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Chapter 20 The Stealer: Mr. Kim, the Enthusiastic Citizen

In the past, Emiya Kiritsugu had someone close to him who was like an adoptive mother. She was a person who gave him both fatherly and motherly love and gave him all the ability to fight and survive. However, during one mission, that person got on a plane and killed him.

The assassination target on the plane was killed, but the target released a large number of infectious swarms. If the plane landed, the consequences would be disastrous.

Kiritsugu finally endured his grief and fired a missile to destroy the plane.

He put his loved ones and all living beings on the scale, and the latter sank, so he could not save his loved ones, there was nothing he could do. Before meeting Irisviel, he could only suppress his feelings by going into battle.

Today's incident has opened up this old but huge scar, and it is bleeding profusely.

Irisviel understood the desperate mood of the man in front of her, just because she was her partner. The man she loved deeply was suffering a lot, but she was powerless to do anything about it.

"Can we escape? We?"

"You can escape. There is still a chance now. You must hurry, otherwise we will run out of time."

Kiritsugu showed an unprecedented sense of impatience——

"Kotomine Kirei, who I regard as the most terrifying opponent... for some reason, has targeted me early on. Every time I move, he blocks in front of me. He and his servants have guessed all my intentions. But

Kotomine Kirei makes me confused, and his servant allows me to see the shadow of my past... The most dangerous guy has pointed his finger at me, and he is the opponent I least want to encounter!"

Unable to win, this word filled Emiya Kiritsugu's heart.

This is a hopeless gap.

It's not just a question of combat power.

Emiya Kiritsugu only needs to think of how ruthlessly he treated all the targets that needed to be killed in the past, how ruthlessly he killed even innocent people for the sake of the target. Now that he is full of emotions, he can only be afraid of that past him.

In response, Irisviel pointed out gently and cruelly: "You are lying. That is impossible. Emiya Kiritsugu, it is impossible for you to escape. You will never give up the Holy Grail and the ideal of saving the world."


"No!" Kiritsugu interrupted abruptly with a childlike tone, crying, "I'm scared! I might lose the battle and watch you die. I won't give up... But, but...


Kiritsugu whispered into Irisviel's ear.

Irisviel's eyes widened. Are you going to do this? Isn't this a betrayal of Einzbern and Saber at the same time?

"Really...do you want to do this?" If this is Kiritsugu's decision, he can indeed avoid the current dilemma, but the road ahead may be more tortuous.

"Ah, let's do this. I... don't want to lose anyone anymore, including you, Ellie, who was destined to die in this war."

"OK, all right."

Irisviel understands that Kiritsugu was strong in the past because he had nothing to lose and was decisive in killing. But now that he has someone he cherishes, it will become a flaw in his decisive killing. The fear of losing his beloved will become his fatal


However, there is another possibility, which is to save the world for the happiness of his family. If doing so can become Kiritsugu's motivation...

Moreover, originally, Irisviel was Einzbern's artificial being, the Small Holy Grail that contained the souls of heroic spirits during the Holy Grail War. After the war, she must have turned into the Holy Grail and died.

Now, unlike the previous generations of artificial beings who were little Holy Grails, Irisviel has a desire to live because she has a husband and a daughter, and wants to watch her family live in this ugly but beautiful world.

Keep growing.

At the same time, Irisviel also had an extremely uneasy feeling, and now was the right time to express it: "Kiritsugu, Lancer, have you really left the show?" As she said this, she hugged Kiritsugu even more tightly.

"Yes." Kiritsugu was sure, but also confused at the same time, because Irisviel is the Little Holy Grail, and will gradually lose human functions as the servants withdraw, but he can feel his wife's warmth and embrace, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Changed, but still as warm as before.

If this is a problem with the Holy Grail War itself, then there is no need to hesitate whether to do what Kiritsugu wants.

At this moment, the world line has undergone unprecedented changes.


That evening, after doing new research in the city, Crounpis returned to Kirei's private room. Now she really didn't know what expression to use to face the room——

Of course Kirei is not here, and now he is discussing the next battle plan with Tokiomi. The reason seems to be that Crounpis played too big, blowing up a building, shooting down a passenger plane, and killing more than a thousand people.

Deaths and injuries to more people, if they cooperate with the concealment work, it will be no problem (gas explosion), but the scale is too large, as a manager of Fuyuki, is it a headache? Is it possible? That's about it.

However, there were traces that Kirei could not have left - empty wine bottles scattered everywhere on the ground.

This is not the point. The point is: for some reason, there is a very elegantly dressed "enthusiastic citizen Mr. Jin" lying on the largest couch.

Although Cronpis knew that this was Tohsaka Tokiomi's servant archer Gilgamesh, looking at his current appearance, she couldn't help but want to call him that in her heart.

"Archer?" But of course Crownpis wouldn't say the word "enthusiastic citizen Mr. King."

"Although the quantity is not large, compared with Tokiomi's collection, your master's collection is even more exquisite. It is really unforgivable that you enjoy this more than I do." Archer said to Crounpi in a very provocative tone.

Si said.

"Kirei seems to have a habit of collecting the best wine, and he has gone to great lengths to do so." Crounpis replied, this was what she heard from Kirei when she was drinking in revenge.

"So, is there something wrong? Are you looking for Kirei?" Clawnpis asked.

"I'm just bored. Tokiomi is really a boring man. He doesn't even have anything interesting at all." Archer replied.

Crounpis smiled, raised his hands and said, "Because we are an alliance, you just wait until I am killed."

The person in front of her was the King of Heroes, the oldest king of Babylon. However, looking at the "enthusiastic citizen Mr. Jin" who now looked like a gangster, Crounpis couldn't feel any hostility and couldn't really feel a sense of awe.

"Ah, it's so boring. But the boring thing is not the lack of fighting - Tokiomi said he wanted to reach the source of the universal wish machine? This is simply a wish that has no meaning at all." Archer said.

"Ah, I agree with that." Although she knew that "fate" was quite interesting, it was natural that Crounpis, who didn't know what the "root" was, was not interested.

It seems to be an abyss of magic, but Crounpis, who only regards magic as a means, is more concerned about how to use magic to deter everything than the source.

(to be continued)

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