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Chapter 62 Partition Conference

Drautilon's personal strength is strong enough, but the Lionheart Kingdom still has plenty of stamina——

After being captured, Luo Keke once confidently revealed that if they were pushed into a hurry, they could also use the secret treasure that could kill the Dragon King. So it was best to let them go back. At worst, the Lion Heart Kingdom promised you not to invade the human kingdom in the future——

At least we won't invade while you and I are still alive.

Originally, Drautilon was not going to believe Rococo and thought she was bluffing, because if it could be used, shouldn't it be taken out earlier?

However, after carefully listening and observing several times the words of the gods she believed in as the chief priest, Crownpis found that when she simply called the gods by their name - Kate Fenn Morley, her mouth shape and pronunciation were correct.

, that is, it is basically the term for the earth.

It’s basically “cat family”, right?

Cat home?


Cat kingdom?

Could it be the name of the guild "yggdrasil"?

In retrospect, Larku and Rococo, who are relatively strong individually, and the magic caster group that collectively releases seven or eight levels of magic, are all feline orcs. Could it be that they have some player ancestry?

When did you travel back in time? Although a group of players will travel through time every hundred years, it is not specified how many players will travel through time at one time. They must appear in the same place at one time.

However, this can only be regarded as good luck for the human country. The lifespan of the orcs is not very long, so this wave of players must have died long ago.

However, if there is player blood and equipment and props passed down, then everything is possible.

Maybe it is a world-class item that is too expensive, or a one-time large-scale attack item. It will not be used easily without the danger of national destruction and species destruction. If it really forces the opponent to rush and directly smashes it, it will be too late to regret.


Therefore, Crownpis could only advise Drodiron, saying that the orcs seemed to have a trump card that could equal the Theocracy's secret treasures and gods. This guess was not too much, otherwise the human-supremacist Theocracy should also have the ability to rely on gods.

It is only possible for humans and the secret treasures passed down by the six gods to destroy the orcs.

Drotilon, who did not have the strength to annihilate all the orcs by himself, had no choice but to accept negotiations, and he had to treat the captives, which was quite embarrassing.

The last person to arrive was the negotiating representative of the host Bajas Empire. In addition, as the host, the total number of followers was quite large. However, because most of them were scribes without strength, their aura was suddenly lost. Thanks to Fluder and the two

The imperial guard town in the famous hero field allowed the empire to have some respect here.

The person sitting at the front desk was Bregu, the Imperial Foreign Minister, whose family title was count.

Star came back behind them.

"Pissy, is it convenient for you to make a brief report now?" Star's contact came to mind.

"It's necessary." Crownpiss replied secretly.

"It seems that some of the followers of the empire representatives are from the temple or the church. At least I am sure that those few are not from the empire. Are you going to do something secretly?"

"Doesn't that make us feel guilty? But...it's not good to just leave it alone. Let's give them some prank warnings after they leave."

"Hehe, Pisi thought well this time."

Cronpis glanced sideways at the group of people belonging to the Empire, and there were two people who gave off a Mapo vibe.

The "Mapo" here refers to the occupation of Kotomine Kirei in "fate". The reason why it suddenly came to mind is because in the painting that Kroenpis gave Star the experiment, there are Kotomine Kirei and Emiya Kirei.

I have a bl book, and for some reason I suddenly want to draw this type of work.

Although it is wrong to judge people by their appearance, the first impression is also very important. It should not be much different. They are good at dealing with priests, priests, and magicians. Their abilities are also quite unfriendly to some monsters, because many monsters are born with magic.


It wouldn't be surprising if the Empire sent a few of these people as bodyguards, but Crownpis had already questioned the Empire's candidates for attendance through her own religious order, so there was no such person.

"Then, I am very grateful for responding to my invitation today." Imperial Foreign Minister Bregu stood up and saluted everyone in front of the round table, "Then..."

Oh, it's actually stuck? There's nothing we can do about it. There are many beings present who can be judged not to be human by their appearance. As inferior creatures, it's understandable that humans feel a lot of pressure.

"Then let's start the talks we are waiting for. Here, we announce the official start of the talks among the six countries! I believe that this round-the-world talks will go down in history forever."


However, the response was somewhat speechless. The human country has been in a corner of the world for hundreds of years. Due to racial barriers, there has been no communication with the Central Continent, so there is such a perception.

From the perspective of the elves, a small but long-lived race, and the orcs, who are originally from the Central Continent - why do you keep such a common thing in the annals of history?

In the Central Continent, there are many parties to talk about conflicts in the food chain and various issues, just like when national leaders occasionally visit and hold tea parties, okay?

However, since he is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bregu also acted as he should - he was thick-skinned and just ignored the atmosphere and continued.

But what is the issue?

Originally, Crounpis wanted to find an opportunity to talk to the Dragon Kingdom and the Empire respectively about how the war between the parties would end, but it ended up like this unknowingly.

But there is no doubt that the countries represented here have one thing in common - they have begun to have conflicts with the religion of human supremacy and the country where it originated, or they have been incompatible with each other from the beginning.

The first topic is about the aftermath of the Urban Alliance.

The representative of the empire took out a map of the human kingdom, which showed the national boundaries drawn by the Dragon Kingdom and the Empire's "carved up" city alliance.

However, the actual control of the area allocated to the Dragon Kingdom belongs to the goblins, so it was Crownpiss who bargained. In order to get an extra piece of land that the children liked and less of an unnecessary piece of useless land, she argued with the representatives of the empire on the spot.

Fortunately, there was not much conflict between the two sides because of the huge differences in racial living conditions.

The empire's land is poorer than the surrounding major human countries, and it attaches great importance to cultivated land. The goblins themselves do not need cultivated land, and the food they produce only needs to be enough for the locals to survive. The goblins put a little emphasis on various raw material production areas, and these raw material production areas are closer to the southeast.

, so it happened to be assigned to the Dragon Kingdom and owned by fairies.

At the same time, the Dragon Kingdom recognizes the entry tax exemption for adventurer teams from the Empire and the Dwarf Kingdom (including other professionals who form teams for some reason), and the various raw materials collected can be returned to the country for sale.

The Dwarf Kingdom requires the opening of several new ports along the coast of the occupied area to expand trade with the Dwarf Kingdom. After all, the Dwarf Kingdom's industry is too single and land transportation is poor. If you want to live a materially rich life, you must rely on maritime trade.

(to be continued)

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