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Chapter 78 Everything is ready to welcome the east wind

"Bah bang bang."

When Melphis noticed the applause behind her, she immediately turned around and knelt down: "Lord Luna!"

"Although they are just minions, they don't need me to deal with the aftermath. You did a good job, Mellie." Luna said.

"Thank you~"

"Then, I have already asked the Alices about your plan. Are you sure you can induce a rebellion in the temple? I don't think the temple will take the initiative to attack the stone with an egg after being frustrated."

"This alone may not be enough, but I have also arranged for our loyal religious officials to advise His Majesty the Emperor and allow the sale of any weapons and equipment in the country. I mentioned this idea to Lord Star a week ago, and Lord Star also changed hands.

Here comes a magical item that is nothing to you fairies but is very tempting to the temple. I took the opportunity to knock down the temple for half a million gold coins. The temple is not short of money."

"Any weapons and equipment? Star also personally made things that are very tempting to the temple but are actually rubbish? Hmm, interesting. Did you come up with it?"

"No, I don't dare. I'm not worthy yet. I discussed this with other nobles, and I also need their help in making arrangements. The ceremony held on the day when the goblin officially handed over the battleship to the empire was held in the open air in the outer city.

Some officials will be present, including important members of the "Hell Fairies". They know this temple to some extent, but they are unable to act due to their status in the empire.

"Some pseudo-believers who were arranged by nobles to join the temple as priests (because faith-based magic can be used in any faith, so it is not inappropriate for the priests of "Hell Fairy" to sneak into the temple and serve as priests) have inquired about the news. Now the temple is actually

Very anxious, they tentatively withdrew from second- and third-tier towns with less profit in an attempt to threaten them. However, because the lords of the territory were prepared, the goblins took over the functions of the temple very smoothly. The goblin treatment fee is slightly low, at least in terms of medical services, but

It has been well received, and voices questioning the temple's past arbitrary charges have also erupted in some areas during our propaganda operations. Now the temple's power in the empire only has seven major cities left. As long as the nobles work hard and find some respected people among the people.

People can control the direction of public opinion with just a little mental hint."

The above are not things that Melphis can analyze and arrange. Originally, Melphis looked down upon those human cultists, but now that she thinks about it, aren’t they very useful? Otherwise, it wouldn’t be her turn now in Luna.

Show it off in front of you.

"Understood, I hope my appearance is not to save you. It is a good thing to strengthen the enemy's strength and expose your confidence to the enemy so that you can find excuses to kill them all, but don't shoot yourself in the foot." Luna turned and left.

Since the arrangements are so thorough, unless the temple has a trump card with extremely high-end combat power, there will be nothing wrong with Luna. As expected, the tactics are more convenient for these guys related to politics.


One month later, the imperial capital Owental—

The battleship presentation and handover ceremony was held next to the newly built outer city wall of the imperial capital. Because the battleship was so large, only the place where construction had just begun had room to dock.

The battleship was parked next to the city wall, and on the other side, there were two teams. One was composed of important nobles and officials of the empire, plus their escorts and the imperial soldiers responsible for guarding, forming a dense and large square formation, while the other side was slightly smaller.

It's a bit shabby, with only dozens of Alice fairies.

Farther away, fences set up by soldiers responsible for maintaining security were blocked out by many residents of the Imperial City who were watching the excitement. For today's important day, the residents of the Imperial City also showed considerable enthusiasm, even if they did not care about politics and military matters.

, and wanted to see something new and exciting. At least - no one had ever seen such a big ship that could be driven onto land.

More than a hundred meters long, on the top of the mast of the imperial-looking battleship, a flag symbolizing the "Hell Fairy" heraldry is painted in the center and fluttering in the wind.

The pattern of the coat of arms of "Hell Fairy" is an axially symmetrical pattern with a pair of concentric circles embedded in it, with a five-pointed star in the center.

This was designed by Crownpis "himself".

When I first heard that the leader suggested that it would be better to create a coat of arms for his sect to consolidate his faith, he thought about how troublesome it would be to deal with humans. He thought that all the chariots he planned to use for Midori in the future would be German and American-style tanks.

I dressed up like an American elf, and the shape of the battleship imitated the Deutschland-class pocket battleship, so——

Crownpiss simply put the black and white "Captain America" ​​shield pattern in the center of the black iron cross, and it was complete, and Crownpiss himself thought it looked pretty good.

It can be simply called the ring, five-pointed star and cross heraldry.

If you want to know what it is, you can search for the German Black Iron Cross and Captain America's shield and put them together.

Now, the "Hell Fairy" flag fluttering in the wind is slowly lowering under Yayaka's command of the ship.

Yayaka did not dare to be negligent towards this flag, which was made of much worse material than the clothes she was wearing. She folded the flag gently and neatly, as if holding a treasure with her hands, and handed it to Alice who came to pick up the flag. 2333


Then, Yayaka took over the imperial flag from the Bajas Empire Admiral Gironde on the other side, which made her feel a little more relaxed.

Under the watchful eyes of countless empire bosses and a few goblins, she was preparing to raise the flag while thinking: "When I raise this flag, will I start listening to a long speech... I feel like I don't want to hear it, and an attack will come.


It is the same in any world. When the leader gives a long speech, most people will doze off, unless their beliefs are very firm. But it is obvious that Yayaka has the pride of being a noble but has no faith. She also has no faith in "Hell Fairies", but

As an undead person, I just drifted with the tide with no way out.

But the pleasure of being able to let go of part of human morality makes her like her current life very much.

As the saying goes, sometimes tragedy is expected -

Crisis strikes silently.

Yayaka and Alice No. 2333 leaned back and squatted down respectively at almost the same time, dodging a white light spear that almost passed through their heads.

"[Holy lance]? Use second-level magic to sneak attack on me, don't you look down on me too much?" Yayaka, who recovered her body, felt contempt in her heart.

After following the charlatan for too long, she gradually started to become overly ambitious. [Holy lance] is not weak for humans. In the case of a sneak attack, even the top students of the magic academy cannot handle it.

, the other party doesn’t know Yayaka’s current strength.

"For humanity!" The guy who yelled this was also shot dead by an Imperial archer.

At this moment, smoke burst out from many places, were they smoke bombs?

"Ouch! Ouch!"

“Bang bang bang!”

“Bang bang bang!”

“Bang bang bang!”

The roar and the roar of naval guns almost overlapped, and then - nothing happened, or in other words, it was all over.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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