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Chapter 67 War Observation

During the conversation, Crounpis complained a little in his heart. Why didn’t the players who traveled through these countries in the past use some knowledge about the earth to improve their living environment and military strength, and also gain worship? It should be a matter of killing multiple birds with one stone.


Here, Crounpis mistakenly blamed the time-travelers. If she had seen the Age of the Six Gods and compared it with the present, she would have discovered how far human beings have developed from just food to the current civilization in hundreds of years.

So fast, even fan refrigerators appeared nearly ten years ago.

As for why no player relies on the secondary physical phenomenon of rank magic to increase damage, it is easy to say - the secondary physical phenomenon does not have any rank height, and there is no player level blessing, so as long as the player has the lowest level damage immunity skill, it can

It can ignore most secondary physical phenomena. Secondary physical phenomena are most useful to natives, but players themselves take advantage of levels and upgrade methods. Is it necessary to rely on methods that require a lot of effort and time to get results when dealing with natives? Yes

At that time, it is better to try to improve your level.

Obviously there are many ways to use the secondary physical phenomena of magic to further increase damage, but there is quite little research in this area. All Clawnpisi needs to do is to come up with them. As for how to turn secondary physical phenomena into magic

Part of it was no longer her fault. After Fluder, his disciples and her disciples worked hard to solve it, during this time, Crounpis, who was paying attention to the process simultaneously, could also learn it by the way. After all, the highest level was no more than the third.

What about sixth-level magic?

Then Crounpisi only needs to secretly add an abbreviated chant [widen magic] to the ready-made magic, so that others can see that the similar magic he releases is stronger, and then pretends to be: "Hoho

Huh, I’m really glad you were able to figure out what I taught you, but you’re still far from it.”

Who wouldn't believe that Crounpis already knows these seemingly powerful magics?

Although, in the end, Crounpisi only focused on cloud bombs and similar magics. Some magics that imitate the principles of shotguns, armor-piercing bombs, fragmentation bombs and even electromagnetic guns to increase the power of weapons have not been effective.

Fairy's intention.

"Well, since we have nothing to do, how about we come and observe the battlefield? It will also give the ignorant people here some insights." Crounpith stretched out a finger and suggested with a smile.

"Everything depends on my teacher." Fluder put his right hand on his left chest and bowed.

"Hmph." The Elf King also snorted slightly. Did he raise his chin to mean "please"? It's rare to see him express his opinion in this regard.

"Is it okay to see your compatriots being slaughtered by us with your own eyes?" Crownpis turned to Larcu.

"It doesn't matter." Larcu said proudly.

Is this something to be proud of? Although it has long been discovered that the 800,000 orcs are actually a rebel organization that suddenly rose up against the rule after the news of Larku's defeat came back to the country and was preparing to expand the granary...

And other people's opinions...well, are they all sweating in confusion? Crounpis also had to reflect on the impact that the various things he revealed had too much on the weak.

"Star, I leave it to you. Alas." Crounpis sighed.

"Understood." Star nodded, stood up and walked to the table, raised his hand to open the magic circle, and introduced, "please see, this magic is inherited by the six gods, it is very convenient - [dimensional eye]

eye]], activate."

The amount of information conveyed by this sentence is not small. People with some discernment must be able to see that it means that temples and churches that believe in the four gods and the six gods should also be able to use this kind of magic.

Star thought they could use similar magic because there were several attacks against goblins or elves, so it would be perfect to seize the opportunity.

In order to try to make the representatives of other countries present have more barriers to them - these guys are guys who can spy on themselves at any time. Although Star himself has also been suspected, but now that he has taken the initiative to present it, at least he can get

It's a show of sincerity, isn't it?

The magic image unfolded in the middle of the round table, before it could be displayed——

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!" Suddenly there was a fierce roar.

Everyone followed the voice and looked at Fluder speechlessly.

Hey, hey, Fluder, even if you try to fix your expression in the face of a frivolous and handsome man, it's meaningless. Your image is already ruined. Crownpis really wants to complain.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!" Suddenly there was another burst of noise, but it was not Fluder, but other humans, dwarves and elves other than the Elf King present.

In the eyes of these weaklings, the content on the image is too legendary.


The battlefield is located on the original northern battlefield of the Dragon Kingdom. The orc army has no plans to open up a new offensive route. In addition to attacking population centers to obtain as much food as possible, there is another reason——

There are quite a lot of mountainous jungles on the border between the Dragon Kingdom and the three western countries. There are many risks in passing through them. Therefore, there are only two roads that can enter the Dragon Kingdom.

And the vanguard's 200,000 orc army is being besieged by dozens of dragons!

Judging from the aerial view of Star's expansion, the dozens of dragons are quite small compared to the orc army, and they have a "you have been surrounded by me" demeanor.

However, the difference in strength between the orcs and the dragons is too huge. However, there are some elites among the orcs, and they should not be unable to fight.

In fact, it seems that the orcs were almost unilaterally slaughtered, and there is another reason——

"Everyone, don't chase those guys who are running back like crazy, let them bring the fear back!"

"Hey, hey, catch the guy running towards the hinterland of the Dragon Kingdom! It's not good to let him find a place to hide in seclusion and catch people to eat!"

"Little dragon who is tired from flying, don't land where you are. Do you want to die? Retreat to the safe area and rest for a while!"

Larva flapped her improved butterfly wings, which became more and more realistic, and directed the battle in the air. At the same time, the flowers on her head that looked like decorations bloomed, spreading golden pollen around her.

Dots of pollen covered the entire battlefield.

In the real world where there is no "teammate immunity", it is a bit difficult to accurately control the scope of pollen coverage on such a large battlefield. This is due to the fact that the flying dragon's combat level is different from that of the orcs.

Pollen Aura, the skill of this Aura series, is not very powerful in terms of performance. Compared with the various auras of Star and Crounpith, it is simply weak. Its function is to slightly reduce the power of the enemies on the entire battlefield. The only

The advantage is that it has a large range and is effective until oneself dies or one party withdraws from the battle.

(to be continued)

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