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Chapter 64: More Children, More Trees

"But, I demand that my children should have the same rights as your people, right?"

Seeing that those people quickly reached an agreement, at least on the surface, Crounpis raised her hand to indicate that she planned to make additional demands: "It would be very disturbing if we were treated as underage elves with flowers on our heads just because our ears are pointy.

The fairies are in a dilemma. You can't rely on race to identify magic every time, right? There aren't many magic casters."

Crounpis hopes that her children can go out and find a lifestyle they like. Now that the war is over, they must find something to do. Otherwise, living in the Holy Land of Goblins, they will pester themselves and ask Crounpis for help.

Caressed her. Crownpis was not going to bargain on this matter, and secretly launched spiritual magic on the representative of the human race.

"no problem."

"It seems that we need to further limit the characteristics of the slave's clothing. The slave's neck ring can also be made more obvious."

The representatives of the human race naturally responded in agreement.

"But -" it was the Commander-in-Chief of the Dwarf Kingdom who added, "If our country encounters an unexpected incident due to the Theocracy, we would like to ask His Excellency the Elf King to help us, even if it is because of the friendship between our late king and you in the past.


In the past, the Elf King and the Dwarf King teamed up with the "Thirteen Heroes" to defeat the Demon God. However, the Dwarves also had long-standing disagreements with the Theocracy due to racial and religious issues. There was no war simply because the territories were not bordering each other.

It happened that the war between the Elf Kingdom and the Theocracy fell into a quagmire, so the Dwarf Kingdom took the opportunity to extend a one-sided olive branch.

"Of course." The Elf King agreed happily.

"That's great. Thank you for your country's generosity. If Your Majesty the Elf King has any customized equipment, just ask (of course you have to pay)."

"Yeah." The Elf King nodded slightly.

If you think about it carefully, if the Theocracy wants to cause trouble to countries whose territories are not bordering on each other, it can only send out a few elites. Then the Elf King might be able to find a "princess" with good blood when he goes to war. And the Dwarf Kingdom also won the Elf King's "

Friendship" is another agreement that everyone is happy with.

Crownpis and the goblin behind her showed a slightly dissatisfied expression. It was clear that the goblin had also lived in the dwarf country for some time and had contributed on the surface. Why not ask the goblin for help? But when he thought about his performance in the dwarf country,

His strength was definitely not as good as the Elf King's achievements in the Demon War. Crownpis felt relieved and put her hands behind her back and shook her hand to prevent Winkworth from the physical communication faction from interrupting.

What was discussed at this table was the general content, and the formal implementation of the small details was left to the people below to take their time.

"That's right," Crownpis remembered a relatively personal matter and directly intervened, "I remember that the empire may have attracted the hostility of the Temple Church because of this multi-racial agreement, and then the impact on the country will be shared by them.

Medical education and other service industries, right?”

Imperial Foreign Minister Bregu hesitated for half a second, perhaps because he didn't expect that Crounpis, who could have just waited for the initiative to be taken advantage of and blackmailed him, would take the initiative. After half a second, he regained his poker face and said

: "Yes, but because our great Majesty had already anticipated this war before he decided to launch it. Even now, there are temple members in our country who organize troubles on the streets, but because of timely preparations, various vacancies are ready to be filled.

Fortunately, these measures have little impact on the country, but the gap in priests who can use healing magic may be difficult to fill in a short period of time."

"I understand, this gap will be filled by my children, but we also have conditions." Crownpis put his hands on the table, clasped his fingers to support his chin, and said seriously, "The 'that' thing about goblins in China

, it has given many noble businessmen the benefits of health and longevity, do you know?"

"Yeah. I know."

That one refers to the "Hell Fairy" cult.

"To openly fill the gap in treatment resources, we must allow 'that' to have channels for its activities and officially recognize 'that's' activities."

Seeing that Bregu was a little hesitant, Crounpis narrowed her eyes in displeasure, secretly stretched out her fingers, and was about to cast more powerful spiritual magic——

But Fluder stepped forward and whispered a few words into Bregu's ear, but he couldn't hear it. I'm afraid he had used soundproof magic, because the sound had been blocked in advance and had no elements to reach Crounpith's ears, so even if it was a level

Gao couldn't hear it either.

But Crounpis almost laughed, seeing this for the first time, Bregu, who maintained a good expression, turned into an expression king.

"I understand, then our empire... has no objection," he said.

Well done, Fluder, you can play a role in this too.

"Excuse me, what kind of channel is this?" the dwarf chief of affairs, who was a little less knowledgeable, asked cautiously.

"Doesn't the Dwarf Kingdom have its own Earth Temple? It has nothing to do with the human temples and churches," Bregu said.

"But we have to admit that it is difficult for the Earth Temple to meet domestic demand."

"Yes, you sometimes have to rely on the adventurer priests stationed in the dwarf country and try to keep them with a higher salary than the guild." Crownpis nodded complacently. Due to transportation problems, this information is very little

Someone knows.

Crownpis smiled slightly: "If my child is still free, I can consider your needs, but the treatment fee must be paid according to the market price."

"Of course." If it is the market price, then the dwarf has nothing to complain about.

However, Crounpis changed the subject and put on a "kind" smile: "But that's not necessarily the case. It's not like my children don't have their own lives. To sum up - this will happen for many years to come, so I

I need to find a place to give birth to more children, everyone must know how I gave birth to children, right?"

Except for the Elf King and the Orcs, everyone else looked excited. There were hundreds of meters tall trees, full of flowers, and pollen like sandstorms. It was like natural selection, screening the surrounding plants that could withstand their own genes, and those that could.

A creature that lives in the cracks of the little devil forest.

In the end, fairies will bloom everywhere, and any animals, magical beasts, or intelligent races will only become food in this forest full of fairies.

But no one here dared to have any objections. Can you still prevent her from finding a place to blossom and bear fruit?

"Then, the location?" Drautilon forced herself to calm down. She didn't want another piece of the country to be cut off.

"Don't worry, I will solve it in my own territory." Cronpis smiled.

Everyone present felt an atmosphere of relief.

It's strange, those two guys who look a lot like Kotomine Kirei can't keep their poker faces anymore.

(to be continued)

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