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Chapter 43 The King's Last Struggle

The two killers were subdued, and it was really admirable that the dwarf king, who was directly killed by Cirno, did not waver during the battle.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh! [Just hit]!" The dwarf king suddenly raised his war hammer high, activated his martial arts, and smashed it down on Cirno's head with all his strength!

Are you thinking wrong? It seems that the dwarf king is still impatient, or has no other choice. Regardless of whether Crounpis takes action or not, the dwarf king is currently being bathed in Cirno's cold air. Even if he relies on martial arts and willpower to survive,

The physical and mental exertion will also increase.

Such a blow is indeed very powerful, but even Cirno, whose warrior level is only level 21, can dodge it by jumping back.

In fact, Cirno retreated and dodged, and the distance was just right so that she would not be hit, and she could counterattack immediately when the hammer hit the ground.

Suddenly, the war hammer that was almost embedded in the ground lit up with several runes on it!

"Boom, boom!" It wasn't an explosion, the ground shook! To be precise, only the ground under Cirno's feet was shaking!

Cirno, who had just jumped back, was unsteady and slipped backwards, but she could not fall down because the small piece of shaking ground split into two halves and tilted up, clamping Cirno's arms like a book being closed.

Lower limbs.

[The wind accelerates]!

Although he looked like a warrior cultivating strength, he feinted past Cirno, who was surrounded by double-teams, and arrived in front of Crounpis! The war hammer was raised high again!

Thinking that it was the same move, Crounpis didn't even want to dodge, she raised her sword to meet the attack——


"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

"Boom, boom!" It felt like only a small piece of ground under my feet was shaking violently. Although Crounpith remained motionless due to the resistance, the ground still faithfully completed the magic exerted by the war hammer——

Crounpisi's lower limbs were caught by the rising rocks.

This is completely a physical restraint and has nothing to do with resistance. The rising stone must be made of the bricks here. It is really hard. At least the pure strength of Crounpith itself (equivalent to the strength of a level 5 warrior) is completely

Can't break free.

If he revealed his true form, he would be able to escape instantly and win, but Crounpis planned to see through all the means used by the dying dwarf in his last struggle.

The dwarf king's plan is actually very good. He temporarily stops Cirno's movements, and then uses this time to try to interrupt the magic of Crounpis to immobilize Graeme, so that the combat power can be restored to "balance". What do you think?

The magic that turns Graeme into a tree cannot be cast continuously.

The common sense judgment is correct, but the opponent is outside the specifications.

Several more runes were lit up on the dwarf king's war hammer. The entire war hammer shone with the light of magic and martial arts, and it swung towards Crounpisi's head like a stormy wave!

Crounpisi held up the magic sword, moved the position of the magic sword slightly, and caught every blow. Because of the knockback resistance, there was no need to consider the blocking angle and unloading force, as long as he let his

When a weapon touches the opponent's weapon, it is equivalent to knocking the opponent's weapon back.

Seeing the dwarf's desperate combos, Crounpis thought jokingly: "It would be perfect if we shouted 'eighty, eighty, eighty' again. What's the point of 'eighty'?"

, I feel it, but I can’t remember it.”

While blocking easily, Crounpisi was also a little worried. If he could bounce his opponent away so easily, wouldn't he lose all combat experience and skills? It seems that he has to find someone with at least a higher level to invalidate the resistance.

His opponent serves as a sparring partner.

For a moment, the entire swung warhammer and runes all lit up!

"Oh oh oh oh oh!" The dwarf king seemed to have exhausted his last strength, and the war hammer fell like a free fall.

Crounpisi once again felt the tingling sensation that forced her whole body to shake. Along with the shaking in her field of vision, the whole space should really be shaking. This is a weapon that can really shake the mountains and the earth! The surroundings

The floor cracked, and the restraints under Crounpisi's feet also shattered.

The continuous attacks stopped, and the dwarf king took two steps back, his chest heaving, looking tired.

Crounpith immediately jumped out, followed this movement and raised his sword - and then kicked towards the dwarf king!

However, the warhammer that the Dwarf King had just raised to block the sword attack changed its trajectory and hit Crownpis's feet!

"Bang!" There was a dull collision, and [Intermediate Physical Nullification 2] took effect. Clownpith's war hammer was unable to damage it and was knocked out.

However, the dwarf king took advantage of the situation and let go of the swinging war hammer with one hand, trying to catch the leg kicked out by Crounpith——

It was a futile approach. Crownpis didn't know how to deal with this kind of physical skill, but the Mimic Demon automatically counterattacked——

Crounpisi relaxed her body and turned over, and the scythe and arrow of OS Feng Beast Nue's costume moved! It stabbed towards the dwarf! The mimicry demon's clothes are not soy sauce!

The dwarf king was forced back by multiple attacks from sickles and arrows, and distanced himself from Crounpith. Even so, several streaks of red were drawn on his body by the sickles and arrows, his warhammer was knocked away, and his hands were naturally hanging down.

State, bleeding.

"Cunning! Your opponent is me, Cirno!" Cirno, who had actually broken free long ago, raised her sword and pointed it at the dwarf king.

The dwarf king looked at Crounpisi, who was back on his feet and unharmed, and Cirno, whose clothes were a little torn but still in high spirits. Feeling his physical condition, he slowly said: "We are defeated by us.

Are the demon gods who have lived... very weak?"

"Well, judging from the magic and physical abilities that he is born with, he is indeed quite weak. The problem lies in his race." Crounpis shrugged. Seeing that the other party was working so hard, she couldn't bear to deny it at least.

The part of the results obtained by the opponent's efforts.

"Perhaps, when they set foot into the Top Forest to defeat monsters for the purpose of exploration and training, the outcome was doomed."

"Really? If they didn't want to see me then, maybe I would feel better."

At this time, Cronpisi felt that the restraints imposed on Graeme were about to dissipate, but there should be no problem. At worst, she would use it again. She continued: "How many people know about this here? [Group

The whole race is confused [ass har speies]].”

"There is no one else. After all, the dwarves can no longer experience national war." said the dwarf king whose eyes became dull.

If there is only one person, it does not take much magic to operate the memory. Crounpis breathed a sigh of relief, lifted the magic, smiled mischievously, and said: "How about making a deal? I will eliminate your concerns about the conflicts between us.

Memory, in addition, I hope that the dwarves can use all the power of the dwarf kingdom to help me do something."

(to be continued)

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