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Chapter 59 Survival or Destruction? No need to think

"You, how..." Jack was surprised that the other party recognized him.

"Well, your good friend told my sister that only your race and appearance match. We almost all know your information. This attack went so smoothly thanks to him." Alice No. 3019 said calmly.


"He...impossible, this is absolutely impossible! He will not betray us!"

"It's boring. I won't do things like torture that waste time and energy. Any resistance in the face of spiritual magic is meaningless." Alice No. 3019 stretched out her hand to Jack's head and opened the magic circle...

After the cooking was over and the Imperial Army left Doba Village, the village chief began to instruct the villagers to collect the corpses of the anti-Imperial Army. Since there were no priests to purify them, they had to be burned and buried properly, otherwise they might become undead.

"Domiley, what's wrong?" The village chief asked with concern when he saw his daughter crying a little.

"Jack, I used to come here often. I think he is a nice and handsome guy, but..."

"Forget it, I haven't spoken to you a few times anyway, just forget about him." The village chief advised, "As long as the empire fulfills its promise and our life can become better, let's find a better boy.

Well, those who are too radical and passionate may cause trouble at any time."

"But is it really okay for the Imperial people to believe in the Four Gods who are biased towards humans?" A snake-shaped man who was digging a hole asked worriedly.

"This is just a rumor. I heard that the empire is going to change its religion." Another human villager whispered.

In fact, seeing humans and elves team up has greatly reduced the hostility of the residents of the Urban Alliance, who are used to living in a mixed race.

Besides, ordinary civilians don't care at all who is the ruler. Many villagers in most villages will never leave the village in their lives. Only a few people go to other places to trade the village's products. This is also the largest external income for ordinary villages.

If toll taxes were reduced and revenue increased, there would be no reason to complain.

"However, this approach may arouse contempt and hostility from those who still miss the past villages." Someone worried.

"It doesn't matter, they are just jealous that our life has improved, let them talk!" The village chief waved his hand impatiently.

"By the way, is the smell of paste in the air stronger than expected? Is the fire we burned so strong?" A dog tribe member sniffed.

"No, there's smoke coming from other directions. Oh my gosh, I hope it's not a forest fire."

"Could it be that a village was set on fire because of fierce resistance?"

"Don't tell me, it's really possible. Haha."

"Don't be lazy, go to work first!"

Generally, villagers will never leave the village in their lifetime, and necessary transactions will be carried out in the towns. To collect taxes, the towns send tax collectors to the villages. Therefore, they do not care about places they have never visited.

Even though it is now covered in blazing flames.

That was the Tull village where Jack sent another team to look for food——

At this time, a bunch of tightly tied anti-imperial soldiers of various races had been disarmed and were being guarded by the imperial army. They could only lie on the ground in an ugly manner, looking at the burning village.

Not long ago, they were talking and laughing with the villagers in that village.

After a while, a T-62 tank with a round head and a round head drove out from the unburned village entrance road in the village. The flamethrower in front of the vehicle was still swaying the smoke caused by the flames. There were several teams beside it.

Imperial soldiers followed, their swords stained with wet blood.

After all, there are some stubborn people hiding in the village or those who have been hidden by their families. After burning them out, they may risk their lives and rush towards the tank from the blind spot of the tank's field of vision. Even if they are not capable of destroying the tank, they can get stuck in the tracks.

It was enough to upset Midori who was driving the chariot.

Midori No. 12719, the commander of the vehicle, pushed out the hatch cover from the inside and symbolically expressed her gratitude to the surrounding Imperial soldiers. After all, the two parties were not subordinate.

The imperial soldiers also thanked them in return. In the empire, chariots are only used for sieges. Their chariots are designed and manufactured for sieges and confrontations, and their output is not high. They will not be distributed to teams like them.

And even if there are chariots that can destroy city walls from a long distance, they will not be useful against sporadic guerrilla enemies. Magic casters with the same combat power level as the chariots will not be sent to small units like them.

It's great that the Goblin Chariot can help and adapt to this type of combat.

After exchanging a few words, Midori No. 12719 jumped off the chariot, walked towards the group of dull-eyed prisoners of war, and waved inside: "Alice No. 1001, how are you?"

"Oh, the interrogation will be over soon, please wait a moment."

After a moment, Alice No. 1001 stood up from among them, walked up to the Imperial Army squad leader who was responsible for the siege of the village, and said, "Their boss is not here. Let's contact the team that finds their boss."

At this time, because Alice No. 1001 left, one of the demi-humans who woke up from the confusion of mental magic roared: "You devils!"

"Well, I remember your name is Kurd. I seemed to have asked just now, oh... your family is also here?" Alice No. 1001 looked down at Kurd and said lightly, "No wonder you are angry."

This conversation seemed to arouse the interest of the Imperial Army squad leader. He walked up to Kurd, raised his chin, and said coldly: "Since you have family here, you shouldn't do anything to disobey the empire. This is your own fault. People in this village

This is too uncooperative. If they are willing to hand you over, then they can live a better life under the power of the empire in the future than they do now."


"We have occupied this place. Everything here belongs to us. If you dare to attack us, you will naturally be waiting for more cruel sanctions from the empire. It is as simple as that." The tone of the captain of the imperial army was very superior, because they

is the winner.

At the same time, saying this was also very relaxing, as if he was doubly avenging his past friends—several of his friends also died at the hands of these enemies who once came and went without a trace and only made sneak attacks.

"You will never take over this land that belongs to us! Never!"

"Well, that's not something we need to consider, because you lost." The Imperial Army squad leader turned to ask Alice if No. 1001 could find any other useful information using spiritual magic.

Alice No. 1001 shook her head.

"Okay, since these people are useless, let's end it here. Except for the pile of people who can be used as slaves, kill them all-" The Imperial Army squad leader was giving orders to his troops, but was stopped by Alice 1001.


Alice No. 1001 whispered a few words into the ear of the Imperial squad leader.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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