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Chapter 93: Peith's Scream, the Price of Taking the Stage

When the sacrificial girls saw the lace falling, they gathered around them. Precisely because they could be pushed out as sacrifices, they were almost dispensable to the family, but better than nothing and could be cultivated, so they temporarily had considerable freedom.

Time, even if people gather in this "party" on this solemn occasion, they will not be condemned.

"Hey, how's it going?"

"It should be no problem to at least accept a meeting with our family." Lace replied.

"If you are sent in, you won't have to follow the rules of a temple, right?"

"Liz, at least that would be more comfortable than marrying a dandy."

"After all, the salary received by a declining noble like me is not as high as that of a minor priest in the temple."

"I said, can you please stop talking more and more darkly, calling it 'Hell Fairy' doesn't mean we will go to hell." Lace said in a cold tone to Liz and other girls who seemed to be taking the topic astray.

"However, I heard that Yayaka-senpai has become an undead. Doesn't he go to hell?"

"But if it's that kind of handsome undead... it seems pretty cool, too?" A girl who happened to be hiding from the angels near the bridge that day said, her face a little red.

Lace couldn't help smoothing the hair on her forehead, and her smooth forehead was revealed for a moment. She thought a little troubled: "Should we turn many of our seniors into monsters... No, maybe there are some things that are monsters and these people.

Just mention it...forget it, even a discussion at this level is of no use and will only cause trouble. However, let’s take a little precaution——"

Finally, after the chatter among the young ladies came to an end, she found an opportunity to speak loudly, elegantly and calmly: "Well, everyone... As for me, I still have a few things I want to discuss."

All the girls immediately took a listening posture.

The eldest ladies do not have any real power, so they are more able to maintain informal friendships than men. However, even if they are friends, the gap between family status and the level of magic that only a small number of people can master can be clearly seen in girls.

There is a difference among them, and among these sacrificial girls, Lace herself stands at the top in terms of family status and magic. Of course, her not overbearing personality is also an important reason for her high voice.

"There are probably the following places where we will go in the future." Lace raised her hand, stretched out the fingers except her thumb, and broke them off one by one:

"First, in fact, there is no abstinence in the "Hell Fairy", so we may be betrothed to the human rulers in the "Hell Fairy";

"Second, we may become the same kind as Senior Yayaka. Of course, we may not necessarily become undead, but may also be other magical creatures (like Melifis);

"Third, it is common to be sent to the Fairy Temple to become a nun or a priest. I believe that those of you who have studied faith and natural magic will no longer underestimate these seemingly humble professions. As long as you reach the level of the secret

Those with silver-level strength or above are looked down upon by even the great nobles, and the money they get is more than the salaries of the great nobles;

"Four, although it is unlikely... forget it, that's it (it might become a literal sacrifice. Considering that there are goblins who have sneaked into the academy, Lace guessed that there was something wrong with the plot of some of the victims in the war, but there was no basis for it.

It can only be a guess).

"In short, I think we will be separated in the near future, and there may be a chance to reunite. But I hope that no matter what our path is, we will not turn against each other."

"No problem."

"That's right."

"Well, no one would do that."

"Yeah yeah."

The sacrificial girls echoed without any confidence or basis. Regardless of whether they quarreled or not, the different ways in which the sacrificial girls handled the situation would more or less affect the family's future status and power.

The sacrifice girls chatted about what to do if the status of the friends present was reduced or even in trouble depending on where they went.

Some girls say that if they step out of the marriage line, they should cry and act coquettishly to their husbands; some girls say that if they step into the marriage line, they should report to the goblin; but the line of immortality seems to be slightly avoided by girls, after all, it is

The undead who hate the living.

"If it's a handsome vampire like Yayaka, maybe I can accept it?" A girl who was taking refuge on the ghost battleship that day held her face and looked shy.

"So, the possibility of being attracted to her for sex is very high." Another girl suddenly blushed.

"Hey?" x n

"Hey, what did you ask me to say...don't make me say it." The man covered his face with his hands and shook it vigorously.

Both Merriface and Yayaka noticed the commotion downstairs——

"You~" Melifiss glanced sideways at Yayaka.

"What are you looking at? Are you jealous?" Yayaka stared back.

"Why do you look so refreshed and so proud?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, right? How many children does Mr. Crownpiss have? I don't care. Do you have any opinions about just having fun?"

"Don't compare a tree that can bear thousands of fruits a year if it wants to, with humans who are said to scream in pain for a long time after giving birth!"

Of course, this has nothing to do with Crounpis who was still listening to the speeches of the big shots and wanted to doze off. If she knew this, she would probably be a little envious - she could still chat freely at this moment.


on the square--

Looking at the paperwork placed on the table in the center, Crounpis breathed a sigh of relief and thought to herself: "As long as you sign it, that's it. Then you can enter the carnival session, right?"

But as if to shatter Crounpisi's dream, Star's contact came through his mind: "Pisi, it seems that your atmosphere has suddenly slackened, but your schedule these days is quite tight.


"The Dragon Kingdom is easy to teach, don't forget that the Dragon Kingdom has to be repeated too;

"There is also the initiation ceremony of the dwarven kingdom,

“And the formal surrender of the Metropolitan League;

“Each dragon tribe accepts the Dragon Kingdom’s ‘recruitment’ ceremony;

“The formal armistice signing ceremony between the Lionheart Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom;

“The alliance ceremony between the Elf Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom;

“The engagement ceremony of the century-old marriage between the Elf King and the Black Lin Dragon King;

“The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of the new sea route in the North Sea;

“The awarding ceremony for meritorious believers;


"Wait, wait, wait! Stop!" Crounpis shouted on the contact magic channel, "Don't the dwarves believe in the God of Forging enshrined in the Earth Temple?"

Star: "So that temple also manages faith-based enchantments. The treatment is not very good. Don't worry, the Dwarf Regent has already taken care of it for you."

Crounpis: "Then, can't you leave it to my children?"

Star: "This is Pisi's obligation to appear on the international stage."

Crounpis: "So... a substitute can't do it? I want to live as I want." Her tone became more and more pitiful.

(to be continued)

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