shortly after the soldiers left with Crownpiss, the warehouse door was knocked down from inside, and a large group of people who were near death a moment ago rushed out, shocking everyone around them.

Those who didn't know better thought that this warehouse had been invaded by the undead and made all the people inside undead.

"A miracle! God! Where is God!"

"Benefactor - where is the benefactor?"

"Quick, my brother is in the warehouse over there. Where is he? Please save my brother!"



Outside Baishi City——

A battlefield where humans and orcs intertwined, a melee with no formation at all.

The battle plan didn't make any sense either. Drotilon secretly thought that she was indeed just a novice in this regard, but it was too late to regret it.

She was rudely thrown back to the Dragon Kingdom by Star using teleportation magic. It was great to be able to quickly catch up with this city that had not yet fallen.

However, this is nothing. According to the results that the ministers and prime ministers spent a few minutes discussing before arriving - it is best to hold a swearing-in meeting to boost morale.

It is indeed necessary to boost morale, but when they heard that Drotilon was going to go on an expedition in person, why did the officers and soldiers rush to follow him?

From a common sense point of view, this is correct. Drautilon also considered that fighting alone might lead to a situation of being consumed to death, so he agreed, but what about now?

At first, she dared to experiment, and she used many rounds of area magic and dragon breath to clear hundreds or thousands of orcs, but soon she couldn't do it anymore——

The lolicons who saw her heroic appearance actually launched an attack!

Although the orcs were indeed severely wounded, they were not in a state where they could beat up a drowned dog.

Even in the face of Drotilon, who was harvesting them like a hurricane, the orcs resolutely launched an attack.

They went right around it!

The orcs are not idiots. The troops on both sides are caught in a melee, so the range magic may hit their own people!

Drotilon could only release a wide range of magic deep into the orc troops, trying to reduce the number of orcs who rushed behind him to engage in melee combat with humans.

Thanks to the fact that they were not far from the city wall, the human troops that went out to fight could get support from the city wall and were able to hold on, but the casualties continued to increase.

"Soul-pale orcs! I'll give you a few more! [Widen Magic Greater Cyclone]]!"

A huge tornado with a diameter and height of more than 150 meters advanced towards the front of Drautilon, and waves of orcs were thrown into the air.

Many were even thrown hundreds of meters away before falling to the ground, and had already become corpses before that - they could not withstand the acceleration of the tornado.

However, there was only one direction to attack. Orcs from other directions rushed towards her. Orcs from a distance threw throwing axes at her. Orcs approaching hit her with sharp knives or huge blunt objects.


Whether it hit the dragon's scales or cut it on the flesh, it made a sound like metal knocking. This kind of attack continued, and after Drautilon got used to it, he ignored it.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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