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Chapter 81: Luna's Steel Torrent

Luna raised her hand to summon magic and summoned several T-34 tanks driven by the lowest-level skeletons. With enough magic skills to equip the summoned units with weapons and mastery of the structure of these tanks, she could do such a thing.


T-34 is the tank with the best performance summoned by Luna after testing tanks one by one and with the same magic power consumption.

These are "Mickey Mouse" T-34e tanks with hexagonal nut turrets, but the barrels are surprisingly long. When shaping the weapons held by the skeletons, Luna took the legendary 17-inch firefly tank that killed tigers and leopards.

The pounder gun was installed, and a storage box from the Panzer III tank was added behind the turret to balance the turret and slightly correct the unsightly appearance caused by the turret being too far forward.

How do you install the cannon? Of course you use teleportation magic, which saves you from dismantling the turret.

The vehicle-mounted machine guns have also been replaced by what looks like a large Maxim heavy machine gun - the British Empire's QF1 Boom Cannon, which is fully loaded with high-explosive bombs - and it was barely crammed in thanks to the characteristic that the skeleton posture does not matter no matter how awkward it is. I originally wanted to

I want to install a bigger gun to make a multi-gun tank monster, but I can't press it in life or death.

Because the gun shoots pure kinetic energy bullets, the power is linked to the user's level, so it is not easy to use, but the explosive shells are different. After a year of testing, there is a very interesting phenomenon——

The shells propelled by propellant are not completely related to the level of the user. As a result, only the chambering degree of the cannonball is related to the gunner, because he is the last one to operate the wave. But this is related, and it is only related to the chambering degree, because the gunner does

It only detonates the propellant and has nothing to do with the shells fired.

I bought a Mauser 98k rifle from "Picture World" and tested it. The ejection speed of a level 2 adult is 35m/s, and the ejection speed of a level 3o person who can reach the heroic realm is 283m/s.

s, Crounpis' Mimic Demon whose level is less than 7o can use 989m/s, that is, the normal power of the gun can only be wielded between level 5o and 7o. It can be used by the three fairies of light around level 8o. The firing rate is

After 18oom/s, it becomes even more difficult to measure accurately. Crounpis also tried it once, but the bullet flew two hundred meters in the air and directly rubbed and vaporized.

Different levels result in different kinetic energy given to the bullet. The light mass of the bullet results in a large exit range. However, as the mass of the shell increases, the exit range will become smaller.

For example, when anti-tank guns use ordinary armor-piercing projectiles: the 37mmpak36 gun is 8om/s~??? (ammunition is burned in the air), the 75mmpak4o gun is 15om/s~2ooom/s, and the 88mmpak43 gun is 26om/s~17oom/s.

The 128mmpak44 gun is 37om/s~13oom/s; if a howitzer is used for testing, the overall data will be reduced by about half.

The power of explosions completely follows the laws of physics. In addition to kinetic energy, there are also secondary physical phenomena such as explosions, flames, and shock waves. It can also cause some considerable damage to beings around level 3o to 7o. It can also cause some damage to beings with passive immunity to damage skills.

It is completely ineffective, even the lowest level of immunity to damage. This is the reason why Star took a 88-mm shot from a Tiger tank to the head last time but was completely unharmed.

Then, it's great to use against natives who don't have passive skills.

According to the naming method of Soviet-style tanks, it should be called the T-34Bm tank. Luna herself also called it that, in order to distinguish it from the T-34/88e that she was also playing with.

As for the poor internal layout of the T-34, the ergonomics have become even worse; the installation of a huge gun mount that was overused due to the enhanced cannon, and the barrel that became unstable and shortened its lifespan due to the forcibly increased firepower were too strong

The roar and blast of the cannon, and the motivation to lie down for hours on end because of simplified craftsmanship or worse materials smelted in this world instead of summoning——

What good ergonomic internal layout does a skeleton need? With just a command, it can perform various operations in a narrow place even if it is broken, and it can continue to move without any hindrance even if it is dislocated or even fractured.

The problem is that it consumes much less magic power than the equally suitable boneless and tentacle monsters.

The maximum combat distance is the range of the ballista. Even if the stability of the gun is reduced, the error is much less than that of the ballista. Skeletons have no eyeballs, eardrums and respiratory tracts. Even if the explosion has louder sound and light and smoke, it will not be a problem. It is strong.

The sound of cannons and violent fire shock waves can also create a powerful sound on the battlefield.

The motivation behind lying down for hours is even better. Originally, the summoned units were not intended to be used for a long time. If they were lying down, they would fight until death and then summon them again next time.

Thinking about it this way, the Soviet T-34 is equipped with the British Empire's drug-eating artillery. Is it really one of the undead tanks that saves mana and is suitable for use by the undead? Even if the ordinary living people grab these tanks, they will be affected by the extremely poor man-machine control.

Unable to use due to engineering and other factors.

But back then, Layla packed the tanks from the "Pictured World" as an experiment, as well as some German and American tanks that seemed to have better combat capabilities. Why didn't Luna use them?

The reason why German and American tanks are not used as a reference is because good ergonomics will inevitably increase the volume, surface area, weight, etc. related to magic power consumption. Although the performance is good and the same combat power can be summoned, the magic power consumed will always be

It's higher, but you also have to consider that it's inconvenient for the skeleton's bony hands to grab things that are too big, and it's slow and easy to slip. So, for example, it's okay to stuff a 1o5mm or even 122mm cannon into a tank like the Sherman.

Na did not use it.

However, because the German World War II tanks were huge, Luna once suggested to Crounpis that it would be better to use those for Midori's portable tank, which was approved by Crounpis.

Luna summoned one after another, summoning a total of eighteen T-34Bm. She felt that her control over this type of tank had reached its upper limit, so she continued to summon six T-34/88e.

The T-34/88e's method of magically modifying the T-34 is similar to that of the T-34Bm. The main difference is that the German 88 gun is installed into the turret of the T-34, and the overall armor is thickened, which is equivalent to the Tiger.

As a summoned unit, it still saves more than half the magic power than directly summoning a Tiger tank.

Making these magical modifications is not just Luna's mechanical interest, but also the reason why the Soviet cannon is too weak. When the same amount of magic power is consumed, the performance of summoning the Soviet cannon is the worst.

"That's the upper limit of what I can control at one time. Okay, let's go and get rid of those troublemakers in the city. This is my first time to fight against people in the city. Let me test it."

It doesn't matter how powerful these summoned tanks are, just that the enemies they can destroy can be worthy of the magic power they consume, which is considered a successful summoning magic.

Twenty-four tanks spewed out a stream of mixed black and white smoke from their tails. The summoned fuel was also a substitute for this world. If they were force-fed into the diesel engine built with inferior materials instead of the summoned ones, they probably wouldn’t last long, but they only needed to persist until the summoned ones.

The time is over.

Accompanied by violent roars, it drove towards the city's main thoroughfares.

(to be continued)

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